Chapter 6 - You, Suho

Welcome to the Night

Kyungsoo groggily opened his eyes. Blinking away sleep, he examined his surroundings. His eyes passed over a nightstand and a door before meeting another pair. 

"Evening, sleepyhead!" Jongin chirped. 

"Why are you so loud?" he complained. 

"Oh right. Lay drugged you with something so you'll be a little drowsy. He said to call him when you're awake. One sec."

Jongin left the room, only to return with a shorter male. Kyungsoo studied the stranger skeptically. The man stuck his hand out and he shook it. "I'm Dr. Zhang Yixing, resident healer, but you can call me Lay."

"Do Kyungsoo."

Lay nodded. "That demon bit you pretty hard. I'm keeping you here until I know it won't get infected."

"What about school?"

"Yifan has excused you for the next few days," Lay answered. "I'll be in the next room, just a holler away."

Jongin took Lay's departure as an opportunity to speak. "So, I'm guessing you'll be going home after this?" 

Kyungsoo shook his head. "Not until you answer some questions for me."

"Okay. Shoot."

"What the just happened?"

Jongin groaned. "Seriously, this is not my division."

"Then who's division is it? I want to know why the there is a huge- bite mark in my arm!"

"Give me a second, I'll call Suho and Taemin in."

"Tell them to hurry their asses up."

"Why are you swearing so much?" Jongin frowned. 

"Because I'm ing angry!"

"Really? I couldn't tell."

"Don't use that sarcastic tone with me! I'm your hyung! Is this how you treat your elders? You little head, I'm going to- Mmf!"

Kyungsoo's eyes locked with Jongin's, glaring as if trying to bore a hole in his skull. Jongin didn't budge and kept his hand firmly pressed to the elder's mouth. 

"Mmm mm!"

"What was that?" Jongin smirked. A cold, wet thing swiped over his palm. "Gross!" he yelped. 

"I said, I will you!" 

"Disgusting," he muttered, wiping the saliva on Kyungsoo's pants. 

"Kinda like you, ."

"Ooh," a voice sounded from the doorway. "Would you like some ice for that burn?"

Jongin gritted his teeth and turned around. "Hi Taemin, Suho. Would you like to explain to this son of a why he's in this ward?"

"Of course." The unfamiliar man, assumingly Suho, pushed his glasses up to prevent them from slipping. "Now, that thing you saw? That's a demon."

"I could've figured that out myself," Kyungsoo mumbled. 

Suho chuckled. "Impatient, are we? Well, the demons are working under a man known as the demon lord. We are currently engaged in a war with him."

"Right, got that. What exactly do these demons do?"

The bespectacled boy's eyes glazed over. "The demons. Terrifius shiftus. Known for their excessive knowledge of weaponry and fighting techniques. Blood is made up of seriopherus and telifion platelets. Can take the form of a human as necessary for camouflage. Also-"

"Woah, can you take the form of a human?" Kyungsoo interrupted. Jongin and Taemin burst out laughing. Suho looked hurt. "Seriously man, I'm smart but not that smart. I have no idea what the you just said."

"Basically they're just big scary monsters. They're ing terrifying," Jongin summed up between giggles. "They can turn into humans. They work for the bad guys."

"Tell me about the demon lord," Kyungsoo demanded once Jongin and Taemin had calmed down. 

"He's human, as far as we know. No one knows his identity. He uses the demons to convey his messages," Jongin answered. 

"What's he trying to do?"

"He is convinced that world domination is the ultimate goal and that we are the only people who stand in his way," Suho responded. 


"Too complicated for you? Let me dumb it down just a little," he remarked snidely. "Bad guy want to kill us."

" you!" Kyungsoo snapped. "Taemin, kindly explain why I was targeted."

Taemin smiled, a very odd look on him. "Too put it nicely, you were being a complete moron."

" you, too! Jongin?"

"He's right," said boy sighed. "You didn't listen and you kept trying to get away. You're also the one destined to kill the demon lord. You should've let us handle it." 

"Well I'm sorry! I didn't want to get eaten!"

"Oh they don't eat people, just-" 

"No one asked you, nerd!" Kyungsoo shouted. Jongin tried (and failed) to suppress a snort.

"That's it!" Suho shrieked. "I am sick and tired of you people treating me like trash! After everything I do, keep records, do your bloody research, work out finances! And you!" he turned to Kyungsoo. "I just met you! Why do you find it necessary to treat me like this!"

"Suho-" Taemin began. 

"No! I'm leaving!" He stormed towards the hallway. 

"Well, Kyungsoo, you may not be good at fighting but you're pretty damn good at making people hate you," Jongin laughed. 


"Suho! Just the man I was looking for!"

"L-lay!" Suho stuttered, a blush rising to his cheeks. His face displayed the first smile Kyungsoo had ever seen on him. "Why did you need me?"

Lay grinned. "Victoria-noona and I are going on a date tonight. Could you watch Kyungsoo for me?"

Suho's face fell. "Why me?"

"I trust you."

"Okay," Suho complied reluctantly. 

"Great! Call me if there's an emergency."

Suho turned back to face the others with a sour expression on his face. "Looks like I'm stuck here while Yixing's out with that stupid nurse girlfriend of his."

"Good, you can suffer with me." Taemin rolled his eyes. "And you know Lay doesn't like being called Yixing."

"You don't have to stay," Kyungsoo said. 

"I go where Kai goes and I doubt he'll leave."

Jongin nodded. "That's right. I won't leave until I get a definitive answer from you. You joining or not?"

Kyungsoo said nothing. "I'll take that as a no then. Come on, Taeminnie."

"Wait!" Kyungsoo cried. "I'll join."

Jongin's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really?"

"Really. I want to be able to fight back if I get targeted again."

"Great! That's wonderful! Wait 'til Kris hears this!"

The room fell silent, only for the silence to be broken by Suho. "Well, if I'm going to be here all night I better get a coffee. Jongin, Taemin, you watch him. I'll bring you some too."

"I want-"

"I know, Jongin, two sugars and lots of creamer."


"Black, like your soul, Taemin."

"Um, can I have-"

Suho cut Kyungsoo off. "One creamer, one sugar?"

Kyungsoo gaped at him. "How'd you know?"

"I observe things, a hobby you ought to pick up, Jongin."


Suho chuckled. "I'll be right back."

He began walking towards the door. "Suho?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Yeah?" he responded, facing the injured boy. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I was just a little frustrated and I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Suho nodded in acknowledgement and continued walking. "And Suho?"


Kyungsoo offered him a small smile. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you and Lay make an adorable couple."

A/N: Looks like Kyungsoo has met Suho and they're not getting along too well. Also, I know I'll get objections to straight Lay but don't worry. He won't be that way for long ;)

On another note, it's almost 3 a.m. and I'm pretty sure I have carpal tunnel from typing on my phone for the past couple hours. You have no idea how many times I typed Guxing instead of Yixing. I should probably sleep. Meeeh, sleep is for the weak. 

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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!