Chapter 1 - TaeKai and the Sleep-Interrupting Kris

Welcome to the Night

A sharp knock at the door woke up the sleepy boy in the bed. Kai rubbed his eyes groggily and shook the mop of red hair next to him.


"Taeminnie," he whispered. "Wake up."


The other male groaned and rolled over. “I’m sleepy,” Taemin mumbled. “Don’t bug me.”


“Get up. Kris is here and you’re not exactly decent.”


Taemin shot up and his eyes widened. “. I’m ing ,” he cursed.


“Yeah, so am I,” Kai replied. “So get dressed.”


The two boys quickly stuffed their bodies into boxers before Kai answered the door. “What’s up, Kris?” he greeted, rubbing his head in an attempt to fix his obvious -hair.


Kris rolled his eyes. “You idiots don’t have to pretend. The whole dorm knows what you do every night.”


“Not every night,” Taemin muttered defensively from the bed.


“Sure. I don’t even know why you get separate beds. You always sleep in Kai’s anyway,” Kris chuckled. Taemin whispered something back, probably just mocking Kris’s words.


Kai grinned. “Busted, Tae. Guess we don’t have to be quiet anymore since they already know.”


“Please don’t!” Luhan yelled from down the hall.


“Yes, please don’t,” Kris agreed. “Now hurry up. There’s a team meeting and we’ll start without you if you’re not there in fifteen minutes.”


Kris left, slamming the door. Kai grabbed Taemin’s hand and dragged him off towards the bathroom. He quickly stripped himself of his boxers and the shower. He and Taemin both plunged their bodies under the stream of warm water. Kai wrapped his arms around his friend, burying his nose in his red hair and inhaling deeply.


“You smell like me,” he laughed. “Not a bad thing at all.”


Taemin giggled and grabbed the soap. He turned around and pressed a chaste kiss to Kai’s lips, lathering soap all over the younger’s chest. They continued like this, washing each other and kissing and touching. (“Kai, stop! You’ll get me hard again!”)


When they finally got out, the mirror was completely fogged over. “Well,” Kai remarked, wiggling his eyebrows, “this is certainly a steamy situation.”


Ba-dum tss,” Taemin commented dryly. “Now come on, before Kris yells at us again.”


They dressed quickly and ran to the meeting room. “Nice to see you, Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dumber,” Sehun laughed. “Or should I say, Tweedle-top and Tweedle-bottom.”


Taemin blushed furiously, cheeks almost the color of his hair. “That’s right, we all know the bottom sings the loudest. Luhannie here is proof of that.”


“Hey!” Luhan protested, smacking his boyfriend’s arm.


“When you dimwits are done making ual jokes.” Kris tapped his nose impatiently.


Said ‘dimwits’ immediately quieted. “First order of business, Kai’s encounter with a demon on Saturday,” Kris began.


Kai, taking his cue, stood up. “Right. I was walking here and a demon disguised as a little girl tried to lead me to its master. It said it was looking for its brother.”


Suho, the team’s secretary, leaned forward, intrigued. “That’s not the best part,” Kai grinned. “It said it was looking for Do Kyungsoo. Isn’t that the kid we’re looking for?”


Kris nodded in approval. “That’s him. Speaking of which, we need to recruit him. I believe Luhan has a plan?”


Luhan stood next to Kris, looking like a dwarf next to the team’s leader. “Kyungsoo attends SM High School. We’ll need some undercover agents to get close to him. That’s where you come in, Kai.”

A/N: I was being a stupid author and I totally forgot to post on AFF. Whatever I put on Wattpad will be put on here. Thank you to my five new subscribers! You are all lovely humans and I hope I don't disappoint you.

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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!