Chapter 4 - Kim Jongin has a Freaking Ferrari

Welcome to the Night

A/N: Updated a little later than I would've liked. Sorry guys. I've just been dealing with a lot of lately and it's not getting any better. Btw, anyone got a cure for a suntan? Well, hope you like the chapter. Enjoy!



"And then he kissed my hand," Kyungsoo finished. 


"That's so cute!" Baekhyun squealed. "I wonder if he'll ask you out."


Kyungsoo shook his head. "No way. Anyway, I'll say no. He's a jerk."


"And you got all that from one conversation?"




Baekhyun flopped back on his bed, exhausted from the school day. "At least someone likes you. Channie doesn't have any feelings for me."


His doe-eyed friend smiled softly. "I'm sure he does, Baek. He just doesn't realize it."


"Yeah right," Baekhyun snorted. 




"Hey babe."


Kyungsoo groaned and faced away from the owner of the voice. "Not you again."


He could practically feel Jongin's smirk. An arm wrapped itself around his waist and a pair of lips pressed against his neck. "Jongin, get off me," he muttered. 


"Mm, why should I?" Kai whispered huskily. 


Kyungsoo wriggled out of his grasp and shoved him away. "Because I don't like being violated."


"Honey, it's not violation if it's consensual."


"Does this look consensual?"


"You seem to like it."


Kyungsoo ignored Jongin's comment and focused his attention on Tao and his new obsession with their teacher. 


"Babe?" Kai asked. He got no response. 


"Baby, look at me." Still nothing. 


"Fine, be that way," he huffed, turning to his work. 




At the end of class, Kyungsoo's path to the cafeteria was blocked by an angry-looking Kim Jongin. 


"Don't ignore me, Kyungsoo," he growled. Kyungsoo did just that and attempted to push past him. 


"No!" Jongin shouted. The shorter male scanned the room, desperate to find Mr. Wu. Jongin slammed the door and locked it, shoving Kyungsoo into a desk. 


"What the hell!" Kyungsoo shouted. 


"What'll it take for you to quit ignoring me?" 


"What'll it take for you to quit bugging me?" came the retort. 


"A date."


"Hell no!"


"Then I guess I'll bug you."


Kyungsoo groaned in frustration. He weighed his options carefully. "Fine," he sighed. "A date it is. But only one."


Jongin's eyes glittered with excitement. "Come on, I'll take you back to my place."




The ride to Jongin's house was uneventful, other than the fact that Kyungsoo's jaw was wide open the whole time. Jongin had a Ferrari. A freaking Ferrari!


"Where the hell do you get all this money from?" he gasped. 


Jongin shrugged. "Work."


"What the hell do you do?"


"I told you, I kill demons. Plus my family's pretty rich."


He said it so nonchalantly Kyungsoo almost missed the key words. "Wait, you weren't kidding about being a demon killer?"




Kyungsoo fell silent, only to let out a scream when they reached Jongin's home. "Are you kidding me? This is a freaking mansion!"


Jongin grinned and grabbed his hand. "Come on, let's go meet my family."


Kyungsoo was pulled through the doorway, only to be met with a grand staircase and an extremely pretty girl. 


He stared in wonder at her lilac boy cut and sparkly eyes. The girl waved, and he tentatively waved back. "Is that your sister? She's so pretty," he murmured. 


"She's a he," Jongin whispered. "Watch out, it's a touchy subject."


"Hi!" the boy called. "I'm Luhan. You must be Kyungsoo."


"Uh, hi. Are you Jongin's brother?"


"Jongin, huh?" Luhan chuckled. 


"Hyung," Jongin whined. "Don't embarrass me."


Luhan laughed. "No, I'm not his brother. Biologically, at least. Now I assume you two want to head up to Kai, sorry, Jongin's room and ."




"Sorry, couldn't help it."


Jongin clutched Kyungsoo's arm and dragged him up the stairs. "Use protection!" Luhan called. 


Jongin stomped up to a door, mumbling about his stupid hyung and stupid everything. He opened the door with a flourish. "Here we are," he grinned. 


Kyungsoo took it all in, the ornate rug, the pale gold walls, the two beds. Two? "Who's your roommate?" he asked. 


"His name's Lee Taemin and he's right there," Jongin answered, pointing at a door in the room where a red-headed boy was exiting. He wore nothing but a shirt, far too big and obviously Jongin's. His long bangs did nothing to cover his red and puffy eyes. He stared at Kyungsoo, shock written all over his face. 


"So he's real, this Do Kyungsoo," he whispered shakily. 


"Hi. I'm guessing you're Taemin," Kyungsoo responded, not quite sure what to say. 

A tear leaked from Taemin's eye. He spun on his heel and ran into the bathroom, though not before yelling, "Kim Jongin, how could you?"

Thanks to my lovely new subscribers!

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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!