Chapter 2 - New, Flirtatious People

Welcome to the Night

"Kyungsoo! Baek!"


The two boys turned around. "Hey, Chanyeol," Kyungsoo smiled.


Chanyeol grabbed Kyungsoo's shoulders and grinned, a sparkle in his eyes. "Wanna go to the movies with me after school?" he asked. "You too, Baek."


"Sure," Baekhyun replied, staring up at Chanyeol with admiration in his gaze. "I'd love to."


"We can't," Kyungsoo reminded him. "Choir practice."


"Aw," Chanyeol pouted.


"Sorry. Tomorrow?"


"Definitely," he giggled.


"Guys!" someone shouted, running up to the trio.


"What's up, Tao?" Kyungsoo greeted.


"New teacher! He's hot!" panted an out-of-breath Tao.


The bell chose that moment to ring, sending all the students scurrying to their classrooms and seats. The principal was at the head of the class when Kyungsoo and his friends walked in.


"Good morning," he announced. "As you all probably know, Mrs. Jo has decided to retire early." He didn't seem too happy about that. "Meaning your class gets a new teacher. Please welcome Mr. Wu."


The class applauded as the tall, handsome man standing with the principal waved. "I'm Mr. Wu. I just moved here from China."


"Oh ," Tao whispered. "His voice is so deep."


"That being said, I'm not the only new member of your class."


At that moment, a boy ran into the room yelling, "So sorry I'm late, sir! I had to get my schedule from the off- Kris?"


The boy stared at the teacher with a strange look on his face, as if he recognized the older man. Mr. Wu looked startled for a moment but quickly composed himself. "I believe you are mistaking me for someone else. My name is Yifan. Are you Kim Jongin?"


"Um, yeah."


"Great. Who's the class president?" Mr. Wu asked.


Kyungsoo raised his hand. "That would be me, sir."




"Do Kyungsoo."


"Right. Go sit next to Do Kyungsoo."


Kyungsoo offered the new boy a friendly wave. The boy, Jongin, smirked back at him and took a seat. “Hey,” he whispered.


“Hi,” Kyungsoo chirped. “I’m Kyungsoo and I’m the class president. Do you want me to show you the school at lunch?”


“Sure, if it gets me a date with you.”


Kyungsoo groaned. Seriously, did these guys have nothing better to do? Every kid he had ever met flirted with him and when he asked why, they always said it was because he was cute. “Never mind,” he muttered. “I think you’ll do fine on your own.”


Jongin shrugged. “Whatever you say, President.”


Kyungsoo ignored him and continued with his work. They worked in silence until the bell rang.


“Mr. Kim, please stay behind,” Mr. Wu called. Jongin worked his way through the maze of desks to the front of the room. Kyungsoo stayed behind, packing his bag and eavesdropping on their conversation.


“Kai, you need to be more careful,” Mr. Wu’s voice filtered into Kyungsoo’s ears. Kai?


“I’m sorry,” Jongin replied. "I just didn't think you would be teaching this class."


"It's fine. Also, I hope you know there's a meeting tonight at eight. So you and your 'Taeminnie' have a few hours to get off."


Kyungsoo peeked over the desk to see Jongin's reaction. The tanned boy was blushing furiously. "Kris!" Jongin whined. "I already said sorry about that!"


For what? Getting off with this 'Taeminnie' person? Why would Mr. Wu care about that?


"It's fine," the teacher chuckled. "Now go to class."


Jongin obeyed and walked out. He turned around at the last second. "Speaking of being careful, you should've checked if the room was empty before you called me 'Kai'. You can come out now, Kyungsoo."


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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!