Special Chapter

Hold Me Tight

Special Chapter: Hoseok's side of previous chapters


Between Chapter 3-4...

Ahri leaves with Seokjin, his hand casually on the small of her back as he politely gestures to the door. Hoseok chews his bottom lip as he sits in the corner, somewhat uneasy by the sight.

"Don't try anything!" Jungkook teases before waving them off. Their comeback is cut off as he shuts the door.

Hoseok sits up, confused now. Thinking back on the day, Seokjin did seem to pay special attention to her. Jimin chuckles and nudges Taehyung, telling him their youngest was growing up. Gradually the noise amongst the group decreases as they get ready for bed.

Hoseok stays seated in deep thought, trying to piece things together. He furrows his brows and frowns.

"Everything okay?"

He looks up to find Namjoon worriedly looking down at him. He purses his lips and debates whether or not he should ask the question bothering him. He swallows. "What's Jin's relationship like with Ahri?" he asks hesitantly, "Does he always drive her home?"

The deed seemed too ordinary between the two. The minute Ahri announced that she would be leaving, Seokjin got up and said he'd drive her. She didn't reject the offer or even look awkward about it. Hoseok had confirmed with her that they were dating before so how could she so easily get into another man's car?

Namjoon lifts a brow. It's quiet now that everyone has retreated to their rooms. "It's just become a sort of habbit," he explains, "Since you still don't know how to drive."

Hoseok frowns. Embarassed to ask more, he doesn't look directly in his teammate's eyes. "How do they know each other?"

Namjoon laughs, "Through you," he replies, "Don't worry they are all just friends."

"You too?"

Namjoon's expression faulters. "We have a long history," his eyes look cold and his expression takes a moment to restore itself. When it partially does, he pats Hoseok's shoulder and tells him to get some rest. "You have to take care of your health," he says before entering his room.

A crease forms between Hoseok's brows as he attempts to make meaning of the glitch in Namjoon. He also begins to wonder why Seokjin is taking so long.




Chapter 4...

Early morning practice was schedualed the following day. Hoseok was becoming familiar with some of the choreographies but still struggling to remember all his lines. Prior to practice they all had breakfast together.

"What time did you get back last night?" Yoongi asks sheepishly as Seokjin takes a seat next to him.

He squints and thinks for a moment. Hoseok blanks out before he can hear the answer, still puzzling over Namjoon. He wanted to ask more but felt like he would get similarly vague answers.

Jimin scowls at Seokjin and instantly pulls out his phone and begins texting. Taehyung takes a peak over his shoulder and does the same. Jungkook takes a seat opposite the two and asks what they are doing, they looked like they were in a competition.

"I need to check if Ahri is alright!" Jimin says in determination. As a reply Taehyung lets out a loud battle cry and punches in dozens of exclaimation marks in his message.

Hoseok looks around and sees Namjoon do the same. He frowns. There's something he's hiding and he's wondering if it's the obvious dramatic reason. But now, seeing everyone's phones out he feels uneaay and wonders--

"Where's my phone?" Hoseok asks.

They all lift their heads from either their devices or food. The members look at each other in thought. Several shrug.

"We'll find it," Seokjin shrugs before continuing to eat.

Throughout the morning Hoseok notices Namjoon calling and checking his mobile. It makes him uneasy how comfortable the girl was with everyone and how everyone could just as comfortably contact her whenever they wanted. It made him feel no better when Namjoon was the first Ahri called. 'Why him?'




Between Chapter 4-5...

Namjoon returns and reluctantly hands Hoseok the phone upon returning to the practice room. Jin turns off the music, the members' panting seems to intoxicate the air.

Hoseok analyses the unfamiliar device, turning it in his hand. He doesn't remember having a phone like this. "Where was it?" he asks still unsure whether it really is his. He only discovers its out of battery after pressing every button and switch.

"Ahri's?" Yoongi confirms with Namjoon who nods in reply. Yoongi's eyes flicker between Namjoon, Hoseok and the door. "Everything okay?" he asks.

The other members sit or lie on the ground, drinking water or catching their breath. They silently monitor the conversation.

Namjoon hums and nods as he unscrews a bottle of water. He brings it to his lips and lifts a brow, gazing back at Hoseok who is already eyeing him. Namjoon swallows and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "What?"

Hoseok is frowning but hesitates to speak. He taps the phone to his palm. "It won't turn on," he utters. It wasn't what was burdening him but it would be foolish to start a drama.

Noticing the slight tension, Yoongi scratches his head and takes the phone. He then pulls Hoseok by the arm and guides him over to a power socket. He crouches over and plugs the device into the wall.

"Thanks," Hoseok says.

Yoongi pats him on the back, his expression explaining more than enough. Nonetheless he leans towards him and whispers, "Namjoon--" he glances over Hoseok's shoulder then lowers his voice further, "He's having a tough time watching Ahri be hurt." Yoongi then takes a step back and gives Hoseok's shoulder a firm squeeze, "Take care of her." He purses his lips and nods, leaving Hoseok to connect the remaining dots.




Between Chapter 4-5...

After Hoseok's phone finished charging, he decided to learn, or relearn, how to use it.

Hoseok finds the 'on' button and is greeted by his lockscreen photo. The photo is of Ahri and himself. He examines it with unfamiliarity, strange since he supposedly took the photo. If he hadn't known it was himself in the photo he would think they were a close couple by the way they held each other. He's kissing her brow— the expression she makes is foreign, one that he hasn't seen her wear. For a moment he feels pity for her but later finds it so odd how the device seemed to know more about them then he did. 'Will I get to see her make that expression?' he wonders as he stares at the lock screen. It blacks out.

Hoseok's eyes widen, wondering if it had already lost battery. He hastily turns it back on, smiling to himself when the lockscreen reappears. Tentatively, he follows the 'slide to unlock' instruction only to meet a dead end.

"Enter lockode?" he reads aloud.

He his head to the side and tries four consecutive zeroes. Incorrect. He frowns and tries his birthday and Bangtan's debut date, his older sister's birthday, parents' birthdays, members' birthdays, pets' adoption days and several number combinations he commonly uses. He furrows his brows as the device continues to reject the codes and only stops after his phone locks for an hour.

"What could it be?" he grumbles. 

He later asks the members if they have any clue to which most of them suggested he ask Ahri.

"You two knew eachother's passwords," Taehyung explains.




Between Chapter 6-7...

It's almost midnight when Ahri leaves. Seokjin drives her again but Hoseok is more concerned with Namjoon now. There was obviously some tension between them and by now the truth couldn't be denied.

Hoseok sighs as he lies down in bed. It's silent as all the members ease into sleep. Seokjin had arrived a little while ago, Hoseok realised this when he heard the door unlock itself and the lights from outside .

Thinking through his conversation with Ahri earlier, and the way he grabbed her arm and called her name. Hoseok cringes and kicks his blanket, embarrassed for doing such a dramatic thing.

"Why did I say that?" he mutters into the darkness. His roommates stir and he immediately closes his mouth again. He continues to fight the urge to make any large actions or noises. He tightens his jaw and grips his blanket, continuously rolling around as he rethinks the day.

Suddenly, Hoseok sits up. He frantically feels the bed until he finds his phone. He squints as the screen turns on, blinding him with an instant burst of light. He pauses for a moment to look at the lockscreen.

'She said it was okay to keep it...' he reasons before swiping to the lockcode. He taps in her date of birth, 1-3-0-5.

"The thirteenth of May?" he murmurs unconsciously, "That's soon..."

Hoseok feels the pace of his heartbeat speed up when he looks down at the wallpaper. He covers his mouth and lightly fans himself, unsure whether he could leave the wallpaper as a picture of Ahri. He felt slightly uncomfortable about it but at the same time... the feeling was hard for him to describe.

'Would it be weird if I message her now?' he wonders. He convinces himself to wait till morning since he doesn't want to disturb her at this hour. Still, he feels impatient and looks forward to morning. He presses his lips together to stop them from smiling.

Hoseok swipes the screen, unfamiliar with a touch phone. He reads the small icons called 'apps,' as he later learns. He finds the 'photos' icon and stops his investigation.

He hesitantly clicks the button and is immediately welcomed by thousands of photos. He swiftly scrolls through them, noticing many were of Ahri, but recognizing none of the memories. He furrows his brows, suddenly realising how many things have happened and much how many things he can't remember— and how much he must have really adored Ahri.

Hoseok flicks through hundreds of photos of them together and her alone. Some are selcas, some he or someone else took and others are candids. He notices he even has jacket and photoshoot images of her saved as well as fantaken photos. He then recalls being told by the other member's she was also an idol when he asked about her.

After finishing all the photos he finds that the phone conveniently has internet. He swallows nervously before typing Ahri's name in the search engine, if she was an idol the internet should know something too.

Hoseok groans, "I've turned into a stalker..."




Chapter 7...

Hoseok anxiously stares at the contact on his phone, in a dilemma whether or not to message the girl. Her contact photo is a half-candid shot as if the photo had suddenly been taken after calling her name. He taps his foot then begins to pace the bedroom, his eyes latched on the screen. This was the first thing he did when he got up early that morning and it's what he's been doing for the past half an hour.

Finally, he sits down on his bed and courageously types in a message. "Delete, delete, delete!" he yells loudly the moment he types it in.

"Is everything okay?!" Jimin yells from outside the room.

"Yes!" Hoseok yells back.


He can tell the uncertainty in 's voice. He turns his attention back to his cellphone:

'Good morning!!!'

He stops and shakes his head. "Do I sound too excited?" he mutterd and erases the exclaimation points. He hums in thought as he tries again:

'Good morning, it's Hoseok ^^ '

He scrunches his nose and deletes the smiley face, thinking it made him look immature. "I need a reason to message her though..." he mutters to himself. Hence he adds:

'Good morning, it's Hoseok. Did you sleep well?'

"Is that too dull?" he grumbles as he reads and rereads the message. He adds a heart at the end but almost pees himself and deletes it straight away. He wonders whether he should introduce himself differently or introduce himself at all, mention her name as well, start with 'hello' instead of 'good morning,' or maybe he should add an emoticon?

After about ten minutes of contemplating, Hoseok finally sends the message. He grasps the mobile in his hands and stares at it. He holds his breath and taps his foot impatiently. He becomes disappointed when a minute passes by. He exhales loudly and scratches the back of his head.

"She must be busy," he reasons, "or still asleep—" He then regrets sending the txt first thing in the morning. 'What if I woke her up?'


"What's wrong?" Jimin asks, patting Hoseok's back. They had been sitting at the breakfast table for only a few minutes but he was continuously checking his phone.

"He's waiting for Ahri to reply," Yoongi says indiffierently before taking a spoonful of cereal. The members 'ah' knowingly and continue eating.

Hoseok purses his lips, "Do you know what time she usually wakes up?"

The members lift their brows at the odd question. "Don't worry, she always sleeps in during breaks," Namjoon says without looking up.

Yoongi laughs, "It's true!"

"I think your habbits rubbed off on her," Taehyung snickers to Yoongi to which he scowls at him and tells him to just eat his food.

The edges of Hoseok's lips tighten, "What's that supposed to mean?"

The members stare at him for a moment before Yoongi bursts out laughing. He leans over the table and slaps Hoseok's shoulder. "Ah! You're jealous!" he teases and punches his side. He wipes an eye after his share of laughter and assures Hoseok that him and Ahri were just friends.

"She's like a little sister," he explains.



A/N: As I said earlier, this is to celebrate 50+ subs and show how thankful I am to you guys

sorry if this is a little confusing... they're just short cuts of Hoseok's side of the story throughout the chapters. You might need to refer to some of the chapters to refresh yourself... I did... and I realised...

Ahri hasn't returned Hoseok's jacket from Chapter 3!!!  щ( ゚ Д ゚ щ) ;;;


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Chapter 9: omg we're the same xD getting anxious and takes like ten minutes before messaging someone i just met xD
Chapter 29: okay but I cant shut up. For the last time, I just hope you know I love you and this fic. I just love it so much. I appreciate your work so much hope you never stop writing <3
Chapter 29: ohmygosh im not yet ready i have to calm down and try to ease myself up. im still hung over with the feels I had here. I mightve forgot to say something... did I say that I loved how you wrote BTS' characters here? Bc so far, yours seemed a lot more realistic and closer to their personalities than with any fic I've read. and I love it so much im so glad you exist and this fic exists. Haha ;-; anywways imma stop blabbering i'll go to the sequel now (internally: aAAAAHHHH I STILL CANT GET OVER HOW HAPPY I AM ANYWAYS HERE I GO)
Chapter 29: oh my god. I read this within just one day. I dont know where to start...what to say... I just love it. you don't know how many times I actually frickin cried. (when my fam saw me red-eyed and teary-eyed and all, I was just a bit thankful I am kinda sick today with my colds too so I had an excuse for it! haha) Starting from the first chap, it already freakin hurt me in all ways possible. YO and I have to just say I freakin love your writing. This is like MY KIND of fanfic that I've been finding for so long and now I've found it! Thank you for writing about Hoseok, I really him, and I'm sooo happy you wrote his character so well, as well as the other BTS members. Ohmygod everythings just perfect the way it is I enjoyed this rollercoaster of emotions. Thank you. All the best x I hope you keep writing authornim!

makeupyourmind #6
Chapter 27: this was lovely :) my fav character was Namjoon. he was so sweet T___T
Fakkof96 #7
i am your 200th subscriber's author-nim xD
Qian_B1A4 #9
Sabitaheartskpop97 #10
Chapter 28: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! What a lovely surprise :D I can’t wait!!!!!! <3