Chapter 10

Hold Me Tight

Chapter 10: Horror Movies


I somehow made it through the wait. I started my regular routine again—a healthy diet and exercise in addition to dance and vocal practice by myself despite it being a break. I also brought myself up to finally update my members, family and friends on the situation after putting it off for so long. It would be a lie to say I don’t worry anymore but I’ve been just trying to look positively on it. It does tap the back of my mind though. Messaging Hoseok has become a tad bit more casual again, I don’t have to fuss for ten minutes for each text.

‘Should I pick you up at 4:00pm today?’

My eyes widen as I check my phone. I bite my lips to pull myself away from grinning. I smile anyway.

‘Yep sounds good! Do you know my address?’

It doesn’t take him a minute to reply.

‘No, I think I remember where. See you at 4 :) ’

I hold my breath. Then let it out. I check my phone’s clock—11:03am 13 May. 'I wonder if he knows that today is—?'

My thoughts come to a sudden halt.

“Four o’clock?” I utter, “It’ll be too late for lunch and too early for dinner,” I mutter to myself. I suddenly feel anxious. ‘I wonder what he's planning…’


Hoseok appears fifteen minutes early and fortunately I’m already fully dressed. I contemplated for a good half an hour on what outfit to wear. Not knowing what the plans were and Hoseok not budging to give a hint, it was difficult to decide.

I stand by the door in a clean blouse and shorts, safely between formal and casual. Similarly he’s in a button up and shorts. We smile shyly at each other for a moment and share a quiet bliss.

“Are you ready?” he asks, gesturing outside.

I nod. “You make it sound like you can drive,” I tease as I lock the door behind me.

He chuckles and apologizes, “Don’t worry it isn’t far,” he assures me.


We’re caught up in a conversation about a television show before I gradually start to realise how familiar the route we’re going is.

“Isn’t this—” I interrupt as he eagerly talks about his favourite scene. He pauses and hums, lifting a brow. A knowing smile begins to grow on his face.

We reach our apartment block.

“I was told we used to go often,” he says with a hint of excitement, “I thought it’d be a good idea.”

We make our way to the elevators. Being with him like this feels so comfortable, in a place we used to go so often. I feel a shard of bitterness pierce me and my lips curls slightly. Used to. And it’s only familiar to me, right? I hug my elbows as my chest begins to twist.

He leans over and presses the elevator button. He catches a glimpse of my expression and his face drops. “You’re not disappointed are you?” he murmurs.

I look up at him, probably with a tinge of pain still in my eyes.

“Is it uncomfortable?” his mouth drops and he looks frantically around us, “Were the guys joking? This isn’t our apartment—? Yes? No? I’m not trying to-to that!!

My eyes widen as he begins to frantically try and explain himself.

“Should we go to a nice restaurant? We can go somewhere else—”

A laugh suddenly escapes my pursed lips. His tension gradually fades and a smile once again graces his features.

“I’m sorry,” I smile weakly, getting a hold of myself.

The elevator suddenly rings and welcomes us in. Hoseok ushers me in, a hand gently on my back. “Are you okay?” he asks gently as we enter.

I tug on a smile and nod. “Don’t worry about it.”

He still looks worried but lets me off. He takes his hand off my back and comfortingly squeezes my hand.

I purse my lips. It’s warm.

His grip is gentle yet comfortable and he doesn’t let go even as we walk the halls to our apartment.  


Hoseok unlocks the door, reaches out and switches on the lights, then gestures me to enter first.  

“You cleaned a bit?” I ask as I look around. I’m suddenly embarrassed remembering the state I left it in.

“Yeah,” he chuckles as he places the keys in a bowl on the table.

I decide to immediately change the topic before he says how much of a pig sty it was. “So what should we do?” I ask as I clap my hands together.

He points at the television then rushes to it. I watch him curiously as he flicks through a pile of CDs I don’t remember having. I take a seat on the couch as he readies a film without telling me what it is. He’s prepared bags of chips on the table and I reach out to open one.

He looks over his shoulder then gives me a somewhat nervous smile as the screen turns on and the thematic music plays.

“Should we keep the lights on?” he asks.

I glance at the screen, “But we’re watching a movie?”

He scratches his neck then skips over to turn off the lights before taking a seat next to me. I offer him the chips, he takes his time grabbing some as if to elongate the amount of time his cheek faces the screen.

Suddenly I hear creeping suspense music play and cautiously turn to the Hoseok.

“What are we watching?” I whisper.

He looks at me and I think I can see his eyes quivering. “A horror movie marathon,” he replies, the fear already evident in his eyes.

I blink. There’s a sudden a piercing shriek. I flinch. Hoseok screams and throws the bag of chips over our heads.

I jump off the couch. “W-why horror?!” I squeal as I frantically search for the remote control. The volume’s so loud that I swear we’re living the film.

“Jungkook said you—WOAH!” he jolts as a face flickers on screen.

My heartbeat is now louder than the film but not as loud as Hoseok gibbering screams. I find the remote just as he finds the light switch.

Light and silence breaks our sweat. We’re both breathing heavily. Our shaking eyes gradually find one another’s. We wear the same expression and burst out laughing.


Once we’ve finally settled down and chosen a nice feel-good movie to bring us back, Hoseok explains that Jungkook swore I loved horror movies when he asked for suggestions.

“Don’t listen to him! I hate them!” I tell him.

“Good,” he snorts, “I thought I’d die.”

There’s a silence between us as we watch the movie yet all I'm thinking is how he would have forced himself to watch horror for me. He must be extremely relieved he doesn't have to. Most people would persevere through it to see the other's reaction but that isn't possible for either of us.

“Hey,” Hoseok whispers.

I glance up at him and hum.

“If the guys ask, say we watched all of it,” he mumbles, “and don’t say I was scared.”

“Don’t say I was either. Deal?”

“Deal,” Hoseok laughs and sinks back more into his seat. I can feel his eyes flicker my way. I purse my lips to keep myself from blushing. Slowly I feel his arm around my shoulders.

I glimpse up at him and accidentally knock eyes. He quickly averts his gaze. I shuffle slightly closer but not too close. He squeezes my shoulders. ‘It’s comfortable.’


After a moment, Hoseok begins to search his pocket for something. I lean off him slightly but his other arm doesn’t move from my shoulders. He pulls out his phone. I stare at him blankly.

“Let’s take a photo,” he stutters.

By now, neither of us is paying attention to the movie. I smile and shuffle closer to him again. He holds his phone with the hand of the arm around my shoulders and we both look up at it. Our eyes glance at each other’s images.

“Oh wait,” he stops and, bringing his phone down, searches through his pockets again. I watch curiously. He pulls out a small red pouch from a pocket and hesitantly hands it to me.

“Happy birthday,” he says softly, smiling sweetly.

My eyes widen and I sit up in my seat as I accept the gift. “Wait, how’d you know?” I say in utter shock.

“1-3-0-5,” he recites. “My lock code is your birthday, right?” he smiles proudly, “and it’s easy to check the internet for your birthday,” he adds.

I laugh, "You didn't change it?" when he shakes his head I feel slighly embarrassed. “Thank you,” I murmur.

He smiles and points at the pouch in my hands, “You haven’t even opened it yet.”

“Can I?”

He nods.

I eagerly untie the bow and carefully pull out a delicate rose gold chain. Once I take the whole necklace out I realise there’s three tiny hearts.

I look at Hoseok in disbelief. “It’s beautiful…” I say in absolute awe.

He smiles and offers to put it on. I turn around and pull my hair over my shoulder. His slender fingers lightly graze my nape as he fiddles with the lock.

“Thank you,” I say again as I adjust how the dainty hearts sit in the hollow of my collar.

“It suits you,” he says in a tender tone, smiling gently. His tone then brightens up as he pulls out his phone again.

Hoseok casually wraps an arm around my waist, so close that I'm leaning in the nook of his neck, as we stare up at the camera.

“Say cheese!” he says as he takes the photo. We take several before gradually settling back down.

I wasn’t ever able to settle back down and kept peeking glimpses at him as he enjoyed the movie. ‘What did I do to deserve you a second time?’


We’re back at my doorstep before nine, we had ordered take out and comfortably ate like any other day. Hoseok then generously sliced me some cake which he had hidden in the fridge and ruined my diet just like that.

“Thank you for today,” I say as we share the light above my door, “and thank you for the gift again.” I repeat as I fidget with the little hearts.

Hoseok smiles and nods his head, “You’re welcome.”

There’s a pause as we gaze at each other than the ground, both evidently unwilling to move.

“Well!” he sighs into the night air. He swiftly leans in and timidly pecks my forehead, “Happy birthday,” he says hastily before turning around and trotting off.

I stand in the light of my doorstep a little longer, slightly surprised even though it technically wasn’t the first. I bite my bottom lip and smile at his silhouette before heading inside.  

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Chapter 9: omg we're the same xD getting anxious and takes like ten minutes before messaging someone i just met xD
Chapter 29: okay but I cant shut up. For the last time, I just hope you know I love you and this fic. I just love it so much. I appreciate your work so much hope you never stop writing <3
Chapter 29: ohmygosh im not yet ready i have to calm down and try to ease myself up. im still hung over with the feels I had here. I mightve forgot to say something... did I say that I loved how you wrote BTS' characters here? Bc so far, yours seemed a lot more realistic and closer to their personalities than with any fic I've read. and I love it so much im so glad you exist and this fic exists. Haha ;-; anywways imma stop blabbering i'll go to the sequel now (internally: aAAAAHHHH I STILL CANT GET OVER HOW HAPPY I AM ANYWAYS HERE I GO)
Chapter 29: oh my god. I read this within just one day. I dont know where to start...what to say... I just love it. you don't know how many times I actually frickin cried. (when my fam saw me red-eyed and teary-eyed and all, I was just a bit thankful I am kinda sick today with my colds too so I had an excuse for it! haha) Starting from the first chap, it already freakin hurt me in all ways possible. YO and I have to just say I freakin love your writing. This is like MY KIND of fanfic that I've been finding for so long and now I've found it! Thank you for writing about Hoseok, I really him, and I'm sooo happy you wrote his character so well, as well as the other BTS members. Ohmygod everythings just perfect the way it is I enjoyed this rollercoaster of emotions. Thank you. All the best x I hope you keep writing authornim!

makeupyourmind #6
Chapter 27: this was lovely :) my fav character was Namjoon. he was so sweet T___T
Fakkof96 #7
i am your 200th subscriber's author-nim xD
Qian_B1A4 #9
Sabitaheartskpop97 #10
Chapter 28: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! What a lovely surprise :D I can’t wait!!!!!! <3