IX - Hospital

Can't Say
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Wow I updated after so many months, wow. Too many things happened and I lost motivation to write but never mind me. Please enjoy~ ^^

Taekwoon woke up drowsy – his head still fuzzy from just waking up. He slowly scans his surrounding and realized he’s not in his own room or his own house in that matter. There are a few other people besides him in the room, each on their own bed either sleeping or watching TV. He looked at his own hand and found a needle attached to an IV drip hanging above him. ‘This must be the hospital’ he thought. He remembered seeing Hakyeon before he out so he scans the room but there are no signs of the said person. ‘Maybe he’s outside.’ He still feels a little weak but managed to push himself up after a little struggle. He took a deep breath and proceeded to turn his body so as to dangle his feet off the bed but before he could move further, he heard the ward curtain closed.

“I see you’re awake. Do you need some help?”

Taekwoon look up to see Minhyuk standing by the edge of his bed. He opened his mouth to ask where Hakyeon is but his throat felt dry and no words left his mouth. He tried swallowing his saliva but it was so painful he ended up choking. Minhyuk was quick to his aid, patting his back and handing him a glass of water. When Taekwoon finally calmed down, he mumbled a soft thanks to Minhyuk.

“If you’re wondering where Hakyeon is, he’s in the cafeteria buying lunch and possibly your favourite latte but the doctor clearly said you’re not supposed to drink anything other than water. Also, the hospital provides you lunch so why does he have to buy? He better buy me something nice to eat too.” Taekwoon just continues to listen to Minhyuk’s blabbering. “You’ve been here for 2 days and he had skipped school for 2 days which is so unlike him.”

“I had been here for 2 days?” Takewoon asks, genuinely surprised. It felt like only a few hours had passed.

“You didn’t know? You fainted the moment you opened the door when we came to visit and Hakyeon started panicking because you were burning hot. We brought you straight to the hospital. The doctor said you have some acute fever or something I don’t really remember but there’s no potential harm.” Minhyuk shrugged.

Taekwoon had to let the information sink in. He thought it was just some mild fever that will go away after few days of rest.

“Say… what were you doing at my house the other day anyway?” Minhyuk suddenly asks which made Taekwoon look up. “I knew you weren’t there to pay me a visit seeing how you were hiding at the stairs and came in without permission.”

Taekwoon gulped. ‘How did he know? Did I get caught?’  He was certain he hid himself very well and was being as quiet as possible. There was no way that-

His thought got cut halfway when Minhyuk continued, sitting down by his foot on the bed. “I saw your shoes at the door.”

Taekwoon mentally face palmed. He was so used to taking off shoes at the door that it never crossed his mind.

“Old habits die hard ey.” Minhyuk giggled. Taekwoon looked at him confused. Wasn’t he supposed to question him or something? Taekwoon felt a little uneasy suddenly. “I know why you were there.” That statement made Taekwoon wide eyed.

Minhyuk casually stretched his arms out and proceeded to lie himself down on the bed, legs still dangling off the side causing Taekwoon to retract his legs from being squashed. “You’re worried about Hakyeon.”

“I’m sorry.” Taekwoon blurted out. He didn’t know why he said that but he just felt like it was the right thing to say.

Minhyuk turned his body to face Taekwoon. “It’s okay. It’s nothing to be sorry about. You’re just worried, I understand.” He turned his body to face the ceiling again. “Hakyeon is lucky to have you and I’m really happy for him.  At least he’ll be in good care when I’m no longer around. ”

“What do you mean no longer around?  Are you going somewhere?” Taekwoon questioned, clearly confused.

Minhyuk sat up abruptly and it made Taekwoon flinched. He reached up to take in Taekwoon’s hand and said in a serious manner. “Please take good care of Hakyeon for me. I know you overheard the conversation the other day. I know what I’m getting into but I don’t exactly have a choice. Just promise me that you’ll take care of him, hm?”

The solemn look on Minhyuk’s face made Taekwoon nod automatically. ‘Does Hakyeon know that Minhyuk is going to be leaving? Should I tell him?’ Taekwoon have so many thoughts running inside his head.

“Please don’t tell Hakyeon though.” Minhyuk said suddenly as if reading the latter’s mind. “He’ll do whatever he can to make me stay or help me get out of whatever trouble I’m in. It’s such a Hakyeon thing to do, that’s why I don’t want him to know.”

“But he’ll be upset if you don’t tell him.” Taekwoon countered. “He might resent you forever.”

“Let him be. It’s okay even if he hates me as long as he’s safe and happy with you.“ Minhyuk smiles sadly. “I’m really grateful to have known him and you too, Taekwoon.” Minhyuk smiles sadly. “I’m sorry our friendship can’t last longer. I wish the two of you well.”

“Can I…” Taekwoon hesitates, he doesn’t know if he should ask.


“Can I at least keep in touch with you? Through chat messages or email whichever is okay with you. ”


Honestly, Taekwoon don’t know why either. He just felt like he has to. “I don’t know. To keep you updated?”

Minhyuk laughs. “Thanks for the offer Taekwoon but you really don’t have to. I trust you and I trust Hakyeon. You guys will be just fine without me. Hakyeon might be upset for a few days but he gives up really fast if there’s no result in his findings so you don’t have to worry. Just be careful not to anger him further otherwise I cannot guarantee if you’ll be physical injured.”

“But…” he got cut off when he heard the ward curtain being pulled open.

“Oh my God, Taekwoon you’re awake!” Taekwoon felt himself being pulled into a tight hug the moment his eyes met Hakyeon. “How long have you been awake?” Without waiting for Taekwoon to answer he turned to Minhyuk who’s still sitting at the edge of the bed. “And why didn’t you tell me?! You’re supposed to inform me immediately, remember?” Hakyeon huffed and harshly neck-chopped Minhyuk.

“Owww… that hurts!” It doesn’t really hurt but

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I'm still thinking on how to go about the next chapter. Should I stay on the same timeline or should I skip?


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hazyras #1
Chapter 9: I wonder what offer did Dr Seo told Taekwoon:( sounds as if he wants Taekwoon to breakup with Hakyeon or smthng shyt ._. Neo is just too cute >_<
dontworryandcomeback #2
Chapter 9: I remembered reading this story some day but for some reason I didn't subscribe to it or something like that, but I found it ^_^ yay~
90sLineLover #3
Chapter 9: Why does everyone have to have a secret...first Minhyuk then Hakyeon and now Taekwoon..this story is killing me with curiousity.
Chapter 8: I'm a new reader~ and super excited for the next update
Chapter 7: Please update soon❤
joanna20 #6
Chapter 7: Ty for updating! ^^
Chapter 6: Yesss, i love it~ I hope Minhyuk is alright though T^T
Please update soon~
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 5: can't wait your next update author-nim, this story is very interesting
joanna20 #9
Chapter 6: Minhyuk ah r u in abusive situation? Hope to hear frm u soon. :-D
Chapter 2: Wait what minhyuk is this? Monsta x minhyuk? Loving the story btw