
Beautiful Addiction
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For those who are not familiar with Jun Matsumoto, I provided a picture of him for you to at least know him or maybe some of you knew him already, by seeing the picture maybe will make you realize that you watched him in a drama or movie already but I still share the most popular characters he played in Japanese Drama. He played Sawada Shin in Gokusen 1 and Domyogi Tsukasa in Hana Yori Dango. He is the youngest member of Arashi.




"Daijoubu? (Are you alright?)" Jun oppa asked me in soft gaze after Yonghwa walk out from us. Jun oppa rounded his arm on my shoulder and pulled me to place a gently kiss on my forehead.

"Oppa can we go home?" As I wrap my hands around his waist, hugged him tightly and place my head on his chest. I need this, I need the warm comfort of his hug to relief my anxiety and guilt that running through my system for what happened awhile ago.

"Of course, honey.." Jun oppa cup my jaw as he fondle his thumb on my cheek.

"I'll just let halmeoni know your not feeling well and we're leaving" a gentle smile traces his face. Assuring every thing will be alright.

"Superman, could you stay here with mom and watch over her while I'm looking for halmeoni? Can you do that?"

"Of course I can do that papa, I'll stay with mom and protect her" Hyunjae stood straight and raise his right hand to salute which made me giggled for my son's antic.




"Aren't you happy?" I look at Jun oppa's direction seeing him grinning while driving. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"I'm happy that you were here, finally"

"Juhyun we just separate for a week, did you really miss me that much huh?" He winked at me playfully.

"Oppa look straight to the road" I cut his playfulness.

"But a week is too long for me most specially for Hyunjae, he misses you so much." I glanced at the sleeping form of my son at the back.

"I miss him too, I miss both of you that's why I rushed that project plan and fly right away here."

"When are you going back to Japan?"

"In 2 weeks"

"Hyunjae will miss you"

"He needs to get used to it. Now is different Juhyun, halmeoni and harabeoji needs you here. They're getting old, Seo Corporation needs it's heiress."

"I don't know oppa if I'm capable of running the business" I look down, feeling hopeless as I felt Jun oppa stops at the red light.

"Who said that you aren't capable?" I look at him and saw the smile of encouragement.

"The Juhyun I know is always doing her best. You graduated with flying colors and not everyone could get a master degree" as he disarray my hair like he always do every time I talk silly things.

"How I wish I could have a mind like yours" I maybe graduated in college with honors and got a Master degree but Jun oppa's achievements couldn't compare with mine. He always at the top since he entered school. He graduated Suma Laude in Tokyo University in his double degree and took his Master Degree in Business in London. At age of 23 he was pointed as the CEO of the JE group of companies and at the same time he was still taking his second degree. He runs the business and studying all at the same time. That's how great he is. JE group of companies is one of the prestigious companies across Asia and known internationally.

"You are intelligent, I always say that and you have me. I'll help you so don't worry"

"Why don't you just take over the Seo Corp.? That would be daebak" I delightedly smiled at him.

"Dame! (No!) And what? Giving me another headache? No Juhyun, no way!" I chuckled while looking at him declining strongly the idea.

"But oppa with the mind of yours I believe Seo Corp will be in good hands and will soon be line up with JE in the business world" I still trying my luck on convincing him.

"No need for that, JE group is more than enough for me and besides Seo Corp is doing well in business. With your management I know you'll push Seo Corp. standards higher. I agree that harabeoji and halmeoni let you come home. Isn't it's time to come back home? you haven't even step foot in South Korea for 5 years"

"I have a happy life in Japan with Hyunjae and you"

"But there are responsibilities to take and you can't refuse." I pouted my lips as what he said is true.

"Aren't you happy?" I look at him again as he asked me again.

"Did I gave you my reply on that?"

"Actually that's not what I'm talking about Juhyun" he chuckled playfully.

"Then what?" I was baffled by his question.

"Aren't you happy seeing your idol again?" I was taken a back with Jun oppa's question.

"I'm actually not expecting to meet him" I answered in normal tone. Trying hard to hide my worries.

"You should be delighted that you met him at the party. Fan girls feel that way"

"I'm done with that since the day I left Korea"

"But still you are a big fan of his at least you feel happy about it."

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widifishy #1
Chapter 2: I still waiting this story, please update masternim 🥹
citra838 #2
Chapter 10: Update soon please Authornim......
citra838 #3
Chapter 9: Update soon please Authornim....please please please
Chapter 10: this one's is a favorite. a story that stuck to my mind.
CoreZone_69 #5
Chapter 2: Please. Kindly update......please its a nice story
chichiba #6
Chapter 10: I hate it when there is no next button to clickO.O. The story is so good authornim please update and finish this story:)
mohw08 #7
Chapter 10: Hi authornim please update this story please :)))
Please update soon
It's been awhile since you update your story
I really miss your story authornim^^
Chapter 10: update... please )-;
Please update soon