Movement 7

Rebel Heart
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I paused for a second, considering running away as fast as I could, before I sighed and my heel. Running away wouldn't solve my problems. I expected the person calling after me to be Chanyeol or even Chen, but to my surprise, it was Sehun. 

"Ah...just..wait...minute," he gasped, resting his hands on his knees. 

"Sehun, I've only walked, like, ten yards away. It can't have been too difficult a run."

"I'm not...used to running at all, the morning," he said. "Exercise is too much work."

He can say that again. I waited until he was breathing normally to ask him what was up.

"Um," he started, looking down at his feet as his ears turned red. "Can I walk you home?"

Oh wow. I did not see that coming. "Yeah, I guess."

"Good. Let's go."

We walked in awkward silence, barely even looking at each other. I stared at the sky, noticing the way the clouds threw shade over us, and at the buildings we passed, trying to get familiar with the neighborhood I would be living in. Occasionally, I would catch Sehun staring at me out of the corner of my eye. He cleared his throat a lot, making me think he wanted to say something, but then he would shove his hands into his pockets and look away. Honestly, he's the most confusing person I've ever met. First, he threw up on me, then he ignored me, and THEN he laughed with me and asked to walk me home, and now he's playing the silent type again. I just really do not understand boys. 

Finally, after a few secret glances and various coughs, we arrived at my apartment. 

"Well, um, thanks for walking me home," I said, pulling out my eye. "I guess I'll see you on Mon-"

"I am very sorry about this morning!" Sehun bowed deeply to me. "I didn't mean to throw up all over you and then not help you clean it!"

"Sehun, really. It's okay-"

"No, it's not. It's really humiliating and I'm sorry I couldn't look at you in the eyes today. I was so..embarrassed," he exclaimed, turning redder and redder by the minute. "I'm really sorry."

"It's seriously fine," I smiled up at him and caught his eyes. "Everybody does things they're embarrassed of. I wouldn't have blamed you anyway. It's not like you could control yourself last night."

"I was worried you would be mad, but you were so nice today even though I ignored you. Thanks for that, and thanks for helping me and the other guys out last night. It was really kind of you to do that," he said, giving me a shy smile.

"You're welcome, Sehun. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, Mina," he said, and left.

I waited until I was fully inside, door locked, before I squealed. Embarrassed Sehun was so cute! 




I spent the rest of the day resting and relaxing around the house. Sunday morning, I woke up and decided to start cleaning up the apartment. I dusted down the TV and furniture, wiped the counters, scrubbed the bathroom, and folded up the blankets the guys had used earlier. I even washed the sheets on the bed so they wouldn't smell like drunk people. I wanted everything to be done so that I could focus on school next week without worrying about anything else. 

After that, I went to get groceries from the store. This time, there weren't any screaming girls or cute boys to pick out my bread for me. I was busy putting the milk away when the doorbell rang.

That's weird. I don't remember anyone saying that they'd come over today.  I tried to look through the peephole on the door to see who it was, but even on my tiptoes I was too short to see anything. Hesitantly, I opened the door.


"Ah! Mina-ssi?" he said, his smooth jaw dropping. Even he looked confused. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, opening the door a little bit. "I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but I figured I'd never see you again." 

"I live down the hall a ways. When the landlord told me that another student was moving in here, I decided to come and introduce myself. To my surprise, it ended up being you!" he let out a little laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with him, since he looked so fluffy and all. 

"I brought a basket of stuff for you, as a housewarming present," he continued, holding up a basket I hadn't even seen before. "Here you go."

He held out the basket and I grabbed it, expecting it to be light since he was so at ease carrying it, but it was the heaviest thing I had lifted all week. The basket fell like a deadweight to the floor, my arm almost tearing out of it's socket as my hand was still attached to the handle.

"Oh my god, what is in here?" I raised my eyebrows, attempting to drag the basket to no avail. It remained stationary on the floor. 

"I didn't know what all you would like or have, so I got a little bit of everything. There's some spices like cinnamon and oleander in there, and some really fancy foaming handsoap that my mom recommended, a couple different types of cleaning supplies, I think I packed various types of shampoos in there, some of my favorite types of candy, a gallon of water since it's important to stay hydrated, and some paper plates and plastic forks and spoons. There's other stuff in there, but I can't remember everything now," he said, grinning happily at me. 

"Thank you so much, Kyungsoo-ssi! Is there any bread?" I joked, trying to go for a lighthearted tone. His smiled widened.

"Not this time. I can go to the store again if you want, though."

"No, no, that's okay! Thanks to you, the bread I have now is perfect."

"Can I help you bring that in? I didn't realize it was so heavy," he asked. I nodded, opening the door all the way and stepping inside. Hey, he brought me free stuff. It's not like he's going to kill me or anything if I let him inside once. Before I could close the door behind him, I heard a loud voice shriek my name. 


Oh no. I raced to close the door but a large foot wedged itself inside before I could get to it. Kyungsoo, who was lifting the basket onto the counter with ease, stopped what he was doing and put a concerned hand on my back. He gave me a look like "what the heck is going on", and I closed my eyes and shook my head. 

"I MISSED YOU, MINA!" Chanyeol wrapped his arms around me and squeezed, almost lifting me off the floor. 

"I am not a ragdoll, Chanyeol."

"What did you do all day? I wanted to see you again yesterday but Suho hyung said you would be tired and needed to rest. So then I tried to come over earlier today but no one answered the door!" Oops. That was probably my fault. I had been blasting music all day and hadn't heard anything. 

"Just hanging out. I had to clean up so I wouldn't have to do it later this week."

"You're so smart, Mina. So handy. I wish I had your brains so that I could think ahead like you do," he said, patting my head fondly. I kicked at him and he scuttled away. Kyungsoo watched our exchange with a quiet demeanor, his arms folded across his chest.

"You're laying it on a little thick, aren't

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even the intro chapters are interesting :o
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 3: I'm guessing we're still in the introductory phase of the story, and I love it so far! I like how the relationship of the characters is slowly building through the conversations they have. It doesn't feel rushed. Keep it up! Cheers!
PhoebeOHNO #3
Chapter 2: I love her mom, so hip snd cool haha And I love the fact that her mom is registered as 'Birthgiver' in her phone. It adds texture to the character's personality
Chapter 1: her mom is hiarious lol