Movement 4

Rebel Heart
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True to his word, I heard a knock after exactly ten minutes. 

"Are you the girl who took in my three friends?" an attractive guy about my age was at the door. He was wearing a nice white button down and khaki slacks. I thought he would be a older than me since he had that whole "guardian and protector" thing going on, but nope. His reddish brown hair was styled immaculately even though it was way too early in the morning to even think about hair products and his skin was really clear, like a model's. He honestly looked like a politician or something. I self-consciously patted my tangled and messy hair and straightened my pajamas. 

"Yes. You must be Suho-ssi. My name is Choi Mina," I said formally to him, and bowed. He just seemed so put together and different than what I thought (which was a sloppy idiot like his friends.) He looked surprised but bowed back.

"I am Kim Junmyeon, actually, but all my friends call me Suho!" he smiled at me, showing pearly white teeth. He looked so handsome for a moment that I could only stare, mesmerized by him. After a few seconds, I remembered myself and smiled tentively back. 

"Ah, sorry, Junmyeon-ssi. Chanyeol-ssi called you Suho, so I thought that was your name. Excuse me," I bowed again without really knowing why. I think it was the aura of importance he put out. I had never met anyone as compelling as he was, especially not someone my age! Was this god really the same person I spoke with on the phone, the one who threatened me like a child?!?

"Oh, no! It's okay! Please, call me Suho. You took care of my stupid friends, so you're automatically my friend now," Suho smiled at me again. I quickly looked away before he could stupify me again and moved aside so he could come in. 

"Okay S-Suho-ssi, your friends are this way," I stuttered, blushing when I messed up his name. I don't know why, but letting the name that he only let people close to him call him roll off my lips made me embarrassed. He must have felt a little awkward as well since his ears turned red.

"Thanks," he muttered, looking at the ground. Did I offend him somehow? 

I didn't have time to think about what I might have done because the minute he saw Chen laying all over my couch, he went into monster mode.

"YAH! CHEN! What are you doing on Mina-ssi's couch, huh? Do you think you are entitled to just barge in her house and take up all her room so that she can't relax anywhere? You don't even fit on the couch! Your legs are hanging off the side. You look really silly like that, you know!" Suho's face turned bright red and he started pushing Chen off the couch to wake him up. Where was the refined, elegant man from before? This was closer to the guy I pictured on the phone. 

"Hyung, you're here~" Chen, bleary eyed and now struggling on the ground, called out fondly.

"Don't hyung me! And where is the giant and the maknae, huh?" Suho stood coolly with his arms crossed over Chen's body. Someone should tell him that he's not in a drama and it's weird that he poses like he is. Not me, though. I don't want to die.

"The cute girl's bed," Chen was now wincing, clutching his head like he was in pain. It's probably the hangover. Not wanting to witness anymore yelling, I went and got him a glass of water and some medicine that I take when my muscles hurt from dancing too much. I guess it'll make a headache go away too, although I've never used it for headaches.

"Do you even know her name? Wait, seriously? You don't know her name? Oh, God. Why am I stuck with you people? And did you say her bed? Did those children seriously take up a girl's bed? Let me guess. They don't know her name either. Oh my God. Oh my GOD. What will I do with you? Do I need to get DO to hit you again?" When I came back, Suho was still yelling at Chen. I feel pretty bad for him. He looks awful, and Suho keeps yelling at him. I should intervene before Suho has an aneurysm.

"Excuse me, Suho-ssi, but it's really okay. It was annoying at first, but now that they've been here awhile, it's not so bad. I'm just glad that they came to me instead of some psycho. Here you go, Chen-ssi. Take this. It'll make you feel better," I passed the glass and medicine to Chen, who accepted them gratefully. Now that he wasn't drunk, he was actually pretty nice. He took all of Suho's yelling like a champ, head down and hands in his lap. There was still that glint of mischief in his eyes, though, that told me he was a prankster.

"Mina-ssi, are you sure? I can punish him, you know," Suho told me all worriedly. It was kind of cute.

"It's fine. My bedroom is through here. It has the rest of the boys in it, if you want get them up," I went over and sat on the couch next to Chen. There was no way I was going in there while Suho yelled at S

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even the intro chapters are interesting :o
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 3: I'm guessing we're still in the introductory phase of the story, and I love it so far! I like how the relationship of the characters is slowly building through the conversations they have. It doesn't feel rushed. Keep it up! Cheers!
PhoebeOHNO #3
Chapter 2: I love her mom, so hip snd cool haha And I love the fact that her mom is registered as 'Birthgiver' in her phone. It adds texture to the character's personality
Chapter 1: her mom is hiarious lol