Movement 6

Rebel Heart
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"Tell me who you are and no one will get hurt."

What the hell? Am I being threatened? That is so rude. Before I could think about it, I grabbed the hand that was covering my eyes and slammed it down, knocking over my blueberry muffin in the process. I held onto my assailant and twisted his arm so that his back was up close and personal with the table. To my surprise, it wasn't anyone creepy or threatening in any way. In fact, it was just a really pretty boy.

"I was just kidding, I swear!" the boy rasped, struggling in my grip. "I thought it would be funny to scare you!"

"Luhan hyung?" Chanyeol asked, tilting his head to the side. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in China."

"Wait, you know this guy?" I released the guy, who must be Luhan, and stood up to bow. "Excuse me, Luhan-ssi. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just thought you were a ert or something."

"It's okay. I probably shouldn't have done that," Luhan gave a well meaning shrug and smiled brightly at me. "It's nice to meet you."

I didn't really know how to react to him. First he scares the absolute crap out of me, then when I almost break his arm, he forgives me immediately and smiles like nothing happened. Well, this is a weird group of people. Of course they would know a strange guy like Luhan. I glanced at Sehun, who suddenly looked a little bit sick. Well, sick wasn't quite the right word. He looked shocked. It must be the hangover. I should make sure he eats all his breakfast so he doesn't get sick again. 

"It's nice to meet you, too, Luhan-ssi. I'm Mina," I said, sitting back down and straightening out my food. Wait, where's my muffin? I swear it was right here.

"Call me Luhan. You dropped the formalities with my friends, so drop them with me," Luhan shoved Chen and Chanyeol into the wall to make room to sit. "So how was your summer guys?"

"After all of that, I still have to be smushed," Chen muttered, staring at the ceiling. 

"What was that?"

"Nothing, hyung."

It's official. My muffin was not on the table. I nudged Suho.

"Hmm?" he hummed, looking down at me. Our faces were inches away from each other. Normally, I'd move away and blush, but there was a muffin missing. 

"Can you bend down and look on the floor for a muffin? I think I may have dropped my mine."

"Yeah, sure thing," Suho bent down and reached under the table. A moment later, he emerged holding half a muffin with a hair on it and lots of crumbs.

"Oh man," I pouted and took the mess from him. "Thanks for getting it."

"Did that happen because of me? I'm so sorry. Let me buy you a new one," Luhan went to stand but I put a hand up to stop him.

"It's fine. It was my fault. I shouldn't have reacted like that. My mom trained me to always act first and think later when she gave me self defense lessons," I sighed and wrapped the remains of my breakfast in a napkin. I'd throw it away later.

"Is that a blueberry muffin?" Chen suddenly screeched. "You said you didn't like blueberries!" 

"I would never say I didn't like a food."

"Then why wouldn't you share one with me?" Chen glared at me from across the table. "Is it because you wanted to share it with Suho hyung?" 

"What are you talking about, Chen?" Is this boy deluded? Why would he ask that?

"You and hyung have been flirting with each other since we left your house! And you keep looking at him," Chen let out a huff of air and looked away. "Forget it. I'm just upset because Chanyeol keeps touching my leg."

"I can't help it! I am a big guy in a small guy's world."

"We can share something another time, okay?" I say, trying to pacify Chen. Maybe he's mad because I'm not paying enough attention to him. I didn't peg him as the attention seeking type, but I have to keep reminding myself that I haven't known these boys that long. I keep thinking that we've been friends for awhile, when the reality is is that I've only known them a few hours. They're strangers at worst and pleasant acquaintances at best. I guess it's because they act so comfortable around me that I feel this way, like we've been friends since the dawn of time.

"Really?" Chen grinned and put his elbows on the table. "I'll hold you to that."

"Damn. You guys are like a TV show," Luhan spoke up from his precarious spot on the corner. "I wish I had popcorn."

"How did you even know we were here?" Suho asked. I was wondering that too, actually. 

"Oh! It was Sehun. He wanted to hang out today, but when he suddenly changed his mind, I knew something had to be up. So I used that GPS app that Chen secretly installed on everyone's phones to find you guys and bam! Here I am!" Luhan was as cheerful as a sunflower, even though the things he was saying were really shocking. 

"Hyung! You said it would be a secret!" Chen groaned and messed up his hair. "Now they'll know it's me when I try to prank them!"

"We already knew it was you!" Suho said angrily, making as if to jump at Chen. He glanced at me and then sat back down, arranging his shirt neatly. "I mean, it always ends up being you after we do a serious and mature investigation into the pranks. Like the parade of water balloons over our lunch table." 

"Yeah, that was a good day," Chen said dreamily, looking off into the distance. 

"Good day? We all got soaked!"

"Stop stressing, hyung, and lighten up. That was so five months ago."

"It was last week!" Chanyeol piped up. "I remember because I had to get my hat dry cleaned and I picked it up yesterday!"

"Stop trying to get me in trouble, you hat-obsessed freak!" Chen elbowed Chanyeol hard in the stomach, and suddenly Chen, Chanyeol, and Suho were fighting at once.

While they were arguing about Chen's pranks, I took the time to observe the newcomer, Luhan. He really was a beautiful guy, with milky skin that could rival Sehun's and a charming smile that could melt any girl's heart. His brown eyes twinkled like stars, and his fingers were long with smooth fingernails. He actually reminded me of that Baekhyun guy I met yesterday in that way. I looked down for a minute to take a sip of my coffee, and when I looked back up I caught him studying me like I did him. Our eyes met, and we did that awkward acknowledgement nod people do when they've been caught checking each other out and know that the other person was checking them out. Luhan gave me a little smirk and waggled his pretty fingers at me. Shyly, I looked away.

Luhan has really sparkly eyes, like a deer caught in the headlights. Wait. Deer! Luhan must be Doehan, the person Sehun was texting. What a unique screen name. But then again, I call my mother BirthGiver so it's not like I have any room to talk. 

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I put fake cockroach in your shower! I'm sorry I dumped water on you! I'm sorry I told the rest of the guys that you were scared of the color yellow so that they made fun of you! Now can we please get over it?" Chen slammed his hand on the table and everyone went quiet. 

"Did Chen just apologize?" Chanyeol whispered. Or at least he tried to. Chanyeol is so loud that his whispers sound like a normal speaking voice. 

"I think we all should just take a minute and breath. Everyone is getting pretty worked up. Now, Chen apologized for pranking us, and he didn't cross his fingers or anything so we know he really feels bad. Suho and Chanyeol, they were just harmless pranks, things that we've dealt with ever since we were kids. You know how he can be. So let's just forgive and forget, right? Life is too short to dwell on things too much," Luhan said, as serene as a yogi. Immediately, everyone relaxed and calmed down. 

"I'm sorry I got so worked up. I guess it all just came out at one time. I shouldn't have yelled at you," Suho hung his head down. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

"And I'm sorry I hit you. Hats are really important to me, and I never told you I was upset that you messed it up. I'm sorry I used my glorious muscles to hurt you instead of help you. It was wrong," Chanyeol added, his eyes full of regret. 

"I'm sorry I did those things to you. I never exactly know when to quit sometimes. Bros?" Chen put his hand on the middle of the table and Chanyeol and Suho put theirs on top of his.

"Bros," they added, and everyone smiled at each other. I leaned over toward Sehun.

"I'm not sure what I just witnessed, but I feel like it belongs in a romantic comedy," I whispered (actually whispered, not Chanyeol-whispered) to Sehun, who still hadn't said anything. To my surprise, instead of shying away or hiding his face like he's been doing since we got to the cafe, he actually laughed at my joke.

"Just wait until you see them make up after a real fight. There's flowers and candy and everything," he whispered back to me. We laughed together and watched as Chanyeol gave Chen a big hug and they promised never to fight again.

"So Mina. How do you know my friends? Not as a girlfriend, right?" Luhan asked me, interrupting Sehun and I's giggling fit. "I'm sure they would've told me if they started dating someone."

"Mina and I are neighbors now! I slept in her bed and everything!" Chanyeol stated proudly, ending his cooing session with Chen. 

"Don't say things people will misunderstand! Chen, Chanyeol, and Sehun were locked out of Chanyeol's apartment and asked if they could stay in mine until their friend brought another key," I said, leaving out the part about the boys being drunk. I figured that part should be kept under wraps. "Suho came to collect them, and then we all went to get breakfast. You know the rest, I guess."

"Is that all?" Luhan blew a raspberry and tilted his head at me. "That's the entire story?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Then why does Chen smell like girly soap and Chanyeol have eyes redder than a monkey's ?"

Uh oh. I looked over at Suho for help, and he immediately sprang to action.

"What Mina didn't mention was that those three had more than one drink last night and came barging into her apartment early this morning. Sehun even threw up on her, but she still took them in and helped them sober up. She really saved their butts," Suho praised me. I looked down, cheeks red.

"I didn't do anything but let them crash with me for awhile and give them medicine to make their headaches go away."

"Wait, Sehunnie was drunk?" Luhan gave Sehun a sharp look and furrowed his eyebrows. "Is it true?"

Sehun gave one nod and looked down at his food, scared. I put my hand on his forearm to comfort him. I know the exact feeling he must have, thinking someone close to him was disappointed in him. My mom gave me the same look whenever I came home with a bad grade. Luhan and Sehun must have a really good hyung-dongsaeng relationship, one where Luhan mentors Sehun and teaches him good behavior and-

"You partied without me?" Luhan pouted. "I thought we promi

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even the intro chapters are interesting :o
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 3: I'm guessing we're still in the introductory phase of the story, and I love it so far! I like how the relationship of the characters is slowly building through the conversations they have. It doesn't feel rushed. Keep it up! Cheers!
PhoebeOHNO #3
Chapter 2: I love her mom, so hip snd cool haha And I love the fact that her mom is registered as 'Birthgiver' in her phone. It adds texture to the character's personality
Chapter 1: her mom is hiarious lol