Movement 3

Rebel Heart
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What in the world is that horrible noise? Why is it interrupting my beauty sleep? I'm only average looking so I need all the help I can get. I'll just pull my sheets over my head and ignore it.


Seriously, if this person does not cease this racket I will slap somebody. 


I am a lady. I am calm, collected, suave, and-

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT 4:00 AM ON A SATURDAY MORNING, HUH? I AM NOT AFRAID TO END YOUR LIFE!" I roar, ripping off my warm covers and stomping outside to where the noise persists. Lady or not, I will fight anyone who messes with my sleep. 

Three boys are standing in my front entryway. Well, standing is a relative term. It's more like leaning hapzardly over each other and sprawled across the entire hallway like they own the place. One of them is continously pounding on my door. He doesn't seem to realize that it's open and he keeps banging it like there's no tomorrow, occasionally giggling and flopping his arms around. 

Eyes wide, I stare at the view in front of me. A really tall, smiley guy with crimped brown hair is in the middle of the bunch, and my gaze goes straight to him due to his height. His ears slightly protrude from his face, giving the impression that he looks like Yoda. He'd be handsome, except his eyes look really weird from the squinty face he's making. His mouth is hanging wide open, like Pacman, and his teeth are really white. How does he keep them so clean? Pondering that, I look to the guy on his right. He's tall as well, and has similar brown hair to the Pacman guy. Only, the similarities end there. This guy looks very serious and manly, a complete 360 change from the first guy. His skin is whiter than my own, almost translucent, and his neck is really long. That's probably a weird thing to notice in a guy, but he's seriously swan-like. He's wearing a sleeveless hoodie, so there's nothing stopping me from looking at his toned arms and chiseled biceps. Quickly, I drag my eyes from his perfect body to the last guy, the one who keeps kicking my door. He hasn't stopped laughing since I yanked open the door. His lips curl like a cats when he smiles, which is attractive in and of itself. No, in addition to pretty lips, he has the best bone structure I've ever seen in a guy. His chiseled jaw could rival Adonis and his cheek bones are sharp enough to slice my finger. Not that I would want to smooth my hand across his beautiful skin, looking deeply into his warm brown eyes and-

"WAHHH, HELLO NEIGHBOR!" Pacman yells in a deep voice that totally does not match his baby face. I get a big whiff of alcohol as the guy leans in close to my face, and I immediately cringe.

Oh my god. These idiots are absolutely wasted. 

I can see it now that I'm looking for it. Their eyes are tinged red and they all look disheveled, although they somehow manage to pull the look off. The expressionless one is hanging onto Pacman for dear life and Mr. Cat Lips is grasping onto the frame of my apartment door for balance. It was admittedly a funny sight, but I had never dealt with drunken teenagers before! My mom had gotten drunk a few times, but was never as smashed as these guys were. 

"What are you talking about?" I reply to him, carefully keeping my attention on Cat Lips as he inches his way closer and closer to my door. I don't care how hot he is. If his drunk steps foot into my apartment, I will scream and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"I'm Park *hic* Chanyeol and I live next door~ Please take care of me!" He ends his introduction with a V sign, which would be a lot more charming if he didn't stumble and fall onto the ground at the end. I thought about helping him up, seeing as how his friends were in no shape to pick up anything. Ultimately, I decided against it because it's funny watching them stumble around, trying to help up this giant.

"It's nice to meet you, Chanyeol-ssi and Chanyeol's friends, but I need to sleep so excuse me-"

"No!" Chanyeol's cry shocked me still when I attempt to close the door. "I need your HELP! Neighbor to neighbor," he giggled at me, splaying his hands out in the air like he was flying. He almost knocked over Cat Lips with his movements.

"What is it?"

"I might have uhm lost that thing you use to get into places? What is it called?" He pouted, crossing his arms as he searched for the word.

"Keys?" I supplied.

"Yeah! I lost my keys. I need you to let me and my friends stay here until hyung brings my backup! Please?" Chanyeol made puppy eyes at me. It was really cute, but my mom used aeygo enough on me to where I am certifiably immune to all forms of aeygo. 


"Please? Please let us in!" Cat Lips whined. "I'm so cold!"

Suddenly, he lunged forward and hugged me. I was so surprised that I could only stand there as Cat Lips snuggled into me. His skin really was cold, but that didn't cause the shivers that went through me when his arms wrapped around my body. I could smell his cologne even through the heady scent of alcohol. It smelled delicious. I was so out of it that I didn't even notice his face come close to mine.

"My name is Chen," he whispered into my

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even the intro chapters are interesting :o
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 3: I'm guessing we're still in the introductory phase of the story, and I love it so far! I like how the relationship of the characters is slowly building through the conversations they have. It doesn't feel rushed. Keep it up! Cheers!
PhoebeOHNO #3
Chapter 2: I love her mom, so hip snd cool haha And I love the fact that her mom is registered as 'Birthgiver' in her phone. It adds texture to the character's personality
Chapter 1: her mom is hiarious lol