Movement 2

Rebel Heart
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Sweat pours into my eyes as I drag the last desk into a row. Shaking, I fall to the ground in a lifeless heap and stare at the ceiling, wiping sticky hair off my forehead. My mind flashes back to a few weeks ago when I was staring at the ceiling of my makeshift dance studio, dreaming about how great Seoul would be and how awesome my high school life would become. 

Um, no.

I've only been at Seoul Academy for two days and they've put me to work cleaning EVERYTHING. I know I shouldn't complain since I get to go here for free and they're giving me an allowance and everything, but this is getting ridiculous! I report to the main office every morning at 7:00 AM and stay until late in the evening moving things out of storage and cleaning the classrooms. I've sprayed hundreds of windows by now, cleaned every bathroom in existence, dragged stacks of desks all the way across campus, and dusted almost every surface in the history of Things That Need Dusting. My whole body aches from the countless hours spent working.

At least one good thing came from all this. I've gotten to know my teachers and the janitors pretty well, especially my new dance instructor, Ms. Baranov. She's only 25 and was a prima ballerina in Russia before she decided to switch to teaching and came to Seoul. She knows almost every kind of dance style there is and is really funny. She knows about how I've never actually been to a real dance class before and promised to give me some extra lessons so that I'd know the warmups before school started and wouldn't look like a "zadrota." Basically, she's the best and I already sort of hero-worship her.

My phone starts to vibrate and I pull it out to find another text from my mom.


BIRTH GIVER: Wot r u doin? ;)


Ever since my mom got me my phone, she would start using text talk to "relate to me better." It was sort of weird, to be honest. I bolt up from my spot on the floor to reply to her, but I end up banging my head on a desk. 

"Ahhhh," I wince, holding my forehead in my hands. I attempt to get up, but I slip on a dust rag and fall back on my . As I sit there, in pain, I hear a chuckle from the doorway.

Startled, I spin around and see the most stunning man in the universe. He's fair and sort of short, with orangey hair and tiny pink lips that my eyes immediately fall on (traitors!) He had on a pair of nice khakis, black converses, and a plaid shirt ed to reveal a white undershirt. He's laughing at me, and I notice that when he smiles, his mouth makes a rectangle. It's weirdly cute, but I can't let him know that because he's making fun of me. 

"What?" I pout, crossing my arms over my chest. I'm still sprawled on the floor, but I don't get up. My hurts too much.

"You are the most ungraceful girl I've ever seen!" By this time, he's cackling too hard to stand up straight and his chest is wheezing from lack of air. From laughing at me. I pout harder.

"You could've helped me up, you know! I could be seriously hurt right now! Would you be laughing if my spleen suddenly exploded and I started puking blood all over you? Yah! Stop laughing!"

Tears in his eyes, he walks over to me and offers me his hand. Long, thin fingers hang in the air between us. Somehow, even though he's wearing a ring and bracelets, his arms still look manly. He truly is a very beautiful person. Still, he made fun of me and if I forgive him now, my name isn't Choi Mina! So I ignore his hand and grab on to the desk nearest me to help me up. I shake off my clothes, glaring suspiciously at him the entire time.

"My name is Byun Baekhyun. Who are you?" he asks, retracting his hand. I squint my eyes at him even harder to show I mean business and scoot a little farther from him.

"I'm Choi Mina," I say grumpily. He smiles at me again and takes a step closer to me. I scoot back again, and he follows me. We do this a few more times until my back hits the wall and I have no where else to go. 

"Choi Mina," he repeats, and looks confused for a second. Suddenly, realization comes into his eyes. "Oh! You're the new scholarship student!"

"Yes. Are you another scholarship student?" I ask hopefully. I haven't seen any other students helping clean up the school in all my time here, but Seoul Academy is a big school. I was hoping that I was just missing them. It would be great to be friends with another student before school starts so I wouldn't be alone. I'd even forgive jerky Baekhyun if it meant I could talk to someone on the first day. "I haven't seen anyone else around these past few days and it'd be great if you were!"

"Actually my dad is the founder of Seoul Academy. He owns this place. I'm just here visiting him," Baekhyun says. The blood in my veins turns ice cold and my eyes widen.

"I am so sorry I was rude to you, Baekhyun-ssi!" I bow deeply, but since he's standing so close to me, I end up accidentally headbutting him in the stomach. Dread curls around my spine and I hide my face in my hands.

"Oh my god, oh my god. I am so, so sorry. I am a massive failure. Please don't hate me! Please don't tell your dad to kick me out of this school!" I honestly don't understand how Baekhyun can keep up with the word vomit coming out of my mouth, but he seems to understand what I'm saying.

"Hmm..." Baekhyun's eyes get this weird glint in them that looks almost like mischief before he looks at me dead in the eye. "You shouldn't have assaulted me, Mina-ssi. Now you have to do something for me."

"What?" I'm confused, but I'll do anything not to be kicked out of the Academy.

"You have to sit with me at lunch on the first day of school. Oh, and in class you have to be my seatmate!" He grins at me, and I start to wonder if I hit him hard enough to give him a concussion. I thought concussions were only caused by head wounds, but maybe God was making an exception for this weird guy Baekhyun. 

"Sit by you? Are you okay, Baekhyun-ssi?" I put the back of my hand on his forehead to make sure he doesn't have a fever, but he felt fine to me. "How do you if we even have the same class?"

"Trust me," he smirked. "We will definitely have the same class."

I gulped and twisted my hands together. It's a habit I do when I'm nervous. Baekhyun noticed, and smirked at me again. He seems to smile a lot. 

"I have to go now, but

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even the intro chapters are interesting :o
PhoebeOHNO #2
Chapter 3: I'm guessing we're still in the introductory phase of the story, and I love it so far! I like how the relationship of the characters is slowly building through the conversations they have. It doesn't feel rushed. Keep it up! Cheers!
PhoebeOHNO #3
Chapter 2: I love her mom, so hip snd cool haha And I love the fact that her mom is registered as 'Birthgiver' in her phone. It adds texture to the character's personality
Chapter 1: her mom is hiarious lol