
Hopeless Romantic

Even though Seul Mi told both herself and Soo Young that she wouldn't rely on what happens in romantic dramas to happen in her own love life, that didn't mean she would stop watching them. 

Seul Mi whimpered quietly as she watched the on screen drama happening right before her eyes. They typical cliché thing that happens in high school dramas where the lead and second lead fight over the girl, but we obviously know how it'll turn out in the end, and that's just what Seul Mi loves about these dramas. They're predictable but she likes predictable. Now she just wishes it would apply to her own life. She sat and squealed into a pillow and laughed hysterically at the main characters antics. Just then, her phone rang. 

"Hello?" she said, and her eyes were still glued to the television. 

"Hey, sis. Long time no talk?" the man on the other line said with an amused voice. Seul Mi smiled at the sound of her brothers voice especially since she hasn't heard it in a while. 

"Yah, don't complain about how we haven't talked in a long time Kim Jongin. You're the one who never answers your phone, loser."

"Okay, okay. This one is all me." he said, chuckling at their small banter. 

"So is there something you need, or did you just want to bother me to no end like you always do?" 

"Well, actually I have a favor to ask of you."

"Mhm?" Seul Mi was so immersed in what was happening on the TV that she hardly noticed what her brother was saying. 

"Do you remember Suho? My childhood best friend that you didn't exactly get along with?"


"He got kicked out of his apartment and needs a place to stay for a couple of weeks until he can find a new one. He can't stay with me because, well, you know how small my apartment is. You have your own house so maybe he can just use one of the spare rooms?" Kai said the last part with uncertainty in his voice. He was sure she would say no instantly. 

"Uh-huh, sure." Seul Mi mumbled into the phone. The drama was getting to the intense part where the second lead confesses that he likes the lead girl. 

"Really?! Wow that was unexpected. Since when did you turn into such a nice little sis? Oh and by the way he should be there in two to three hours." He said the last part quickly. 

"Yah, I've always been nice you dummy. Gotta go I'll talk to you later, bye!" Seul Mi hung up on her brother and continued watching the episode. "Wait, who did Kai say was coming over?" She thought for a second. "Oh well, it's not that big of a deal I have plenty of rooms for someone to sleep in for a while." 


 Later that day Seul Mi decided to go and take a walk around the city. She had just finished half of the episodes of the drama she was currently watching and she needed a break. She put on an outfit that made her look a little more decent in the eyes of the public instead of wearing her pjs and hair in a bun like she's had all morning. 

She walked into a small café that she was very familiar with and ordered her usual: a medium iced caramel macchiato and 2 pieces of banana walnut bread. She went on her phone while she waited and did her usual routine, with all the social media and whatnot. Her name was called and she got up and grabbed her food, thanking the barista. 

"Well, I'm not really doing anything else today, might as well sit and enjoy the atmosphere. And my phone." 

About 5 minutes passed by when someone else walked into the cafè. Seul Mi didn't notice who it was since people were coming in and out of the shop like crazy, it was always packed like this. Seul Mi began to shiver slightly and she guessed it was because the wind from the door opening and closing frequently was blowing onto her and she was only wearing a tank top. She sipped more of her caramel macchiato and continued to browse on her phone. Just then, a text came up from Kai, and Seul Mi read it out. 

"Thanks again sis for letting him stay with you for a while. I owe you one. And he should be there by now, if not he probably made a pit stop somewhere. Just let me know, okay?"

Seul Mi looked up from her phone. She didn't really know any guys that would need to have to stay over at her place. All she could think of was her guy cousins but that can't be it since they live in America. And Kai wouldn't send one of his friends here, would he? Did Kai even have friends? Oh well, I'm sure it's someone I know... Seul Mi thought to herself.

 "Woah, Seul Mi?" 

Seul Mi looked up from her phone to find a very attractive man standing in front of her. He had dark hair and an amazing jawline, not to mention his eyes... He was also wearing some black slacks and a white button up which was ed one, just enough to make her feel like she was melting. She blushed at the sight of him. He was gorgeous. 

"Uhm, h-hi? Do I know you?" she asked a little embarrassed. How did he know her name? The man looked confused as well. Then he spoke up.

"Yeah! Well, I hope you would remember me..." the man said carefully. Seul Mi was at a total blank right now. Apparently she knew who this guy was but she couldn't put her finger on it. A few more moments passed by and the man spoke up again. 

"It's me, Suho. Kai's bestfriend." Seul Mi's jaw instinctively dropped down in both shock and awe. 

"H-how......what?" she managed to breathe out. She remembers him alright. Suho was Kai's childhood best friend and apparently still is now. Suho used to bully Seul Mi when they were kids and everyone knew it was because he really didn't like her. Seul Mi didn't like him either, he was rude, arrogant, and honestly unattractive. (well that's what she thought when they were children). She stared up at Suho as he smiled down at her. Suho might be very attractive now, but that doesn't change the fact that Seul Mi despised him. Always has.

"Long time no see, huh?" Suho leaned down and gave Seul Mi a hug. 

"Yup," was all Seul Mi managed to say. After some silence and Seul Mi thinking to herself and staring down, Suho spoke up again. 

"Hey, so thanks for letting me stay at your place while I find a new place to stay. Kai told me you have some spare rooms and you wouldn't mind, but I made sure he asked you first. I promise I'll be out ASAP." He smiled. 

Seul Mi just barely processed the words that came out of his mouth. "Excuse me?" she breathed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't agree to this at all. When did Kai ever mention Suho's name? 

The barista called out Suho's name and he walked up to grab his food. "Hey I've gotta run I have a job interview in 10 minutes so I'll catch you later at your house I guess? Kai gave me your number so ill text you for the address. Thanks so much again, Seul Mi!" he beamed as he walked out of the café doors. 

"What the hell just happened?" Seul Mi said to herself, wide-eyed and still in awe.


Seul Mi picked up her phone and dialed as fast as her hands would take her. She put the phone up to her ear and waited patiently for the other end to pick up. 



"Whoa whoa whoa. What are you mad about?" 

"You failed to mention that the person staylng at my house is Suho?! First of all, why would you even consider asking me if it was a guy, and two, out of all guys, Suho?!" Seul Mi said, extremely exasperated. 

"What do you mean, I told you on the phone you dork. You just weren't paying attention, like always." 

"Ugh, you knew I was distracted that's why you asked me at that time, right??!" 

"Whaaaaaaat? What do you mean 'I knew you were distracted' I just happened to call I guess when you were distracted.....?" 

"You're lying your voice went up an octave you jerk." 

"Fine, but it's not my fault that you're easy to figure out sis, it's not hard." 

"Shut up. Take Suho back there's no way he's staying at my house." 

"Seul, he doesn't have another place to stay, it's just for a while. What's so bad with letting him stay there while he looks for another place to stay?" 

Seul Mi thought about it. There wasn't anything extremely wrong with the fact that he was just staying until he found a new place to stay, but for some reason she had a feeling that it would just be a problem.  

"No, Kai, I can't let him stay at my place. What will people think?" 

"They won't think anything you drama queen. Please?" Kai pleaded. Seul Mi sighed and gave up on fighting her brother on this. 

"Fine, but maximum 4 weeks and he's out or I'm kicking him out, ya got that? You can tell him that since you two are still so close." 

"Will do, sis. You're the best." Kai said in a sweeter tone. 

"Oh shut it." Seul Mi said annoyed. She hung up on Kai and stood up. "Why is this happening to me?"

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