
Hopeless Romantic


"I am so ready, let's do this!" Seul Mi said with a determined look on her face. She started strutting away when her bestfriend pulled her back. 

"Uh not so fast."

"Why not? There's so much to go out and find! And by that I mean BOYS."

"Stop being boy hungry you weirdo, I, for one, came to the mall because I actually need to look for clothes, and I highly doubt that you want to be walking around by yourself, especially if you do find a cute boy."

"Oh whatever." Seul Mi huffed. But she knew her best friend was right. "Fine, we'll actually go shopping, since that's the second reason I'm here. But hey, if we do see a hottie, we're going with act number one, okay??"

"Act number one?.." Soo Young was extremely confused at the words coming out of her best friends mouth. "What do y-" and then she realized what Seul Mi was talking about. "Oh no, not this again Seul, are you serious about these 'acts' again? I swear, you watch too many dramas those kinds of things just don't work in real l-" she was cut off by Seul Mi's hand covering and a couple of "shhhs."

"Hey, don't question my plans okay. We'll try out act number one first, please?" she pleaded to her best friend.

"Okay, fine." Soo Young gave in, sighing. 

"So remember, our act number one when it comes to seeing a cute boy is to get them to notice you and then pretend to not notice them once you've go their attention. Play hard to get. This happens in all the dramas. The guy always wants the girl more when they're being ignored. Don't be mean to them, just don't initiate anything with them, they should initiate first. Basically, you know how girls in dramas are innocent and don't really notice that a guy has already started having interest in them? W-" Seul Mi started.

"I remember, okay? Can we just go shopping now? Clothes first, boys second!" Soo Young grabbed Seul Mi by the arm and dragged her along to the first store.


Hours later, Seul Mi and Soo Young walked out of what might've been the 40th shop they've been to today, holding tons of bags in the arms. They laughed as they walked out of the store. 

"That last outfit you tried on was completely horrendous Seul." Soo Young barely managed to say as she was trying to hold her stomach and her shopping bags all at once.

"I know, I snapped a picture while I was wearing it too oh my gosh, it's too funny!" Seul Mi held her phone and looked at the picture trying not to drop everything she was holding at the same time. Once they were done laughing they found that they had walked over to the food court area, which was extremely busy.

"Well, since we're here..." Soo Young checked her watch. "It's already 12:45, let's eat."

"Sounds good to me!" Seul Mi patted her tummy and her lips. 

Both girls wandered off to look for the kind of food that they wanted. Since there was so much variety in the food court, it took a while for both of them to decide on what they wanted. Seul Mi had to squeeze through tables of people to get by since the place was so packed. She had gotten used to walking with her left side guiding her body, and didn't pay much attention to her surroundings when she spotted a fast food place just a few feet ahead. 

Just as she was about to get through the sea of tables and people, and finally reach her food destination, she shivered. "What was that...." she wondered. She shrugged and kept on walking when she heard some guys fooling around at their table just a few feet away. Seul Mi looked over and realized that the small shiver she just experienced was her boy radar. "Hey, nice going me." Seul Mi patted herself on the back and looked at the boys at the table. 

"Alright. Go with act number one Seul, just go with act number one." Seul Mi said to herself. She took a deep breath and stepped up to order her food. 

When she got her order, she looked over and saw that they were still sitting there, but they hadn't noticed her yet. Or did they? Seul Mi thought, chuckling to herself. She realized that the table next to the group of boys was wide open. She walked there normally, and acted as she would even if she hadn't seen them. She sat down and began to eat her food, occassionally taking glances at the boys next to her table. I think I hit the jackpot. They're all really cute but... he, is very, very attractive. Seul Mi thought to herself. She found herself staring at the boy with the light hair, chiseled jaw line, and a beautiful smile. Oh who am I kidding? I can't do this. I really am a hopeless romantic. Wake up Seul Mi. You're not in a drama, you're living a real life. Seul Mi looked away and looked around the food court crowd trying to find Soo Young. She spotted her best friend walking around aimlessly since there weren't many seats available. She decided to yell at her best friend to come over but she didn't realize that this would attract some attention from those nearby. Yeah, even...... him. Seul Mi quickly apologized to those who noticed and then made eye contact with the boy she was staring at. Oh god, this is it. This is my time, he's looking at me, this is where the love story begins, oh my gosh. She found herself blushing and quickly turned away.

Soo Young ran over to Seul Mi and sat down. "There are too many people here I feel claustrophobic." 

"Uh, yeah, same." Seul Mi said as a quick and short reply, too flustered by the eye contact with the boy to even manage a conversation with her best friend.

"Seul? You okay?" Soo Young said tilting her head to try and see Seul Mi's face since she was looking downward. After a couple of seconds, Soo Young still didn't get a word out of Seul Mi, and started eating her food. She looked at the people around her just to observe and then saw the group of boys. "W-whoa Seul!" she whispered in a sort of loud tone. "Look at them! They are so hot!" Soo Young found herself getting flustered too. "Seul, seriously l-"

"Soo Young, I know!!" Seul Mi finally said. "I made eye contact with the guy that has light hair and he smiled at me! But I don't know what to do, I mean I have to follow my own rules. I won't initiate first! Oh who am I kidding, I CAN'T initiate first. He is way to cute for me to even start anything with I m-" Soo Young started hitting Seul Mi's arm rapidly. "Ow! What? I'm trying to tell you something!"

"He's walking over here you doof! Shut up and talk to him!" Soo Young whispered. 

"WHAT?!" Seul Mi turned to see if it was really true and when she turned around, she found the light haired boy standing right in front of her. She tensed up and her reflexes took over immediately. "O-oh hey...." she said casually as she put her arm behind her head to try and look cute. What the hell Seul Mi, what the hell. 

"Hey, you're cute." the boy said, and winked. 

oh my god. He just called you cute, this is your moment to shine, keep it together Seul Mi. Do what the girls in dramas do. Use what you've learned. 

"Oh, thank you. But I'm not really interested in having a relationship right now. I need to focus on other things. I'm sorry. " Seul Mi said and turned around. Soo Young put her hands to her face and sighed out of embarrassment for her best friend. 

Seul Mi what the hell was that?! Wrong kind of act, wrong kind of act!!

"Are you saying that becasue you think you're to good for me?" the boy asked, confused. Seul Mi turned around slowly. She felt bad even though that's not what she intended.

"N-no......" she stuttered. The boy started laughing immediately.

"Hey, don't get your hopes up princess. My friends and I made a bet. They said that you were too pretty to get you to even look at me, but looks like you're already blushing just at the sight of me, am I right?" He looked over at his friends. "Hey guys, I win, you have to pay for my lunch now! She's so flustered but she pretends she's not interested. Hah!" Seul Mi felt herself getting hot and flushed with red all over her face. She didn't know what to do and she definitely didn't expect this to turn out this way. She was just about to do something when she saw Soo Young stand up. 

All of Soo Young's food was soon all over the boy. "Yah, your friends are right, Seul Mi is too good for you. She looks flustered because she's embarassed to even be associating herself with someone like you. You're not all that you stuck up prince." Soo Young practically spat out. She grabbed Seul Mi's arm and they walked away, leaving the boy standing there embarrassed and his friends laughing hysterically.


"Are you okay Seul Mi?" 

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I mean.."

"Just forget it, Soo. Thank you for saving my back there. I was too flustered to do anything. Why did I think I was going to get a cute boy anytime today, ha."

"Seul, it's not you, there are just jerks out there, that's why I told you dramas are unrealistic."

"Okay, fine." Seul Mi turned to face her best friend. "I'm giving up on the whole romantic notion thing. I might be a hopeless romantic, but I won't let that affect me anymore. If I'm meant to find love, then I will find love, when it's time." Seul Mi said this whole heartedly. This isn't the first time this has happened to her, but for some reason the other times didn't stop her. But now she was done. "I'll just find love the old-fashioned way, by not looking for it." she said, sort of defeated, but relieved at the same time.

"Good. Now let's go, we still have tons more to shop for!" Soo Young smiled. 

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