
Hopeless Romantic

*click, click, click, click, click*

"Ugh. There's never anything to watch on TV anymore.." Seul Mi sighed as she sat up from lying down and stretched her arms. 

Seul Mi instinctively pulled out her phone and went through her normal routine, checking Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social medias. (and she usually did this every 10 minutes when she was bored.)

"And there's nothing new on social media either," she sighed with a hinge of dissappointment. Although, Seul Mi wasn't looking for new gossip or anything like that when it came to social media, she had them in the hopes that one day she would be noticed by some hot and dreamy guy. 

"Yeah, Seul Mi, that's totally, 100% possible," Seul laughed sarcastically as she realized she was talking to herself. She went back to flipping through television channels when she came across a korean drama that she hadn't heard about or seen before. It just happened that the episode was at it's most climactic moment.

"Why are you hurt? It's not like you like me anyways, what's wrong with asking someone else to be my girlfriend?!" the boy practically yelled.

*there was hesitation before the girl answered the boy's question* 

"Idiot, of course I do.. I've liked you all this time, I just knew you would never look at me in that kind of way! So I did what was best and stayed away from you, and look! You're happy with your new girlfriend now, staying away from you was the best decision, so please, I don't want to be around you any longer!" The girl yelled back. She ran away from the boy with all the speed and might she had in her at the moment. She was surprised when someone grabbed her arm and planted their lips right onto hers. As she pulled away, she stared into this person's eyes. "W-why?"

"I've loved you, all this time, idiot..."

"OH OH I KNEW IT!! WHY CAN'T THIHAPPEN TO ME?! So predictable yet I always get pulled in to these kinds of shows!!" Seul Mi cried as she dramatically stuffed her face into a pillow. 

Suddenly, Seul Mi's phone rang and she picked it up without even glancing at the caller ID.


"Seul! Stop watching TV and crying like a loser and come hang out with me!!" the person on the other line screamed.

"Soo Young, first of all, how did you know I was watching TV and crying like a loser? Second, I don't want to hang out right now, and third, WHY CAN'T I CRY LIKE A LOSER?! JUST LEAVE ME BE!!" Seul Mi cried into her cellphone before calmly ending the call and going back to the episode. Soo Young sighed and chuckled at her best friends actions. She walked over from the window to the front door of Seul Mi's house and picked up the spare key under the mat. She unlocked the door and stood by Seul Mi tapping her foot impatiently. Seul Mi's eyes were still glued to the TV and she didn't even notice her best friend walk in. Soo Young put on her best angry face.

"YAH! Seul Mi, get your off the couch and turn off the TV right now!"

"Shhh shhh shhh...." Seul Mi cooed while she waved her hand towards Soo Young to try and get her to shoo off. 

"Don't you try and shoo me away." Soo Young kicked at Seul Mi's hand. Starting to give up, Soo Young sat down and watched the television to try and see why Seul Mi was so immersed in whatever she was watching. Although, in her mind, she knew her bestfriend like the back of her hand, and when she looked at the screen she sighed. 

"Seul, are you seriously getting hypnotized by the same old stuff again? You're driving me crazy!! This is all you watch and sometimes it really worries me." When Soo Young said this, her best friend finally peeled her eyes off of the TV and looked at her. Until she noticed that it was because the episode stopped briefly for a commercial break. 

"What do you mean it worries you, it's not like I have a problem." Seul Mi shrugged and got up to grab something to eat from the kitchen before the show came back on. 

"You do have a problem, it's called being a hopeless romantic, silly."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Oh come on, you only watch the romantic stuff. And I mean the really cheesy romantic stuff. The stuff that doesn't happen in real life."

"So? I can't have my expectations? What's so wrong with having expectations for the perfect guy to come and sweep me off my feet?" Seul Mi stared at her bestfriend. 

Soo Young laughed. "Because there's no such thing as the perfect guy Seul. And you definitely won't even find a guy at all because all you do is sit in here watching TV or surfing the web! Do you know how hard it is to have a best friend who barely wants to go out and go shopping with me??" she said in a slight dramatic tone. 

Seul Mi's eyes brightened up. "ohh... you're a genius Soo!! Of course, I can't just wait for the perfect guy to come to me, I obviously have to find him! And that won't happen by me just sitting around and dreaming I had the life of the girls in these dramas. Wait ten minutes, I'll go get all dolled up and we'll head to the mall to go boy hunting!!" she squealed excitedly and ran upstairs to her room. 

"Yah, Seul Mi! You don't have to doll yourself up, it's not like a boy is going to fall in love with you in an instant." she muttered the last part. 

"I heard that," Seul Mi yelled from her room. "And yes, I do have to look somewhat decent, there will be plenty of fish in the sea to pick from and there's bound to be one that falls in love with me, but I won't even notice him and it'll be like a whole love story!! Eeeeeeee I'm so excited!"

"You're hopeless, you know that?"

Seul Mi walked down the stairs elegantly and waved her hand like she was the Queen of England.

"No I'm not. Now let's go before I change my mind."

Soo Young looked at her best friend. "You are so lucky I decided to look just as cute today or we wouldn't be going anywhere. So this is what being such a hopeless romantic does to you, huh?"

"Hey, you gotta dress to impress right?" Seul Mi laughed. "Let's go!"

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