A step closer

Beauty and the Devil

          My eyes hurt but I don't care and stare at the bracelet he gave me . Why did god gave him into my life and made me responsible for keeping his secret ? No ... I'm the one who chose this ... this path , him . I had a choise , didn't I ? Why am I regretting it ? The picture of him when he's a beast  ... when people knew that I was helping him and I'm the one who's being hated at the end .

         * knock * Mom came in and saw that I was still up .

        '' Are you alright ? I saw your light was still on and just wanted to check on you ''

        '' I'm fine mom '' trying to fake a smile but she could tell I'm lying .

        '' Your mouth said so but your eyes didn't '' she looked worried .

        '' I'm fine , really ! ''

        '' Okay but if you want to tell me anything , my ears are always open '' then she got up to the door and I watch her leave . '' I wish I could tell you ... ''

        I layed my back on the bed slowly and tried to leave but I knew I couldn't , so I'll just close my eyes .

        My eyes blew open as I saw myself telling him to leave . I couldn't possibly do that ... could I ? My body just moved itself to a mirror inside the bathroom . I see you , you look so frightened with guilt and your skin has so many cuts . Blood was flowing down your hands . Is that me ? Would I become you ? I shook my head and close my eyes then opedned them again . Now , I see a girl , a girl who's regretting ...

          The clock was showing 6 . I put on the bracelet he gave me and I went downstairs by thinking no one was up . As I reached for the door , Sehun stood a metre away from me and he saw me in my school uniform  .

          '' You're up ? '' . I ignored him and turned the door open . He quickly grabbed my wrist softly and asked

         '' Where are you going ? ''

         '' What does it matter to you ? '' I shook his hand away .

        '' It matters because I ... I care '' he said while staring into my eyes . Does he really care about me or worried that I might do something stupid and it'll ruin his plan ? It's not important right now because I really have to go . I left and close the door behind me .

          It took about 20 mn to get to the club and my car was still in the parking lot . I quickly drove it out and thought , maybe I'll go somewhere else before I go to school . My mind kept saying '' the park , the park ... ''

          I got there and not a person in sight . The sounds of birds chirping sounded louder than when people were here . My feet walked all the way to the place before , the place I saw the little demons . A speck of blue dust was on the ground and I examine it then took a small sample into a small plastic bag . I was about to leave but something caught my attention ... a trail ?

         A footprint of the blue dust . I have a feeling this is going to lead me to something important . Step by step , I followed it until I came to and old oak tree . That's weird , the trail ended here but there's nothing . '' Hmm ... '' I took a few step closer , slowly . I stretched my arms in front of me and I felt something .

           A temple appeared right in front of me by a touch . Is it possible for an invinsible temple in the middle of the park ? I carefully place my foot on the first step and it doesn't vanish back , okay then the next step untill I'm at the huge door . I pushed it open , it's heavier than it looked .

           A statue of a demon stood in the other end of the room . It looked so familier . I explored the place and saw an old elevater behind the statue . I went inside it and there's only two buttons , an arrow that pointed up and an arrow that pointed down . I pressed the down one and the door shuted quickly and I hear many beeps around me then I saw Sehun ran towards me from the window on the door . '' Yura ! '' he reached his hand out to open the door but it was too late . The elevater swooped down so fast that I started to float of the floor '' AHH !!!! '' .

         * Bam * It felt like the elevater fell from out from space . ''Ughh... Where am I ? '' . The door opend with a loud creak . I stepped out and this place looked like the place that I hoped not to come . The sky was blood red and the ground was on fire but this time the first thing I saw was a huge mansion , an old one . It looked so abandoned and the gate seemed broken .

          The elevater flew back up like a rocket but the buttons were still there , so I could go back . I have a bad feeling about this but Sehun really didn't want me to come to this place , so I decided to check this place out . The gate was already open and I easily got in .

          Crows flew above this place and I could tell that there's a light glowing through one of the window on the second floor . I came to the door but I didn't ring the bell and I just went in . This place is creeping me out by the broken glass and the candles glowing . I hear voices when I was walking up the stairs . I took a peek and saw does two little demons , a girl about my age and Chanyeol , the guy who I met last time when I was here .

          '' ... Please , I beg of you . Don't stop master from turning back '' one of the demons said.

          '' Yeah , brother '' The girl said . She was beautiful and I guess she's Chanyeol's sister.

          '' I don't know why you love that pshyco , he's hooking up with another girl '' Chanyeol's lip still looks a bit red from the last punch . The mood on that girl's face changed so quickly that now she looks mad.

          '' Don't worry , Raven , master still loves you . He's only doing what has to be done ... ''

          * creak * The stairs made a tiny sound as I put my foot on the next step . They heard ... I have to hide . The stairs trembles beneath my feet as I ran down . I can here them behind me . 

          There was a big statue on both sides of the gate . I ran behind one and croach down to my knees , so they wouldn't see my . No one came through the door , not what I expected . Suddenly , a hand reach out behind me and covered my mouth . It was sweaty but the same rose smell as the hand that covered my mouth before . I turned and just as I thought , Chanyeol .

          I took his hand off '' we have to stop meeting like this '' I looked around and all I see are the crows . 

          '' Did you here everything ? '' He looked worried .

          '' Not exactly , all I know is that you have a sister named raven and she's in love with those tiny devil boss , also you hate their boss '' I said with a breath .

          '' That's it ? '' he was checking over.

          '' I'm pretty sure that's about it '' I stood up .

          '' Where do you think your going ? '' he stood after me .

          '' Home ofcourse ! I don't want to be eaten '' I walked away quickly but he's still after me .

          '' Would you please stop thinking about being eaten , no ones gonna eat you ... because you're too skinny '' he giggled a bit . Gee ... 

          '' Also , if you want to stay alive , don't ever come here again '' He continued .

          '' Why ? '' I stopped on the way .

          '' Because somebody here might want to hurt you " his voice trailed away and as I turned around , he was gone . 

           Who would want to do that ? Him ? What did I do ? And what does any of this have to do with Sehun ?

Maybe I'm getting somewhere . 






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junghy12 #1
Chapter 8: Update soon^-^)9
The_fallen_sky #2
Chapter 7: Finally a long chapter! *clap*
I truly love it! Fighting, author-nim!
The_fallen_sky #3
Nice story!