Why is it always complicated when you’re part of a love triangle? Mine just so happens to be a love rectangle… which is WORSE.

Why is it always complicated when you’re part of a love triangle? Mine just so happens to be a love rectangle… which is WORSE.



Ayu’s heart was pounding as she tried to comprehend everything. Of all people, why did it have to be him? Ayu did everything to make sure that she didn’t run into him ever again. But she guessed that fate had other plans.


Oh man... What do I do? Why him? Why, why, why?!


Ayu decided to just leave quickly. But just as she was about to stand up, she heard her. That same voice that tortured her day and night for the past five months. Forgetting about her fear, she narrowed her eyes and decided to take a look. What she saw almost broke her heart all over again... Almost.


Park Shin Hae, one of the biggest players at school, was leaned against the bookshelf, with him trapping her with his body. She was giggling as he wrapped his arms around her waist.


Him. Cho Kyuhyun.


Yuck. I think I’m going to be sick. What did he even see in her? Aside from being a player, she’s not also the brightest, if you know what I mean. And has she ever heard of toothpaste? Her teeth are so yellow it’s a wonder many guys still chase after her.


Ayu wanted nothing more than to throw a bomb at them. But if she gave in and made a scene, then it’s her loss, not theirs. So Ayu decided to just forget about them and leave unnoticed.


However, she thought about looking at the pair one last time. As she peeked into the bookshelf, her elbow hit a book and it fell, making a loud thump on the floor. She looked up and her eyes met with Kyuhyun’s shocked ones. Her eyes widened as she stepped back and ran towards the exit.


Ayu was panting by the time she reached the bench. She sat down and buried her face in her hands.


Why did I have to see him again after all this time? My life is so unfair! What’s worse is that he saw me too! What do I do…



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emily_maryam #1
vampire_gurl0710 #2
@dazzling27: Thank you so much for enjoying my story! :)) Yup. Kyuhyun's her ex. I don't know why I chose him.. XD I know Heechul's not a ert, but I just think that it suits his personality a bit! :D And I also made sure that he's a huge narcissist here. Love him. :3
Kyu's her ex? OMO! Update pretty soon please.. Oh and i loved this story so much nw.. Fighting!ö *handscookies*
Chapter8 is <333! THAT IS SOOO HEENIM! X3 tho he's not that a y. XD buut still, i lurved his character here. LOL at him winking and posing at the mirror. XDDD I srsly cracked there. :DDDD *waaa.continues.reading.now* so faaar, im loving ths. (:
Ohh what the hell did sungmin did in the past to her?! Psshh! *recilesreadingagain* loool
OMGSH! Sungmin's super sweet here! *continuesreading*
*subscribed*<br />
im reading ths coz my chuli's here. XD oh yep. So yeah. Im gonna cme bk with a proper comment laters!ö
vampire_gurl0710 #8
Hahaha. Thanks for liking my story! :) Yeah, I thought that many would get confused and think that Heechul was Ayu's ex. XD<br />
<br />
I also LOVE Kim Heechul! He's actually my bias in SuJu. Sungmin is next. :)) Kyuhyun, not that much. But I thought that he would be perfect for the role of Ayu's ex. XD Anyways, thanks again!