A White Rose - After School / Second Day

A White Rose -

Chapter 7: Monday, November 7 7:00PM


E-Young's P.O.V:

Daesung and Taeyang basically stayed at my apartment really late. We just ate, talked, and watched T.V. Then when Taeyang went to the bathroom, Daesung opened my closet and shook his head. "Nope. This won't work, E-Young. You need more clothes. Stylish clothes." He paused. "Your style is kind of good, but..." He paused, and took a look at the necklace I was wearing (the one I wore second half of orientation). "You wear that dumb necklace too much. And you wear your hair the same, every day. You should stand out, E-Young."

"But I need to wear this necklace. It's my prized posession." I felt something behind me.

"Come on. It looks like a 3rd grade art project. I can tell it isn't store bought." He took it off of my neck and held it up.

"No. My u-u-um.." I couldn't get my words out. "Someone I love made it for me." I took it out of Daesung's hand.

"Your oppa?"







"Not even."


I paused. "Y-yea... What is taking Taeyang so long in the bathroom?" I changed the subject abruptly.

"He's probably cleaning. He always cleans other peoples houses." Wow, a rich person who does their own cleaning. "Hey! Noh Yi Young, don't try to change the subject! Tomorrow, I'm taking you shopping after school." 

I heard his phone ring. "Hold on, it's my sister." He looked for a place to talk privately, but just ended up walking in the pantry. (it was huge!). I heard everything Daesung said, and pretty much pieced the convo together. Minzy asked him where he was, so he said at his friend's house, and she probably went like COME HOME! cause he said "I'm the older one. I'll come home when I feel like it."

He walked out and Taeyang came out of the bathroom. "Well I gotta go. Minzy is gonna have a fit. Do you need a ride home Taeyang?" 

"Sure. Bye E-Young~"

"Bye Taeyang. Bye Daesung."

"Remember, we're going shopping tomorrow, whether you like it or not."

"Fine. Good night." I locked the door on their way out and changed into my pajamas. My second and last pair. The orange ones (see chap. 2) and these. 

I went to sleep around 10:00, after watching a few movies. 

The next morning I woke up at exactly 7:50. I shuffled around my closet and tried different combos of clothes. And I also tried different hairstyles. I felt pretty confident after like, the 8th combination. This is what I came up with:

(only the pigtail hair; not the outfit)

(the black dress)

I felt so pretty LOL. Daesung didn't pick me up today so I just walked. No way I was taking a bus. I got to school at like, 8:25. Perfect. 5 minutes to spare. I found Daesung with Taeyang and Donghae near the lockers. Did I miss something!? I thought they didn't know each other! Ugh. I put my stuff I didn't need until later in the day in my locker, and walked over.

"Um, Hey guys." I said awkwardly, hiding behind Daesung. 

"Donghae, this is E-Young." Daesung pushed me infront of him and forced me to shake Donghae's hand. 

"Annyeong-haseyo, Lee Donghae imnida." I greeted myself the same way and Daesung blurted out,

"So you guys have the same schedules, except like two periods. Maybe you two can become friends."

Awkward silence.. Then Daesung said something else.

"I see you took my advice and changed your outfit a bit. Remember, we're going to the mall after school. Wait, you didn't take the bus to school did you?"

"No, I walked. I hate riding the bus."

"You could have called me. I would have droven you. Anyways, I'm driving you to the mall straight after school and I'm paying for all of your stuff that you buy"

"But I have money!" I took out my wallet and showed him. He took the money out of my wallet and examined it.

"40,000 won won't get you a pair of shoes, E-Young. Save that money for when you need it and I'm not around. From now on I'm buying everything for you and driving you around. Just text or call me when you need something."

Really. He doesn't have to do this. It's like he knows my situation. Ugh. I looked around us and noticed that Taeyang and Donghae were gone. "Where did they go?"

"To class, probably." Daesung shrugged. "The bell rung like a few minutes ago."

"WHAT!?! YOU MADE ME LATE!?" I ran to first period, since we didn't have to go to homeroom if we didn't want to. He eventually caught up with me and we got to first period, with like 8 seconds to spare before the bell rung. 

"Well, Yi Young and Daesung, I'm glad you decided to join us." the teacher said, tapping on his clipboard with his pen. 

After first period was English with Taeyang.

The usual.

Then lunch.

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Love your story so far! Hope you keep updating!:)