A White Rose - The First Day (Part 2)

A White Rose -

Chapter 6: Monday, November 7 1:00PM

 E-Young's P.O.V:

World History was pretty much boring. Daesung and I's seats were spaced out so we had to pass notes instead of text, cause I'd rather have my note read out loud than get my phone taken away ._____.

Since the teacher was just talking about a bunch of crap I already knew, I took out Donghae's schedule and checked off periods he has with me. Algebra, check. Gym, check. Computers, check. And language arts, check. Gosh, why does everyone have gym with me? What next, Sooyeon and Minzy too?! Jeez.

I'm guessing my World History teacher was Donghae's homeroom teacher (we have specific homerooms by last names) because he came in and asked for another schedule. I shuffled in my seat and put his schedule in my pocket and put my head down so I can see him but he can't see my face. Then a note landed on my desk. I opened it and it said, "hey didnt taeyang give u donghaes schedule? keke, u better be lucky he didnt see his schedule in ur hands". I balled up the note and threw it towards Daesung, but instead of it hitting him, it hit the teacher instead.

"Who threw this piece of paper?" The teacher unballed it, scanned it with her eyes, then said, "Come on, you are seniors in high school. I thought you were past this elementary school behaviour years ago." Ugh, I thought she was gonna be one of the cool, young teachers. "If you come forward now, I won't put it up on the projector screen and read it in front of the entire class." Of course I threw it, but I wasn't gonna go up, plus no one saw me throw it. Me and Daesung didn't write our names on the paper, so we wouldn't get busted. 

Thank god that Taeyang isn't in this class, though. He would get in trouble, I already know that for sure. The teacher put the note on the projector and read it. Everyone shifted their attention to the smartboard as if we were about to watch a movie.

"Well, this note says ' Hey, didn't Taeyang give you Donghae's schedule?' " She covered the paper. "If you come up now, I won't read the rest." She took her glasses off, and looked around the class. "No one? Okay then, I'll continue. Then it says, 'Keke, you better be lucky he didn't see his schedule in your hands." Me and Daesung sunk in our seats at the same time.

"Well, looks like we have two things. One, whoever stole Donghae's schedule, and two, the two people who were passing this note. Remember, I'll find out. I don't care if it takes weeks, or months! Even if after you graduate, and I find out, I'll still pentalize you!" Wow this teacher is creepy. Daesung started laughing.

"Is there something funny, Mr. Kang?" The teacher said, with a mocking tone in her voice. "Eh.. Not really, go on." he said, with a smile on his face. 

A few boring worksheets later, we had B lunch. Of course, I sat with Taeyang and Daesung. Then gym, the part of the day that I REALLY didn't want to come so soon ._.

I changed into my gym clothes, we did some warm ups then we started a stupid game of soccer ._. there were 4 teams. Oh yeah, and before I go on, I guess I spoke too soon earlier, cause Sooyeon AND Minzy were both in gym with me. But Taeyang let me on his team with Daesung, Donghae, Donghae's friend (he was cute too; Just didn't know his name), and some girl who I'm just now seeing in this period. We were the only girls on this team. I waved at her, and asked her name. Before she could answer, "NANA!". Donghae's friend screamed, and I'm guessing that's her name because before I knew it she was running off with the ball, and scored a goal against Minzy and Sooyeon's team.

Before I forget, here's a picture of her. She probably dyed her hair cause it's blonde:

A little bit later, when our team wasn't up, we talked a bit and her name is Im Nana. Aside from gym, we have English, Algebra, and Language Arts together. Wierd that I'm just seeing her now, and I didn't notice her earlier. 

After gym was computers. Everyone just socialized since this class is more of a socializing time / Time for checking facebooks, etc. 

By last period, I was so worn out. I was originally supposed to take the bus home, but Daesung drove me, and him + Taeyang stayed at my house for a bit. 

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Love your story so far! Hope you keep updating!:)