A White Rose - A Rough Start

A White Rose -

I loved my Umma. She reminded me of a White Rose. That was appa's nickname for her, when appa was good.


Before I go on with the story, I haven't formally introduced myself. This is me, Boh Yi Young. Just call me E-Young for now.

My age is 16, and I lost my Umma the day before my 16th birthday, on August 15th. Which is also the day that appa went evil. My birthday present from him? A formal beating. Wondering why I look so happy in the picture above? 4 days before Umma's death, (I only capitalize Umma and not appa because appa means nothing to me.) she threw me a little party at the house, and I loved it. She cooked all sorts of delicious things. I miss Umma's cooking so much. But enough about me, let's get back to the story.


Chapter 1: Saturday, November 5 9:00AM

E-Young's P.O.V:

I woke up in my lumpy bed with all sorts of cuts and bruises on my stomach, where they couldn't be exposed. I must've passed out, I had the wierdest dream that I was up in heaven, with Umma. I daydreamed after I woke up. But disrupting my daydream, was none other than my ap- wait, no, that isn't him. "W-who is it?" I asked, because I heard a rumbling at my door. "Um.. It's me." I heard my brother, Dongmin say. "What do you want?" I asked coldly. "Appa said to stop your crying and get downstairs within the next 5 minutes or he'll beat you. But he said fix yourself up first." Figures. Dongmin isn't anything but a kissass (excuse my language) and only he doesn't get beaten. My sister, you ask? She's daddy's little perfect girl. You know, she ALWAYS gets what she wants, no matter how she acts.

"Whatever." I replied to my brother as I shut him out and put my dresser infront of my door. That should hold it. I took out my suitcase and rapidly started packing my clothes. Even though we were wealthy, I barely had clothes, since my dad gave them all to my sister except 5 outfits, and two pairs of shoes. Once I finished packing, I snuck out my window (I was on the first floor) and took off running. I knew running track would pay off some day.

I made it to the bus station, on my way to Seoul, where they wouldn't suspect me, since we live in Chuncheon. You might think I don't have the nerve to run away, but I do actually. I have enough money for food, shelter, and transportation for a long time, plus I already earned a scholarship for Tae Yang High School for the Gifted, which is the top school in the world.

My dad thought I added up to nothing.

I'm trying to prove him wrong.

After I got to Seoul, I stayed at a little apartment with pretty cheap rent, then I walked to the groccery store that was across the street and bought food to last a week. I then applied for a few jobs, since the groccery store was in a small plaza which was perfect. I applied to every store.

Once I got home, I was pretty much soaking wet from the rain, so I changed into my black tank top with white polka dots and my red loose sweater over it, perfect for this weather. I also put on a orange beanie, and a skirt that matched my tank top, with black leggings under it cause it was cute. 

It looked like that, above. 

After I changed, I ordered Chinese food and put on television. I watched Mulan. Mulan reminded me of my Umma. Her sweet smile, and black hair. Okay, I am kind of wierd for comparing my Umma to a cartoon character, but come on don't you see how close their looks are?

After awhile, disturbing my thoughts was the doorbell. It sounded kind of like a buzzer, but whatever. "Yay looks like my Chinese food is here!" I exclaimed to myself while clapping. Ruining the mood, at my door was some pretty cute dude. He looks like someone who would go to Tae Yang HS, but whatever. I examined him, and every single detail of him was perfect. He looked like someone out of a fairy tale. Here's a picture of him:

His smile wouldn't fade. I wonder why he's so happy. Who am I to disturb his happiness, though?

"U-Um.. Can I help you?" I was confused. I only had one friend so who could this be. "Are you Yi Young Boh?" he asked. I know he tried to sound serious but his voice was so adorable it was impossible for him. "Ne.. And you are..?" I swear, I told no one I was here. Only Jooyeon, my best friend. "I am Kang Dae Sung. I'll be attending Tae Yang HS with you." I let out a huge relief. I was right, then. But wait, how did he know I was here? The address on my application that I filled out for the scholarship said my home address. "U-Um.. That's nice and all.. But how did you know I was here?" I asked, building up that stress again. "I guess I just know stuff." he replied with a wink. 


Please don't tell me this is how I'm going to start my new life .__."

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Love your story so far! Hope you keep updating!:)