A White Rose - Getting Accepted

A White Rose -

Chapter 1: Saturday, November 5 9:53PM

E-Young's P.O.V:

"Tell me how you know." I demanded, ignoring his wink. "Why do you need to know?" He whined. "Um, because IT'S MY LIFE." I got pretty loud, but I shut myself up by eating my Chinese noodles I got. "If you tell me, I'll give you some noodles." I with food, since I had heard his stomach growling a little bit earlier. He stopped and bit his lip. "Fine, if you must know, I was at your house this morning, and I happened to see you get out of your window and run to the bus stop, so I decided to keep low profile and follow you, to see what was going on." 

"Wait. So you STALKED me?" I asked in disbelief, as I gave him a pair of chopsticks and some noodles. "Yeah.. Sorry if it seems wierd, but I made it my life mission to get these things to you!" He said cheerfully, as he set down a large thin dark yellow envelope on the coffee table. "What is it?" I asked, slurping up the rest of my noodles. 

"Just a little gift for you." He stood up as if he was about to leave, but I stopped him.

"Wait. Sit here while I open this."

"What? You think I put a trap in it or something?"

"Aniyo.. It just depends." He tried to get up and leave, but I stopped him again. "Please let me go." His smile turned lopsided. "STAY!!!1" I screamed. I sat him back down in a chair and sat ontop of him so he couldn't go. He sighed. "Fine. Just open it quickly." I hesitated, then opened the envelope with one rip, pulled the papers out, read a few lines, then..


Daesung started laughing. "Yes, still think I tricked you?" "NOPE!! OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I jumped on him and hugged him, messing up his perfect hair and suit. "Calm down now, you messed my hair up." "Mianhae."

"Well, bye now!" Daesung said cheerfully, "Better go to sleep, too, since there's an orientation tomorrow at 7AM!"

"Okay, bye Daesung-ssi!" I said, still smiling and jittery. I took a nice warm shower, treated my cuts and bruises, then changed into my lucky pajamas. (lame, I know LOL) They were a short camisole top and shorts, a nice orangey color. Like this:

As soon as I changed, I plopped into bed, turned my lights out, and texted Jooyeon.

To: Jooyeon | From: E-Young | 11/5/11 | At 10:47PM


~Message Sent~


From: Jooyeon | To: E-Young | 11/5/11 | At 10:53PM

SERIOUSLY?! I TOLD YOU YOU'D GET IN! You have so much potential, E-Young^.^ If only I could go with you kekeke

~Message Recieved~


To: Jooyeon | From: E-Young | 11/5/11 | At 10:56PM

thanks, joo^^ i wish you can come too D: you're like my only friend and i won't make much friends. im unlikeable >.<"

~Message Sent~


From: Jooyeon | To: E-Young | 11/5/11 | At 11:00PM

You'll make plenty of friends! Just don't worry too much, and stay CONSUMED IN YOUR STUDIES!!!! Show that mean oppa of yours that you have so much potential, ^.^ And this is your senior year, too! Find a nice boyfriend kekeke and a bunch of friends and go be popular and do whatever you want! If I was still in school, I'd go with you! Just remember what I said, ok?! ke, Have fun at orientation tomorrow, and get some sleep! Saranghaeyo gajjang chinhan chingu~ <3

~Message Recieved~


I so wish that Joo could come with me .__." She graduated a year early, and if she didn't, she would be going with me. It's gonna be so awkward being a new student at this school with all of these snotty rich kids (I know it's a stereotype, but wanna know how many nice rich people I've met in my entire life? ONE! And that person is Joo.)

Before I go to sleep, let me introduce Joo to you guys. She's a year older than me, but started school a bit late so she would of graduated earlier anyways, but they skipped her a grade up like they were supposed to. Joo unnie is so pretty. She's she best. Here's a picture of her:

Joo is a ulzzang, also. She is very famous on the internet, like Song Chan Ho and other internet ulzzangs.


I put my phone on my bedstand and set my alarm clock for 6AM. I had the best sleep that night, and dreamt that Joo went to Tae Yang HS with me. Best dream ever, and for once I didn't dream about Umma. I love Umma, and I love thinking about her, but when I dream about her I wake up in tears and it just makes me feel so sick to my stomach that I've lost her. I guess I should stop talking about Umma, you guys are probably tired of hearing about it huh?

I woke up in the morning feeling very refreshed. I brushed my teeth, did my hair EXTRA special, then took a shower. After that I looked in my closet and tried to mix up a nice and good outfit, good for an orientation. I came up with a pretty good combo, a light pink jacket with a grey tank top under it, and some dark blue jeans. Pretty comfy and casual, for a orientation anyways. It was like this:

I looked at myself in the mirror and felt pretty confident. I called a cab and waited for it to take me to the school. It was only down the street, so I could of walked but this was quicker and I didn't wanna risk being late. 

After I got to the school, I got out of the car and I couldn't believe my EYES.





I took a deep breath and walked into the door.

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Love your story so far! Hope you keep updating!:)