Prequel/ Day 1

Island Boy





Regret. I’ve never felt it as strong as I did that night when the wind blew violently and the rain lashed down like silver spears. The boat rocked and raved against the heavy waves, riding them at a ferocious speed as the thunder ripped its way through the thick grey clouds.

Even though it felt like the skies were going to fall and destroy everything that came under its path, I battled towards the top deck, desperate and panting. The thunder roared its fury and sent chills down my spine as I rounded the corner and was thrown into a heap against the rotting wood. Clawing my way up the deck, I shouted his name in hopes for a response. “JAEHWAN!”

Lightening zipped through the sky, blinding me for a split second before I managed to scramble to my feet. Keeping my balance had been the hardest part as the boat jolted and jerked constantly. I gripped onto the railings and peered over at the black waves as they hurled and violently.

Another call of his name spewed out of my throat until I launched myself back towards the cabin doors. My sneakers squelched from all the water that managed to seep its way through but that was the least of my issues. I had to find him. I had to know that he was safe.

I kicked down the storage room door until it went flying into the wall. The lights in there didn’t work and the floors had been flooded by a good few inches of water, carrying tinned food and supplies on its surface. Jaehwan wasn’t in there. I knew he wouldn’t be in there.

The panic I sustained grew harsher as my best friend was nowhere to be seen. I swiftly grabbed onto a floating plastic bag and began to throw in every can of food I could salvage, then I splashed my way back into the corridor and kicked open every door for a second time, scanning the smashed items and the floating goods in search for him. He wasn’t anywhere. Neither upstairs, nor down.

I scrambled my way back onto the deck, whipping my neck in every direction to spot a specific clump of bright blonde hair. The rain continued to beat down, soaking my clothes to the skin as I made my way into the cockpit. I scavenged through the drawers and withdrew a knife to cut the ropes binding the rescue boats.

This boat was going to collapse and sink, so it was better to be out there than on here. I ran back out onto the deck and began cutting through the ropes to one of the rescue boats. His name was ringing through my ears but I had no choice but to consider my own life.

I managed to drag the boat and lift it with difficulty over the railing before giving it one last push. It plunged down into the water, luckily the right way up.

As the rescue boat called for my body, my mind had stayed elsewhere. I looked behind me one last time, before climbing the railing and taking the jump with the plastic bag full of food. I landed with a thud into the boat and caused a wave of water to thrash me down onto my back. I coughed out salt water and held onto the edges of the boat for dear life.

As every minute scampered by, the boat Jaehwan and I had been on seemingly continued to sink lower and lower beneath the waves. My rapid tears brewed with the rain as I cried, thinking of how I was out here, all on my own without my best friend. I sobbed his name out loud to myself as I lay there on my back, taking in every toss and turn the little boat made amongst the cacophonous weather.

Just then, a glimmer of white arose within the blackness of the water. My heart went from beating fast…to a suspenseful thud.

I slowly leaned over the edge to see the pale features of a face belonging to none other than Jaehwan. My best friend since first grade. My other half. My soul mate. My only form of assurance in this terrifying disaster.

I gasped and stopped breathing for an entire minute as the blonde haired boy drifted lifelessly beneath the hungry waves. Despite the gash that still bled scarlet ribbons of blood on his right temple, his face looked almost peaceful, as though he were sleeping cordially throughout the uproars and cries of the thunder and lightening. More tears rolled down my cheeks, watching as he disappeared deeper and deeper towards the bottom of the ocean.

The one who pestered me to get on the boat in the first place was now dead and sinking down miles and miles worth of depth.

Jaehwan was dead. And my will to live went down with him.

This had become my fault. I was responsible for his death. I was the one he brought with him onto his fathers boat…and I was the one who had to turn my back on both like a coward as they sank towards the bottom of the sea…






Day 1


I woke up the next morning from the bright rays of sunlight burning down onto my skin. I lifted my hand up to shade my eyes and slowly sat straight, cringing from the dampness of the clothes hugging my body. The sun was burning in the bright blue sky, warming me from last night’s bitter, cold events.

I reached over to the plastic bag and pulled out a can of red kidney beans before tearing open the lid and nipping at them. I ate in a deathly silence, listening to the soft ripples and crash of the waves.

Calm during the day, and wicked during the night, I thought.

I chewed the beans and kept my eyes cast over the small words on the can. I couldn’t bring myself to look at the blue shimmering water. Not after last night.

I guess I’ll never be able to look at the sea in the same way as I did after what had gone down in the previous hours. You could pretty much say that I’ve been scarred for life.

I place the empty can into the bag and lay back down onto my back…waiting for a miracle. 

Surprisingly, I was still wearing my watch and managed to acknowledge that the time was currently 9 o’clock in the morning. Somehow, I managed to sleep though a whole night of guilt, plus the eerie images of Jaehwan’s pale face imprinted into my memory.

The storm left behind a bright scorching hot day with not a cloud in sight. The air was soundless. Hardly any seagulls flew overhead and no form of fish bobbed their heads above the surface of the water.

Everything was still, apart from the boat as it calmly tottered by the gentle beat of waves.

I looked around and sighed heavily. All there is is sky and sea. Sea and sky.

Fish shying away beneath my white little rescue boat and the bag full of canned food lying by my feet.

I have nothing except the constant feeling of regret nibbling away at my flesh.

Regret for ever coming out here in the first place. Regret for not saying no to Jaehwan and stopping him from feeding into his own curiosity. 

I was gradually becoming nauseous from the salty stench of the waters. That terrifying image replayed over and over inside of my head like a broken record, to a point where I thought I could actually see that small ribbon of blood, curling around in the water… symbolizing the obvious and mocking me for being a survivor. 

I wanted to scream but I didn’t have the voice in me to do so. I wanted to vomit all the beans I just ate and hope that it would also rid the horrid memories. Eventually, my wish came true as I gagged between my throat and leaned over the side, releasing every drop of stomach acid through my mouth.

I didn’t feel sorry for the fishes, I just wanted to puke until my soul joined the undigested beans and drowned with them into the water.

What was the point of me even saving myself? Who knows how far out to sea I am. How long will it take for someone to realize that I’m missing along with Jae?

By then, I'll probably starve to death, or die from severe dehydration. 

The longer I floated atop the water, the more I wished I went down with that boat. The more I wanted to cry and scream from the top of my lungs at how miserable my life had just become being out here completely solitary and scared out of my wits.

Minutes felt like hours as I lay there, burning under the sun. I rolled my trousers up above my ankles and decided to countlessly stack the canned food into pyramids and watch them tumble.

There was nothing I could possibly do other than paddle…but my body still ached and I’ve injured my shoulder after landing awkwardly into the boat. I closed my eyes for a moment and all I saw was red because of the sun directly above my face, beaming down strongly.

I started to imagine what it would be like if I was found. What would Jaehwan’s father say to me once I return? He’s like…the ambassador of Tech International, which is a company that controls the countries technological imports and exports.

He’d sue me for not only killing his son, but also for drowning his very expensive boat.

Now the thought of being found isn’t so pleasant anymore…I’m dead meat either way. Being out here, or being back home- both of them are pathways leading to death.

Eventually my food will run out and I’ll dehydrate and if not that…a famished shark will decide to topple my boat and eat my fleshless body for supper. Mr Lee would mercilessly throw me down into the dirt and my parents will not have a say in anything. 

Then I remember. 

My beloved parents. They must be worried sick...

I sigh and turn onto my side, feeling the sun starting to burn my ear.

As much as I adore tranquillity, I currently couldn’t stand it. I needed some form of something…or someone, to rest their hand on my back and tell me that everything is going to be okay, even when it isn’t.

I take a deep breath in through my nose and slowly breathe out of my mouth, hoping to sleep the whole day away.

I eventually wake up again, and it’s only 4pm in the afternoon. I remove my shirt, shoes and trousers and decide to throw myself into the water.

I frolicked around on my back and dipped under, stressing to see the colourful fishes through my blurry underwater vision. The salt stung my eyes and I felt too exhausted to swim deeper.

It calmed me down but once I was back into the boat with sunset on the horizon, it began to heavily dawn upon me of how alone I am, and how the one person I could've relied on was no longer in this world to help me through this loneliness. 

That was when I burst. Tears gushed out of my eyes and my cries and pleas filled the silent air. His smile, his laughter, his happiness, his ideas, his overall out-going nature haunted me to the bone and wrecked my entire well-being sitting out here on this goddamn boat.

Our conversations, our laughs, our moments and our years spent with just ourselves, him and me, me and was all over.

No body was going to bring him back, or his dads precious boat. I'm aware that since all of this is still fresh in my memory, its going to be excruciatingly painful to get over. 

Who knows what will come of me being out here for the next few days. 

I think I might just go insane. 



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Sinii92 #1
Chapter 28: ;(( you made me cry so much. And last chapter almost made me scream when i thougt its ending, but thank god there where sequel. So thank you <3 :)

And why it have to be cute kenny ;( My StarlightBaby heart can't make it.
Chapter 28: WHAt!!! OMG!!!! the plot twist... agghhhh i can't even write rn cuz my brain still trying to get over the shock.. I'm actually at a loss for words. This is one of the greatest stories that I've read. GOD BLESS THIS STORY!!!!!
ani_xxi #3
Chapter 28: OMG :O :O :O :O :O
Please :O :O :O
Chapter 28: OMG that plot twist tho......hope everything will end well for them
Chapter 8: Lol@the picture of Sandy.
kinkililyjinki #6
Chapter 28: I read it all in one night and i hate you! Do you know how much I cried??? My heart hurts. This was so good tho. For a second I though Jae was gonna wake up and it was all gonna be a dream. So good! !
This story is so perfect I swear!! I've read it like 3 times already X)
PS: I'm loving the sequel
Chapter 28: Daehyuns a murderer HUH wdh life is always too good to be true fml im going to go throw my fit over there in my own personal tropical paradise island without a murderer Daehyun in it but BYE at this fic tho thank you for all the time and effort you put in it for all of us!
Chapter 28: Why am I always late to the party ;^;

W h y
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n e v e r
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r e a d
t h e
g o o d
s t o r i e s
w h e n
t h e y
c o m e
o u t
Yes! Finally managed to get caught up in the chapters and finish this!! Gosh, I wasn't expecting this plot twist, but I love it! Now I can go ahead and read City Boy and get more of my daejae fix!
Thank you so much for writing such an amazing fic! I loved every word. I'm probably going to reread this again some time in the future, haha.
Ahh, I'm sad, yet happy this is over because now a new saga can begin ;;