Chapter 6

The 12 bunnies

Grace POV:

After we had calmed Tao down from his little panic attack, we laid him down on the couch with his head in my lap, I realized something.

“Chen?” I questioned.


“Why did purple streaks come out of your body?”

He looked nervous for a moment. He turned to Kris.

“Kris hyung can say it better than me, I don't know everything.”

My gaze re-directed to Kris.


“Umm... We've been keeping some information back...”

“Yes, I know.” I answered Kris.

“Well... Rabbits and humans are not our only forms...”


1 hour later...

I sat back surprised.

“So, let me get this straight,” I started.

“All of you have 3 forms as well as powers?”

A nod, although Kris cut in quickly.

“Due to something he gave us, our powers are blocked.”

I still continued.

“And people, or more specifically, people with powers want you to experiment on you so that they can also become rabbits and humans?”

Nod again.

“And one of those people was magically in my kitchen a while ago?”

Yet again, another nod.

“And? So what is the problem?”

There was stunned silence.

“So... you're not kicking us out?” Sehun asked.

I nodded.

“You're not bothered that we're also wolves?”

I nodded.

“And you're not bothered that power hungry people are popping into your kitchen?”

I nodded, then faltered.

“Well... That I'm a little bothered about. You may get hurt and it is my kitchen...”

D.O. Smiled.

“You and me will get along perfectly.”

At my confused look, Chen stepped in.

“He loves cooking and is fiercely protective of the kitchen.”

I nodded my understanding and smiled at Kyungsoo. His head dropped to his chest and his ears turned red.

I wonder what's with him?

The other males snickered.

What's with them as well?


I thought of something.

“Since you're third wolf, does that mean you get mates? As in soulmates?”

They looked to Suho, who nodded.

“However, we will all have the same mate, it's just something to do with our rabbit genetics.” He finished quickly at my surprised expression.

One person for twelve mates?! I wish that person luck.

Tao mumbled and turned around, digging his nose into my clothed thighs.

“So good,” He mumbled. “Smells so good.”

I felt my face go red and I shook his shoulders gently.

“Tao... Tao... Come on, you need to wake up.” I said gently, rousing him from his sleep.

He rubbed his eyes blearily and I squealed internally at the cuteness.

“Hello sleepy head, we need to get you to the bathroom so we can give you your medication.”

He mumbled his agreement and- with help from Kris and Chanyeol- walked to the bathroom where I gave him his medication.

I watched his bleary eyes try to close again and he jolted himself up when he leant too far.

I chuckled and felt his forehead and compared it to my own.

“Your fever is still there, but it has lessened drastically. Just another day and we can get you all better so you can explore.”

He smiled sleepily, and I grinned back.

Kris and Chanyeol got him back into bed and I left a cup of water next to him incase he woke.

I came back into the living room and smiled.

“Let's got you guys lunch then we can start you on chores.”

I could see the groans in their heads, but they complied nevertheless and went to help prepare (me and Kyungsoo kicked everyone out the kitchen as few moments later with plates, knives, forks and chopsticks to give each other as they awaited our cooking... Although we allowed Xiumin back in when he felt the need to do aegyo so he could watch us cook).


Unknown POV:

I watched the males carefully as they crowded into the kitchen that I had left hours ago.

I felt the jealous feelings creep through me when the girl handed food out with open smiles to the males.

Why can't she look at me that way?

I felt something poke my mind and I quickly rid my thoughts from my brain.

I'm using your body, there's something I want you to do...



You all have the right to throw something at me... I am sorry that I said I can only update once a month, but I have exams that mean a lot for the future me (:P). Also, I am sorry this chapter is a little short, and there is a cliffhanger (it keeps me wanting to write, so I don't run into a writers block... It's happened recently to another one of my stories if you read 24 divided by 12=1?)

Can someone guess who the unknown is?

Thank you to Sakurakilari1 (sorry if your user name is spelt worng! :S), for giving me some ideas on what to do next, see you all in the next update!

I welcome question comments as well (although I might not have a chapter just for questions). Feel free to ask (I re answer questions as well). Please tell me what you think about how the story is coming along. Is it too slow? To fast? Well... Maybe not fast :S

Stay sane everyone! :)

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Thank you!
Q&A to make up for no chapter this month, so send your questions in to me, or the characters! You can ask until 10th May and answers will come :)


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Chapter 29: how are you surviving without wifi? best of luck and hurry back!
Chapter 27: This is good!! I hope this update soon!!
WhyYouNoBeDr #3
Chapter 26: "We made you food for later on, we got Chanyeol to fry it with his tiny di- flame."
WhyYouNoBeDr #4
Chapter 2: I have completely changed my view of animals. I AM ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED THAT THEY'RE ERTS. Traumatized forever xd
Chapter 27: Well my first time in a Q and A and this is my question:

Am I awesome?


Just kidding that's not my question my question is:

To Grace: Are you happy that EXO are your mates?
lilnugget #6
Chapter 27: OOOOOOOO YAY! this I the first time I have ever participated in an active q&a. Usually I'm like two years late....xD
Welp, I gots a couple questions
To Chen: You got a pranking set for Christmas, so what kind of things do you have planned and who is going to be on the receiving end? I will help if need be >:)
To EXO: How did each of you personally figure out that you loved Grace? I love her because she can cook~
To Dark Voice: DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT!!??!1? ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE, I WILL BE READY. I got the GPS and we will never lose. You're going down, buddy.
And last but not least, to bts and bap: Have any of you found your mates? Or had any interest in one of your caretakers before? There must have been one along the line that showed some kindness and made your heart beat a little faster...
Aaannnndddd that is it for now. But tbh I'm probably gonna think of some more questions and then comment them another day
lilnugget #7
I was a little afraid of what Kai was gonna do too. It was cute though. Not too over the top like I expected. Idk. I imagined him getting possessed by the ghost dude and then life biting off her head. I don't know... It was really sweet. My lips would have fallen off though. I can't wait to see what her new power is oh I'm so excited. I hope it is something bad . Like the power to be able to walk in high heels (I can't do it at all. So it counts as a power)
lilnugget #8
Chapter 23: Manly Luhan it's the best Luhan (too bad he didn't exist until he left exo)
And happy really really really really late birthday~
I can't believe Luhan it's her first bonded mate. I don't know how it happened, but that isn't what I'm focusing on right now. Because we have a problem. SOMEBODY FOLLOWED HER INTO HER ROOM TO WATCH HER
I mean it could be lay like the last time wanting to snuggle on her pillow. Oooorrrr it could be that bung hole of a ghost ish demonic spawn of Satan disembodied voice creature. So I don't know whether to cover my eyes (but low key peek between the gators of my fingers because I can't miss a single scrapbook worthy moment) or whip out the weaponry
lilnugget #9
Chapter 22: They took that so literal omg I guess she had to do Kai. But is that really a chore? I mean there are like 10000 desperate kaistans that would sell their souls for that. And Kai had only stayed in the house so grace must have had that magazine hidden in her house somewhere huehuehue. Naughty. I love how they all immediately pointed at Kai. The synchronization twas great. And I'm glad that bap is back together and that bts have plans of starting strong until the end shines through. My precious babies. They grow up so fast * sheds tear of joy*
You're probably asleep
I'm supposed to be asleep but I needed more fluff~