Chapter 14

The 12 bunnies

So it's been settled. I am their mate and luckily, I don't actually have to do 'that', it was just a ploy by Chen who got the others in on it to see me blush (failed, sorry Chenchen).
I snuck into the kitchen with some spare clothes to check on Yongguk and his brothers and I smiled when I saw the boys waking up and squeaking when they saw Yongguk next to them.. I decided that it was best to leave the brothers have their moment and I shoved the clothes in and walked out as quietly as I walked in.
“Ok boys, I'm off to bed. Tao, I'll give you your medication now and then it's goodnight.”
“No, you cannot share the bed with me. Although you are my so called mates, that does not give you the right to intrude on my sleep, only if Tao is in pain and the medication doesn't seem to be working. Or if the Guinea pig brothers are having any troubles.”
“But what about us? Don't you love us?” Lu Han gave the puppy eyes (I hate them both love them oh so much at the same time).
“Of course I love you Lu Han, I love you all. Now stop being cute and get some sleep.”
“No Grace! RUN!” Baekhyun leapt for cover.
“Don't call him cute. He's manly or else he goes all ninja of our butts. Run while you still can.”
Lu Han grabbed me into a hug.
“Only you can call me cute Grace, but be sure to call me manly in front of the boys. Thank you for allowing me to be your first bonded mate.” He muttered into my ear.
“Huh? What is bonding?”
“I can hear your thoughts and feel your feelings while you can do the same thing. Now let me try something...”
“AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH! LLUUUUHHHAAANNNN HHYYYUUUNNNGGG!!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!” Came the agonizing cry of Jongin who seemed to b floating a good few metres above the ground.
“Is that your so called power?” I asked Lu Han.
“You have remembered well. My power is telepathy, so I can levitate and other things.”
“Lu Han- hyung, can you change to your wolf?” Suho asked, seemingly very calm with one younger brother hidden behind my couch and one still dangling in the air comically.
Lu Han let go of me and stepped back.
Grey smoke popped out of nowhere and I coughed and covered my eyes.
“I'll take that as a yes then.” Suho said and I looked up curiously.
There in Lu Han's place stood a gigantic white wolf with glowing yellow eyes standing proud with his chest puffed out.
“Can I touch you Lu Han? Please?” I asked, wondering if he could her me.
'Of course you can, you never have to ask.' Came Lu Han's voice in my head.
“The heck? Why is your voice in my head, Lu Han?”
'The joys of being your mate and bonded to you. You can hear my thoughts as I explained before, as I can hear yours, so we can answer another.'
“Ahh, makes sense.”
I walked forward and carefully placed my hand in Lu Han's back. Surprisingly, his fur was very, very soft, so I him harder (careful with your minds :P).
He seemed to purr in his throat and curl closer towards me.
I got a little more confident and I started scratching around his ears, enjoying him purring.
“This is so unlike Lu Han-hyung. This is the first time I have heard him rumble in my entire existence.” Came Chanyeol's loud, clear voice.
Lu Han growled and turned to face his younger brother.
“Ok, that's enough boys. I'm heading off to bed, so goodnight and please, I want to see you all alive tomorrow along with the Guinea pig brother. Night.” And I made my way to my bedroom, where I left medication for Tao out, then dressed into my p-j's and hopped into bed, not knowing someone followed me into my room to watch me...


Hehe, I'm so mean :P (sorry it's short :(    )

Do you want pictures of EXO wolves? I know I gave pictures of their bunnies, but I will happily add their wolves bodies ater on as well :)

AHH! It's my birthday in 2 days (11/02)!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! :D

Anyway, would anyone be interesded in a Q&A at some point? Should we say after Chpter 15/16?

Happy Lent to anyone who celebrates it! If you do, what did you put on your pancakes (I have sugar on one, chocolate on another and lemon and orange on another with more sugar), or how did you celebrate it? For everyone else, have a great day/evening/night/morning/afternoon ;)


Stay sane everyone!!! :D

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Q&A to make up for no chapter this month, so send your questions in to me, or the characters! You can ask until 10th May and answers will come :)


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Chapter 29: how are you surviving without wifi? best of luck and hurry back!
Chapter 27: This is good!! I hope this update soon!!
WhyYouNoBeDr #3
Chapter 26: "We made you food for later on, we got Chanyeol to fry it with his tiny di- flame."
WhyYouNoBeDr #4
Chapter 2: I have completely changed my view of animals. I AM ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED THAT THEY'RE ERTS. Traumatized forever xd
Chapter 27: Well my first time in a Q and A and this is my question:

Am I awesome?


Just kidding that's not my question my question is:

To Grace: Are you happy that EXO are your mates?
lilnugget #6
Chapter 27: OOOOOOOO YAY! this I the first time I have ever participated in an active q&a. Usually I'm like two years late....xD
Welp, I gots a couple questions
To Chen: You got a pranking set for Christmas, so what kind of things do you have planned and who is going to be on the receiving end? I will help if need be >:)
To EXO: How did each of you personally figure out that you loved Grace? I love her because she can cook~
To Dark Voice: DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT!!??!1? ANYTIME AND ANYWHERE, I WILL BE READY. I got the GPS and we will never lose. You're going down, buddy.
And last but not least, to bts and bap: Have any of you found your mates? Or had any interest in one of your caretakers before? There must have been one along the line that showed some kindness and made your heart beat a little faster...
Aaannnndddd that is it for now. But tbh I'm probably gonna think of some more questions and then comment them another day
lilnugget #7
I was a little afraid of what Kai was gonna do too. It was cute though. Not too over the top like I expected. Idk. I imagined him getting possessed by the ghost dude and then life biting off her head. I don't know... It was really sweet. My lips would have fallen off though. I can't wait to see what her new power is oh I'm so excited. I hope it is something bad . Like the power to be able to walk in high heels (I can't do it at all. So it counts as a power)
lilnugget #8
Chapter 23: Manly Luhan it's the best Luhan (too bad he didn't exist until he left exo)
And happy really really really really late birthday~
I can't believe Luhan it's her first bonded mate. I don't know how it happened, but that isn't what I'm focusing on right now. Because we have a problem. SOMEBODY FOLLOWED HER INTO HER ROOM TO WATCH HER
I mean it could be lay like the last time wanting to snuggle on her pillow. Oooorrrr it could be that bung hole of a ghost ish demonic spawn of Satan disembodied voice creature. So I don't know whether to cover my eyes (but low key peek between the gators of my fingers because I can't miss a single scrapbook worthy moment) or whip out the weaponry
lilnugget #9
Chapter 22: They took that so literal omg I guess she had to do Kai. But is that really a chore? I mean there are like 10000 desperate kaistans that would sell their souls for that. And Kai had only stayed in the house so grace must have had that magazine hidden in her house somewhere huehuehue. Naughty. I love how they all immediately pointed at Kai. The synchronization twas great. And I'm glad that bap is back together and that bts have plans of starting strong until the end shines through. My precious babies. They grow up so fast * sheds tear of joy*
You're probably asleep
I'm supposed to be asleep but I needed more fluff~