
My Family Secret

I rushed into the room and saw a stream of red liquid flowing down Hyukie’s hand, I looked up and saw Hongbin holding a piece of the shattered mirror ‘Hyuk, why did you stop me?  Im finally out of there and can get away from these cursed eyes so why did you stop me?’ Hongbin said sobbing, then he held up the shattered piece and aimed it at his wrist but was stopped by Leo that just came out of no where, he took the shattered piece away and hold Hongbin  tightly because he was trying to escape. Then I called N to take Hyuk downstairs and find the first aid kit to bandage Hyuk’s hand, he answered and took Hyuk away. After I finished my sentence , Hongbin stopped struggling and looked up flincing his nose a little and shrink away quickly ‘Don’t look at me, go away.’ I walked towards him and knelt down next to him signalling Leo to step aside a little and I hugged Hongbin into my arms and whispered to him ‘You’re not scary and those eyes are not going to take control anymore so stop doing these ridiculous things and be happy now.’ I lifted his face up and looked at his eyes that are  tearing up filling the floor with diamonds. ‘These eyes are ugly before but not any more now, because they are now beautiful.’ I rubbed his tears away and helped him up walking him to his bed and said ‘Come on everyone! Back to bed, we have a lot to do tomorrow. Good night Hongbin and good night everyone.’ I looked at Hongbin to check that his eyes are closed and went downstairs to get a trash bag and a sweep to clean up the mess.

I went down to the back to get my things and saw N and Hyuk opening all the cabinets looking for something, then I opened the drawer beside me and held the first aid kit up ‘Looking for this?’ they looked at me and laughed sheepishly taking the kit from my hand. ‘You guys better get to sleep after you guys are done, because im going to bring everyone to the mall tomorrow and its going to be exciting~ But, I won’t take you along if you can’t wake up tomorrow.’ They nodded their heads seriously ‘I will make sure that I get up tomorrow!’ N said saluting to me, I smiled and climb up the stairs. I put on the rubber gloves for dish washing and started to put the pieces of mirror into the trash bag then i feel the carpet with my fingers to make sure there are no remaining pieces on the carpet, I wrapped the trash bag and went down stairs to throw it out. I looked up at the big clock that pointed straight at 12.00. I rubbed the sweat out of my forehead and went to my bedroom to change into my pajamas then,  fell into a deep sleep thinking that it was a weird and busy day.

‘Minah-ah, Minah-ah’ I opened my eyes and saw this familiar face just inches before me, I jerked back and shouted ‘Hey! What do you think you’re doing? Get out!’ then kai looked at me pouting, ‘Why should I, didn’t I say that im going to stay with you until you get rid of those strangers?’ then I remembered the painful promise I made yesterday and cupped my face with my hands and replied ‘They’re no strangers they’re my housemates and your room is a t the 1st floor got that.’ ‘What?  Why is my room on the first floor!? All of them are staying in the second floor but your beloved brother is staying at the first floor!? You gotta be kidding me.’ So I replied lying back down onto the bed, ‘Nope, no one is kidding you. Your room is on the first floor.’ I said the words ‘first floor’ in a more clearly to a little more, ‘No! You are going down with me or I’ll sleep here with you, since you have  a bed for two I bet you are going to feel lonely at night.’ I looked at him straight but he looked at me with that playful face he uses every time when he’s gonna win a bet, then I hesitated for a while and give him a straight.. ‘No!’ ‘Really? You’re gonna regret this.’ Then his hands started to reach my waist, when I knew what he was going to do, it was too late. So I struggled on bed trying to get away from his tickles but he climbed over me making me lose my escape, then suddenly.

‘Knock, knock’ we look towards the door and saw Leo standing by the door looking at us coldly we stopped for a while, then I noticed that I was in quite an awkward position so I pushed kai off me then when I wanted to say something Leo said ‘We’re waiting for you.’ Leo glared at kai and left, so I quickly get up from the bed and head towards my closet to pick my clothes, then I looked out the window to check the weather, ‘Its snowing!’ ‘You’re noticing it now? And where are you all going later?’ I continued searching my clothes and said ‘We’e going to the mall to buy their clothes and their daily uses. Oh, I need to pick a dress for my mom’s end-of-year company celebration party too.’ ‘Then I’m going to follow. Because  I have to see my Minah in a dress.’ Kai said giggling at the back, ‘Who’s your Minah? And oppa, which one should I wear?’ I said holding up two winter coat ‘Aiyy, Minah looks good in everything they’re all the same just simply pick one.’ ‘Aww, come on help me to pick one, please’ ‘The white one.’ ‘Okay.’ After we’re done preparing we went out of the house  seeing  nobody in the living room, when we opened the door, we saw the six boys looking up at the sky holding their hands out to catch the snow. Then Hyuk turned to look at me and asked ‘Noona, what are these? And where do they come from?’ I explained’ These are snow and they are white in colour they will melt if you touch them and they are falling because its winter.’ I described the looks of the snow so that  Hongbin can see it in his mind. ‘Come on guys! Lets go before the parking lot if packed.’ We head in the car and I sat beside kai, kai looked at me and said giggling ‘You look like you are teaching a bunch of childrens.’ I glared at him for awhile and turned away, he chuckled and started to drive off.

We hardly found a parking space because of the packed lot. We got off the car and went into the air conditioned space, I lead the curious boys that are looking around the big mall with eyes wide open to the store that kai always goes to buy his clothes and started shopping. ‘Hongbin, this one. N, here. Oh, Leo yours.’ I picked out tons of clothes for each of them and made them try it on one by one, after two whole hours of shopping, we’re finally done! I see each of them coming out of the store with two big bags in each hand making me feel a little proud, then at the back came a boring looking kai. ‘Thanks so much for the clothes Noona! I will make sure to wear them well!’ Hyuk said smiling widely looking at his bags of clothes, ‘We will also make sure we wear them well too. Come on guys! Lets say thanks to Minah!’ N said representing the rest of the group, ‘Nah~ Its okay, just make sure you like them.’ I looked at Leo and saw him smiling, is this the first time I see him smile? He looks so angelic and nice unlike his poker face, Leo saw me looking at him and the smile quickly vanish from his face and he started to blush instead, aww.. he looks so cute blushing.

‘Minah, where are we going after this? Im starving here.’ Ravi said rubbing his stomach and frowning at me trying to make an aegyo out of his manly appearance ‘Ok, ok, come on lets go to a restaurant’ we head to a restaurant and found a place to sit, I ordered some delicious food that they will surely enjoy and we waited patiently for our food to arrive. ‘Snap,snap.. Isn’t he cute that one with the long bangs.’ ‘I prefer the other one with the foreign look.’ ‘You guys are just bad at judging, the one that has the fox like eyes is the best, he looks just cute.’ ‘Hehe…’ I heard the girls at the next table talking about my dolls and snapping pictures with their phones, I moved to sit more to the side to block off their vision then I heard them groaning and calling me names but, its because they are my dolls and im not going to share them, curse all you like losers. I giggled a bit and they looked at me curiously ‘What are you laughing at?’ Hongbin said looking at me with his sunglasses on, wait, Hongbin? How did he see that? I and kai looked at him a little shocked then we looked at each other for awhile then kai said ‘Are you faking your blindness or do you have a sixth sense?’ Hongbin looked at kai’s direction and lowered his head, his face started to blush. Ken looked between Hongbin and us and speak up ‘Its alright Binnie, I’ll say it for you! Its not really a sixth sense, its just that Binnie has an excellent sense of smell until he can actually smell emotions like a… dog would, that’s why he knows that you’re laughing, just as easy as abc.’ Ken explained proudly smiling at me. ‘Woah! That’s impressive, Hongbin.’ I said and a smile appeared on Hongbin’s lips, ‘That’s impressive? You didn’t even praise me for winning the grand prize at an international dancing competition? Geez, Minah, what did they do to you?’ kai said pouting at me ‘Ishh!’ I knocked his head with my knuckle.

‘Excuse me, your food is here.’ Suddenly a waitress appeared between me and kai, we moved to the side a little for the food to enter, ‘Woah~’ we exclaimed as the dishes are putted on the table, then we took up our bowl and chopsticks and started munching up the food before us to satisfy our growling stomachs. I watched them eat the remaining food after I have totally filled my belly, I took my wallet out and went to the counter to pay the bill, I can’t believe I spend so much today, but its alright if it is for them. I gave my card to the girl at the counter, but she wasn’t even looking at me. I looked towards the direction her eyes are drawn to and see that is the seven boys rubbing their stomachs in satisfaction, so I looked back at her and cleared my throat and finally gained her attention. I went back to the table and gathered them to leave, then I remembered that my mother’s end-of-year company celebration party is just three days away. So I thought of a plan since it’s the first time the boys are at a shopping mall, I can’t just keep them in a shop waiting for me, ‘Um.. guys, I have to go to a dress shop to get a dress for my mom’s party so you can go with kai to look around while I pick my dress okay?’ I looked at them sadly, ‘What? Im not going with them, I wanna see you in a real dress since it will be your first time and im going to make sure im the first one to see it.’ Kai stood beside me after he finished, I sighed and look at the sulking boys so I took out my phone and gave it to N ‘Here, this is my phone, always keep it with you okay, cause it has a tracking device in it and I can look for you through kai’s phone, now you can go around freely now.’ I handed him the phone and patted his shoulder ‘ I’ll walk around with you guys next time, I promise.’ ‘Fine..come on guys lets take a walk around.’ N said sadly, and they walked off.

‘That was mean oppa.’ I said to kai making an angry face, kai looked at me as if doesn’t care even a little bit and said ‘But  I said before last time that I will see you in a beautiful dress first, so its not entirely my fault.’ I sighed and hooked my arm around kai’s arm like we usually do. We finally reached our destination, we walked in accompanied by two sales girls. I looked through all the beautiful dresses and made my pick, I went to the private room to change after the sales girls closed the curtains. I changed into a light pink dress that is filled with diamonds on top and some streaming down the pink silk, after im done, the sales girls opened the curtains and I saw kai sitting on the couch holding up his phones snapping pictures, I possed a little and asked ‘What do you think?’ ‘Perfect! Minah you look so beautiful.’ Kai said staring at me, ‘Let me try some other dresses first and we will make a decision.’ I put on several more different dresses and kai just gave the same opinions, making me feel the urge to strangle him. After a long decision, I finally made a conclusion by picking a pink dress (my favourite colour) that has some diamonds on the chest and by the waist. After everything is settled , we look at the phone tracker device to find the boys, ‘Oh? They didn’t went far. They’re just below this level.’ ‘Shouldn’t they be running around exploring new things? That’s strange?’ ‘Let’s go find them’ When we reached the level below, we heard a girl scream ‘Ahhh!’ and the thing we fear the most is that the scream is coming from the six boys location. We quickly ran towards their direction and saw a very astonishing sight, we were shock and our opening wider and wider to take a more careful look for us to believe it.



Sorry for late update I have been busy these days so this is the 4th chapter hope you like it!! What do you think Kai and Minah saw so shocking, please stay tuned for the next chapter and don’t forget to leave a comment!! ^^ Thx!

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