
My Little Apprentice


"Woohyun-ah" Sunggyu whispers into his younger lovers ear. It's half past noon and Nam Woohyun is still asleep, which irratates his lover to no end because if it was him Woohyun would have woken him 5 hours ago. But if he wakes the younger than Sunggyu would be shunned for the rest of the day, unless he wakes him up gently and sweetly which for anyone else would be a piece of cake especialy with the one you but for Kim Sunggyu this turns him into an awkward duckling still learning to walk. "Hyunnie" Sunggyu calls again now climbing into their shared bed, Sunggyu lays facing the younger trying to think of his next move while nervesly biting his bottom lip. Sunggyu use to be known as a shut in Wizard only socializing with his one and only friend Kim Myungsoo and his young apprentice Saeron, but several years ago the council called Sunggyu in pushing a 16 year old Nam Woohyun onto him and forcing him to train the boy when he himself had only just turned 20. In the beginning Sunggyu was against it and wanted nothing more than to hand the boy off to another wizard to finish his training, but things started to change once Sunggyu started paying more attention to the boy, his eyes sometimes lingering a bit to long, or focusing to much on the boys lips when he would talk or recite spells. This is what Sunggyu thought would get him in trouble when one day Woohyun had slipped and busted his lip on the kitchen counter, Sunggyu dragged the crying boy into the bathroom sat him on the counter and started to clean away the blood when he got a little side tracked with lightly tracing Woohyuns lips with his thumb and before he knew what he was doing he had captured the boys lips into a breath taking kiss. Sunggyu had only realized what he had done when he across Woohyun's cut and the boy let out a pained yelp. Sunggyu immediatly pulled back running out of the bathroom and locked himself in his room devasted he would take advantage of the younger boy like that. Sunggyu decided he would call the council in the morning to tell them it wasn't working out, but that all went out the window when Woohyun broke the lock and made his way into Sunggyu's bed waking him with reassuring kisses and amused laughter. And now here they are awkward as ever and so in love they forget there is more than just them in the world most days. "Nam Woohyun you really need to wake up." Sunggyu grumbs pulling the younger closer to himself, laying his face in between Woohyun's neck and shoulder he lets out a low growling sound. 

"Kim Sunggyu last time I checked you are not a dog." mumbles Woohyun trying to pull away from the elder. 

"It is almost 1:00 in the after noon Nam Woohyun and I still haven't had any morning ." Sunggyu growls into the boys neck 

"YAH" The younger screams now awake with a dark blush taking over his whole face. Yep awkward as ever Sunngyu with his bluntness and Woohyun with his obnoxiously embaressed self. "you are not getting anything and you know it especially today w-we have to- YAH" Woohyun yells out jumping from the bed falling first on the floor.

"Now why did you do that for?" Sunggyu grins from the bed

"Because your hand was in my pants you ert!!" Woohyun blushes furiously

"So?" Sunggyu chuckles 

"J-just get dressed its time to leave" 

"Correction it was time to leave almost 6 hours ago" Sunggyu grins at the younger as he picks himself up from the floor.

"Whatever just get dressed so we can pick Myungsoo and Saeron up" Woohyun grumbles makiing his way into the bathroom 

"They already left" Sunggyu calls after him "Myungsoo said he wasn't waiting for you and Saeron was getting antsy"  

"They left without us?" Woohyun whines poking his head the bathroom door.

"Yep" Sunggyu says popping the P at the end. gettin up from the bed and making his way over to Woohyun who he just now notices isn't wearing his pajama pants just one of  Sunggyu's long dress shirts and white ankle socks. "So that means we have more time" Sunngyu grins grabbing Woohyun by his waist and pushing him into the bathroom. 


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mussykate #1
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaat!?
His fiance...
Omg, update soon, i'm dying here. xD
Chapter 3: Awww my cute Badeul <3 <3 Love it <3 <3
Eishh silly Deullie !! My cat`s name is Deullie XD
Chapter 2: Oh no.. Sungjongie don't kill Charming!!!! >O<
Omg i wanna read the meeting <3 <3 !!!
Update soon ...this story is very good and magical<3 <3
mussykate #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon, autor-nim <3
shazreeza #5
Chapter 1: Yeah..can't wait for myungjong...☺