
My Little Apprentice

Today has not been the best day for Henry and Amber. Amber has been planning the painful and deadly punishment of Henry since the moment she woke up this morning. Amber usually wakes up a little after 10:00am every morning, but not today you know why? Because Henry decided that he was going to play his violin at 7:00am waking up a peace fully slumbering Amber. So after a half an hour of tossing and turning Amber decided to stomp out of bed to get an early start on her studies.

Henry usually plays his violin non-stop for hours when he’s stressed or upset about something, so after the big grandfather clock in Amber and Henry’s study hit 3:00pm and Amber could still faintly hear the strumming of Henry’s violin strings she knew that something was bothering him. Shutting her book using a phoenix tail ploom  as a place holder Amber walks down to the music room. Upon opening the door Amber sees Henry still in his Pajamas sweat pouring off of him from his non-stop playing. Henry is so absorbed in his playing that he doesn’t even notice Amber come in.

“Hyung” Amber call, Henry keeps playing not able to hear the younger over the constant strumming of his violin.

“Hyung” Amber tries again raising her voice a bit more, still no answer. Giving up on calling him Amber walks over to the room and starts to play along with Henry’s violin. After a few notes Henry notices the extra sound of the piano causing him to cease his playing along with Amber’s once she knows she has his attention.

“What are you doing in here?” Henry asks out of breath.

“Looking for you” Amber replies

“It’s early you should go bed.”

“Henry do you know what time it is?” Amber asks as Henry adjusts his strings.

“Around 6:00?”

“It’s almost 3:30 in the afternoon Hyung.” Henry looks up at the clock that sits across the room.

“Oh, well what do you know it is. “

“Is something wrong?”

“Ani of course not”

“Are you sure? You’ve been down here since 7:00 this morning, have you even eaten?” Henry places his violin back on its stand then walks over to Amber sitting next to her on the piano bench his fingers hover over the keys twitching before pulling them back laying them in his lap.

“Did You know who call again?” Amber asks laying a soothing hand on Henry’s back. Shaking his head Henry lays down on the piano bench head in Amber’s lap.

“A letter came for the yearly convention.” Henry mumbles as Amber smooth’s back his hair.

“Oh” Amber says a bit confused on why this is a bad thing they Henry is usually really excited for the convention it’s his favorite time of the year, well besides his birthday and Christmas but still they both really like the convention so why is Henry acting so weird about it now? “Well isn’t that a good thing? We love the convention. We get to see all our friends all at once, joke around, catchup on how everything and everyone is doing. You’re usually so excited for it.” Henry lays there quietly for a moment before giving his explanation

He's coming” Henry mumbles softly Amber takes in a deep breath

“Oh, Well then we just won’t go” Amber says slowly

"No you don't understand" Henry whines tears on the brink of tipping over. Henry pulls a crumbled piece of red paper out of his hoodie pocket handing it to Amber. "read it." Amber takes the paper carfully un-crumbling it to give it a quick skim.

'Manditory' and 'stripped of license' are what catches Amber's attention. "Oh" Is all Amber can say "these conventions are huge Henry, he might not even be in the same part of the building as you."

"Amber you and me both know that as soon as he catches word of me being there he'll do everything and anything to find me." Henry pratically sobs out

"Well we'll just have to make the best of it." Amber sighs "if we just stay in one place and lay low he won't even know we where ever there."

"I hope so."

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mussykate #1
Chapter 8: Whaaaaaaat!?
His fiance...
Omg, update soon, i'm dying here. xD
Chapter 3: Awww my cute Badeul <3 <3 Love it <3 <3
Eishh silly Deullie !! My cat`s name is Deullie XD
Chapter 2: Oh no.. Sungjongie don't kill Charming!!!! >O<
Omg i wanna read the meeting <3 <3 !!!
Update soon ...this story is very good and magical<3 <3
mussykate #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon, autor-nim <3
shazreeza #5
Chapter 1: Yeah..can't wait for myungjong...☺