2011 : The Confession

This Time Of Year

Minseok arrived at the park where he and Luhan first had their normal conversation. He arrived two hours earlier of his supposed meet-up time. He thought he needs that much time to condition and prepare himself in what he is going to do. Luckily there's not much people there who'll find him hilarious.


Minseok is worried. Really worried. He’s thinking, what if Luhan didn't even read his cards? What if he doesn't care or he's not curious at all of who sent him those flowers and cards? What if he cares but for some stupidity his secret admirer has done, he doesn't know where and what time to go? What if we meet but he doesn't accept me? What if he found me funny? What if? What if-


Minseok spent one hour on worrying. He didn't even find an answer in all his questions. He just kept on worrying and saying he is nervous. He can feel the butterflies in his stomach multiplying. That's when he noticed he's been there for more than one hour and Luhan is still not there.


"This is my fault! This is my fault! Really my fault. I just listened to a kid's advice without even thinking," Minseok lets out a heavy sigh. And another one. And another. He stood up and-



"Who left this baozi out here? Baozis are not tasty when they get cold."


Minseok freezes. One year has passed but he will never forget that beautiful voice, and he is hearing it now! He slowly turn around to see the owner of the voice.


"Oh. But if it's you, I don't mind." Luhan is smiling brightly.







"Are you... not going to... say something?"

"H- Hi." Minseok looks like a robot right now. Eyes fixed onto Luhan and sound is leaving his mouth even though he is not moving his lips.

"Haha! You're really funny you know! Why do you have to wear that baozi head dress?" Yes. Minseok is wearing a baozi head dress right now. That's the only way he thought to impress Luhan. Luhan touched it.

"Don't you like it?" Finally, Minseok's expression changed. But to a worried one.

"I LIKE IT!! I like it, of course. You wore this for me right? But your face is enough to portray a baozi, why cosplay?" Luhan helps Minseok take off the baozi head dress. "Pretty."


Minseok is blushing. Luhan likes his face more than a costume. Luhan came. Luhan is standing in front of him right now. Luhan knew he was the one sending him cards. Luhan-


"Merry Christmas! What are you going to tell me? You're the 'hyung outside' and the 'hyung' who sent me poinsettias and cards, take note, from our store, right?"


Minseok knows this is the time where he has to do his planned confession. He waited one year for this moment to come. And now that this moment is already in front of him, he can't just stand there and make a fool of himself. He stood straight. Looked straight into Luhan's eyes. Lets out one heavy sigh, then smiled.


"Merry Christmas!" Minseok hands Luhan a small box.

"That's for me?" Minseok nods. "Omo. I didn't even prepare anything. I just showed up like this."

"No! That's fine! You showing up today was more than fine!" Minseok said that hysterically. When he calmed down, he stretches out his arms again to give his gift to Luhan.


Luhan accepts it with a smile. He opens it immediately but careful not to ruin the packaging completely. Inside the small box is a soccer ball made of quilt and is made to be a keychain. Luhan looks at it eyes wide.


"Did- Did you not like it?" Minseok worriedly asked.

"Are you kidding? This is my first time receiving a gift like this! It's a soccer ball! How did you know I like soccer?" Luhan asked enthusiastically.

"You like soccer?"

"You didn't know?" Honest Minseok shakes his head slowly. "Then why did you give me this?"

"Actually, soccer is my favorite sport. I couldn't think of anything to give you that can't be found in your store. So I thought of making that, taking the risk if whether you will like it or not."

"Wow! We have similarities huh! Thanks! I really appreciate this!" Minseok can see that Luhan’s happy and that made him blush slightly, and he looks at the ground in shyness.

"So is that it? You just want to give me this?"

"No! It- it- thi- ... THIS!" Minseok stretches out his arms again to Luhan, holding a single poinsettia, his head facing the ground and eyes shut tightly.



"I LIKE YOU, LUHAN! Please accept my feelings!" Minseok feels his body burning right now. He wants to be in a hole immediately. Dig six feet under the ground and bury himself. He is expecting an angry Luhan after this. His ears are ready to hear words of disgust and rejection. But even so, he needed to do this. He can't wait another year anymore.

"You're a bit faster than I thought. But not fast enough." Because of nervousness, Minseok didn't hear Luhan's answer. He slowly lifts his head and one by one opens his eyes. Still, face ready for rejection.

"You're fast because I didn't expect you to confess this early. But not fast enough because..."


Minseok anticipates. Luhan quickly grabs the poinsettia then jumps forward so that he is just ten centimeters away from Minseok.


"Because it took you three years before asking me out, silly!" Luhan blushes but eyes still fixed onto Minseok.

"I don't get it." Minseok is confused. He understood what Luhan said but his mind is not processing it.

"Since the day I saw your face in our store three years ago, I already liked you. I really want to touch that cute face of yours. It's seems so squishy and soft and squishy," Luhan laughs. Minseok's expression didn't change.

"Alright. Listen... I like you cutie Minseok. I like you a lot! I didn't regret approaching you last year even though I was afraid you're just going to ignore me. But then, I became friends with my long time crush and I was so happy that day that I can't stop thinking of you."

"I like you too, since the day I saw you in that store. I really wanted to become friends with you. I'm happy I took the courage to approach you last year." Minseok is smiling now.

"And now you courageously confessed to me. Thank you."

"No! THANK YOU!" Minseok almost shouted that. Both burst out laughing.

"But how did you know it's me and how did you know we should meet here?" Minseok finally asked.

"I knew it was you when you said on the card about the flavor I took last year. The first thing that came to my mind was the ice cream we ate." Luhan stops but mouth parted. Minseok waits ‘til Luhan talk again.

"I knew you would be here because this is the only place aside from the store that we met each other. But I didn't know what time I should come. So I came here early in the morning. When you didn’t come, I went back to the store thinking maybe you went there. But no baozi. I walked around the store then later around this park then finally I saw a sitting baozi under this tree." Luhan happily tells Minseok of his morning adventure.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I forgot to indicate where we should meet. I got a little excited and totally forgot about it. Actually I really thought you won't appear today." Minseok's face is really apologetic right now.

"Don't be. At least all your efforts didn't come to waste." Luhan slowly lift up his arms to touch Minseok's face. The shorter man's face color turns tomato red. Luhan laugh at that and bring both his hand in Minseok's face to feel it. "Squishy indeed!!"

"Uhhh... Would you be happy to have a lunch with me?" Minseok offers.

"DEFINITELY!!" Luhan held Minseok's hand then pulled him closer to him as they started walking. Both excited for the years to come.

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Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next update! I really love it <3