2010 : His Name

This Time Of Year

Minseok is standing again at the front of Santa's Factory, a Christmas store he always visits three days before Christmas. It's that time of year again for him to buy gifts for the children at the orphanage he works for. The store only opens from December 22 - 28 every year. Since Santa and his reindeers are the main employees of the store, it is very famous. People buy toys, pay it to the reindeer cashier, then Santa will be the one to put it in a bag. Before he hands it to the customers, he will greet them, "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas! Have a Happy Holidays!" Some will take a picture with him, especially the kids who are really fond of him. Because of that, the line is always long, full of enthusiastic customers.


Since 2005, when he started to work for the orphanage, he frequents the store to buy gifts for the orphans. He is an orphan himself from Little Angels Orphanage. He graduated from high school with the help of the organization. Instead of entering university that the officials are offering him, he chose to work for them. He wanted to serve his fellow orphans because he knows what it means for the kids. He also had someone for him too back then, but that hyung chose to chase his dream. Now he's in China and only comes back home once a year.


From the outside, Minseok knows there are already many people inside even if it's the first day of operations this year. He can go some other day, but no, he will not back out. He waited one whole year to see that particular reindeer guy again. He first saw the reindeer guy in 2008, so this is the third time he will see the guy. At first he wasn't sure if the guy was a reindeer or an angel, thanks to the antlers in the guy's head, he is sure now. Minseok promised himself that he will make his move this year. He must befriend the guy no matter what. He has only one week.


But Minseok can't move in his spot. People are passing in front of him. Some are bumping him. But no, he hasn't moved. He can't move. He doesn't know what to do once he sees his angel again. Right, an angel. He sees the guy as an angel brought to him by Santa. Just by seeing the guy makes his heart beat faster. It makes his shopping lively. He is beautiful, Minseok thinks. But he doesn't know why. He just knows that he must befriend the guy. This is a huge challenge for Minseok because he really is a shy person. He's not the type of person to make the first move. But what can he do? His angel is so beautiful that he couldn't wait anymore.


Minseok takes his first step. He still hesitates until a running boy pushed him to move forward. He can't back out now that he's at the door blocking the people who wants to enter the store. Embarrassed, he makes his way in. There's a lot of people inside. There are also new reindeer faces this year. Minseok scans the store, hoping to have a quick glimpse of his angel. He walks between aisles of toys, still no sign of the beautiful guy.



"Where is he?" Minseok whispers to himself. "I need to see him. I need to know him. I need to get his name at least." He keeps on looking around. His head high, looking over people's heads. Then someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around slightly annoyed. But what he saw made his eyes so so so big.




"Are you okay? May I help you?" A very beautiful man is standing in front of Kim Minseok. And he is not just any other beautiful man. He is the guy who he admires and wishes to befriend. His angel.

"Are you looking for something? Or someone?" The guy is smiling, as if amused by Minseok's face right now. The boy snapped out of his trance, realizing his mouth was slightly open.

"I...I....You...t-toys. Buy toys… I need." He becomes Yoda all of a sudden. The man laughs at him. This is the worst first impression of him, Minseok thinks.

"Okay. Let me help you. We're at the decoration section so... We're going there." The guy pointed somewhere. Minseok couldn't care less. He just nods while looking at the reindeer's face.

"I'm Luhan by the way. C’mon!" Minseok almost lost his consciousness.






"T-thank you for your help! I'm sorry for my attitude a while a-ago." Minseok can't look at Luhan's face, especially when the man is still laughing amusingly at him. They are outside the store. Minseok finished buying toys with the help of Santa's most beautiful reindeer. Luhan saw him out as part of his help.

"You're cute, you know that? What's your name?" Luhan asks.

Minseok doesn't know what to do. The beautiful guy in front of him is telling him he is cute.

"Min- min-... My name is Minseok." He keeps on stuttering.

"And... How old are you?" Luhan's eyes are wide. Finally, Minseok looks up at Luhan and meets his wide eyes.

"21." The reindeer's wide eyes widened even more and his jaw dropped.

"Is that for real? You don't look 21! I'm 21 too! Wait! Please tell me you just turned 21."

"I became 21 last March." Minseok smiled shyly.

"Oh my God, Minseok. You're a month older than me!" Luhan seems to laugh a lot. Minseok loosened up when he learned that he’s older than the guy in front of him.

"Oh. I have to go back now. I'm sure Santa needs my help. I hope you enjoyed your shopping here. Please come again!" Luhan waved him goodbye. As the door of the store closed behind Luhan, Minseok started to smile so wide. He can't believe he did it.

"So he is Luhan. What a beautiful name." Minseok walked back to the orphanage, since it's not far away. He believes he has hearts on his eyes right now. He is so happy that he doesn't realize that he is already at the front of the orphanage's huge gate.

"But, I only know his name. We're still not friends yet. My mission is still not complete. I shall go back there tomorrow. Yes, I must!" After he talked to himself, he entered his home.

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Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next update! I really love it <3