A Day With the Boys (VIXX Bonus Chapter)

Growing Up






“Jaehwan, that’s mine!” Hakyeon screamed as Jaehwan shoved the treat in his mouth.

“What’s yours?” Jaehwan asked innocently as crumbs spilled from his mouth. Wonsik walked into living room to see Hakyeon crying and Jaehwan screaming ‘I’m sorry!’

What the hell?

“Hakkie, what’s wrong?” Wonsik squatted down to be level with the little boys.

“J-J-Jaehwan, ate my b-brownie!” Hakyeon cried.

“I’m sorry, so so sorry!” Jaehwan soon began to cry as well.

Wonsik sighed. Where was Hongbin? He’s much better at handling crying children.

“I’ll get you another one, okay Hakyeon?” Wonsik smiled at both of them. “Please stop crying.” Wonsik made his way into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry,” Jaehwan hugged Hakyeon.

“Kiss, Jaehwannie!” Hakyeon pointed to his puckered lips. When they were smaller Wonsik made them hug and kiss to make up.

Jaehwan pecked Hakyeon’s lips quickly and blushed lightly. Wonsik smiled at the sweet sight as he reentered the living room. He gave Hakyeon another brownie and returned to what he was doing.

Soon, two more boys entered the living room.

“Whoever was crying, you woke me and hyung up!” The smaller boy yelled.

“Sorry Sanghyukkie, Sorry Hongbin-hyung,” Hakyeon smiled from the couch.

“Where is Taekkie?” Sanghyuk asked when he didn’t see the older boy.

“He’s practicing at the field,” Jaehwan answered.

“I wanna go!” Sanghyuk ran over and began putting on his shoes.

“Please get dressed first, Hyukkie!” Hongbin said.

“Right!” Sanghyuk ran back to the bedroom.


Hongbin found his boyfriend in the extra room.

“What are you doing?” He asked and wrapped his arms around Wonsik’s neck.

“Just writing music,” Wonsik answered before turning around and kissing Hongbin on the lips. Hongbin took the opportunity to straddle him in the desk chair. Wonsik groaned into Hongbin’s mouth as Hongbin rolled his hips, creating delicious friction. Wonsik tugged on Hongbin’s hair which Hongbin to moan quietly. Hongbin’s hands roamed all over Wonsik’s torso and thighs. Wonsik pulled Hongbin’s shirt off and threw it on the floor, their lips disconnecting for only about a second.

“Hongbin-hyung, please take me to meet Taekwoon and put a shirt on!” Sanghyuk yelled. He was used to his hyungs doing naughty things in the presence of them, all the boys were used to it in fact.

“Okay, I’m coming Sanghyuk,” Hongbin chuckled and slid his shirt back on and walked out of the room, but not before winking at Wonsik.


As soon as Hongbin and Sanghyuk made it to the field the small boy was running to greet his friend.

“Taekwoon~!” Sanghyuk called. Taekwoon stopped mid-kick to turn and see who called his name.

He soon was tackled into the wet and grassy ground. He looked up to see a smiley-faced Sanghyuk.

“What are you doing Sanghyuk?” Taekwoon asked. He pushed the younger boy off of him and sat up. Sanghyuk stood up and smiled.

“I wanted to play soccer with you!”

Taekwoon stood up and brushed himself off. He knows Sanghyuk is usually asleep at the time and the others just stay inside. That’s mainly why he comes at this time, to be alone.

It’s not that he doesn’t dislike any of them, he just plays better alone. Although, maybe having an opponent will help him ever more.

“Sanghyuk, wanna be the goalkeeper?” Taekwoon asks.

“Of course, anything that’ll help you!” Sanghyuk beamed. He made his way to the middle of the goal and waited for the ball.

Taekwoon placed the ball on the field. He wound up his leg and kicked the ball.

It right past Sanghyuk at a zooming speed. Sanghyuk flinched as the ball almost hit him.

“T-Taekwoon,” Sanghyuk called. “I don't wanna be the goalkeeper anymore!” Taekwoon looked up at the boy to see him cowering on the ground and his expression softened. He jogged to the boy and sat next to him.


“I’m sorry Sanghyuk-ah.” Taekwoon slowly pulled the younger boy closer to him. He hugged him and the two just kind of stayed that way for awhile. Taekwoon took Sanghyuk’s hand after what seemed like an eternity and stood up. He motioned for the younger to do the same, which he did.

“We’ll be done for the day.” Taekwoon said, a small smile forming on his lips. Sanghyuk nodded and tugged Taekwoon’s hand as he ran back toward their apartment. By the time they came inside, Wonsik and Hongbin were no where to be found, however Hakyeon and Jaewhan were immersed in some show on the couch.

“Back so soon?” Jaewhan asked from his place next to Hakyeon. Said boy looked at the two boys who walked in and smiled brightly.

“Yeah, I was too tired for much practice.” Taekwoon answered, taking off his shoes with Sanghyuk. Both newcomers walked into the house and sat down on the couch next to the others. Soon after, Wonsik and Hongbin emerged from Hongbin’s room, their hair a mess and shirts on crooked.

“You’re back early Taekwoon-ah.” Hongbin smiled as he ruffled the boys hair. Taekwoon nodded at him and looked back at the television. Hongbin shooked his head with a crooked smile. He walked into the kitchen to see Wonsik hunched over the counter. He crept up behind the male and wrapped his arms around his waist loosely. Wonsik felt Hongbin rest his head on his shoulder and smiled as he continued to make lunch.


Taekwoon felt his eyes drooping and his head becoming heavier. After lunch, he had gone to the living room with Hakyeon to do homework. Taekwoon stifled a yawn and leaned his head on his brother’s shoulder. Hakyeon looked his brother with mild amusement. He smiled and closed his textbook. Taekwoon’s eyes did not open when Hakyeon poked his head, so Hakyeon gently moved his brother’s head from his shoulder. He put his arm around his shoulders and carefully dragged him to their shared room. Taekwoon had the bottom bunk, so Hakyeon tucked him in on his bed and smiled before climbing into bed next to him. Within seconds, Hakyeon was asleep with Taekwoon.


Wonsik came into their room about 30 minutes later and saw the two curled up next to one another. He smiled at the two before walking over and tucking Hakyeon under the covers. He turned off the lights as he left and shut the door quietly. As he turned to walk away, he saw Jaewhan come from his room. He yawned and looked at Wonsik sheepishly.

“Hyung, where’s Hakyeon?” He asked tiredly. Wonsik chuckled before swooping the boy into his arms and strolling out of the hall.

“Hakyeon and Taekwoon are sleeping. We shouldn’t bother them.” Wonsik stated as he sat on the couch. Jaewhan nodded and put his head in Wonsik’s lap where he promptly fell back asleep. Wonsik laughed a bit as Hongbin came waltzing into the living room. He looked at his little brother and his boyfriend and smiled.

“At least you get along with my brothers right?” Hongbin laughed. Wonsik hummed in response and closed his eyes. He let his head fall back to rest on the back of the couch and Hongbin felt his heart twinge at the sight. It was rare to see the macho Kim Wonsik look like a small child and Hongbin liked when that side came out.

“You really are cute.” Hongbin muttered to himself. He smiled and went back into his room where he pulled out a blanket. Wandering back into the living room, he draped the blanket over Wonsik and Jaewhan. He chuckled when he saw Jaewhan fidget but become comfortable on Wonsik’s lap.

“Where’s Sanghyuk?” Wonsik asked quietly.

“Asleep in his and Jaewhan’s room.” Hongbin replied. Wonsik nodded slightly and moved as to be more comfortable.

“Where’s Hakyeon and Taekwoon?” Hongbin inquired from the doorway.

“Sleeping in their room.” Wonsik replied, voiced laced with on-coming sleep. Chuckling, Hongbin watched as Wonsik tried not to fall asleep.

“Just sleep.” Hongbin commanded. He smiled and turned off the living room light and walked out to his room. Wonsik smiled to the air and snuggled into the couch. His hand rested on Jaewhan’s arm as the boy slept on his lap. He chuckled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 5: Joon dont leave jongin plzz....
Btw,awesome story author-nim...
I wonder what's gonna happen next..??
O..chansoo is sooo cute ...
Update soon!!
kpoplover365 #2