School Registration FTW

Growing Up

Today was the day Jongin was taking Kyungsoo to the school registration at the elementary school. Kyungsoo will be entering the fourth grade. But of course, like any child and school, Kyungsoo was being stubborn.

“Lets go register you for school, Kyungsoo!” Jongin yelled through the apartment.

“Lets not!” Kyungsoo yelled back. Jongin quickly made his way into Kyungsoo’s room so find his little brother snuggled into bed. Kyungsoo smiled cheekily and waved. Jongin smirked and scooped Kyungsoo up from his bed. Kyungsoo fought and struggled against Jongin’s grasp.

“You’re not even dressed,” Jongin noticed that Kyungsoo was still in his pajamas.

“I don’t wanna get dressed,” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Sorry, but you have to, school is important,” Jongin stated.

“Is that why you skipped so much, Hyung?” Kyungsoo asked with a snarky tone.

“Let me rephrase, school is important for you, you’re very intelligent Kyungsoo, you can’t just waste it,” Jongin said.

“Fine, but you have to pick me up everyday!” Kyungsoo demanded.

“I’ll think about it.”

After 10 minutes of fighting Kyungsoo was dressed and ready to go. Jongin picked up Kyungsoo and carried him to the car.

“I’m not that little anymore, you don’t have to carry me,” Kyungsoo told Jongin.

“You’re still little to me,” Jongin smiled. Kyungsoo huffed and buckled himself in.

“Let’s get this over with,” Kyungsoo crossed his arms. Jongin laughed at his little brother’s irritability.

They made it to school registration quickly. Kyungsoo had found his friends, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and ran off to play with them. Jongin was left to do the registering part.

“Where are your parents, Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol asked.

“At home, I live with my hyung now,” Kyungsoo explained

“Wow, thats so cool! I wish I could live with my hyung, but he’s busy with university and his boyfriend,” Baekhyun pouted.

“Your hyung has a boyfriend?” Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.

“Yeah, but let me tell you, his boyfriend really looks a lot more like a girlfriend,” Baekhyun snickered. The other two boys laughed at Baekhyun’s statement. “There’s his boyfriend right there!” Baekhyun points to a group of people.

“Which one?” Kyungsoo asks.

“The one with light hair,” Baekhyun states. Kyungsoo sees two older boys with three children hugging at their legs. Soon enough, one of the younger boys spots them, he tugs on his hyung’s shirt and tells him he’s going to play with the other kids. He beckons the other two with him.

The three boys stand in front of Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“Hello,” Chanyeol is the first to speak.

“Hello, we’d like to introduce ourselves,” The boy with brown hair and small facial features says. “My name is Oh Sehun.”

“I’m Zitao,” The next boy with panda-like eyes and black hair says.

“And I’m Yixing,” The final boy with fluffy hair speaks, a cute smile lighting up his face.

“I’m Chanyeol!” Chanyeol smiles at them.

“I’m Kyungsoo,” Kyungsoo speaks up.  

“Byun Baekhyun,” Baekhyun introduces. “And your hyung is my hyung’s boyfriend,” Baekhyun points to Sehun.

“Oh? You’re Minseok’s little brother, I’m surprised we haven’t met before,” Sehun flashes a smile. “Where is Minseok, by the way?”

“Signing me up for school, somewhere over there,” Baekhyun points to the mass amount of tables and parents.

“I see, nice meet you all,” Sehun smiles again and walks back to where his hyung is, Zitao and Yixing following behind.

“They seem like fun.” Kyungsoo announced once the trio had left.

“Yeah, I hope they’re in our class.” Baekhyun said with a smirk.

“How do you know that we’ll be in the same class Baek?” Chanyeol asked with his signature dorky grin.

“Of course we’ll be in the same class, we have been for the past 3 years.” Kyungsoo told his friends. The other two boys just laughed. Kyungsoo looked over toward his hyung when he noticed a small figure talking to Jongin. The man laughed and Kyungsoo’s face lit up with a huge grin.

“Joonmyun-Hyung!” He yelled as he ran to his hyung. He wrapped his tiny eight-year-old arms around the man’s legs and laughed when his hyung leaned down and hugged back.

“Hiya Soo~ How’re you today?” Joonmyun asked the boy with a wide grin.

“I’m fantastic! How’re you Hyung?” Kyungsoo asked, looking up at him.

“I’m great too!” Joonmyun laughed. Jongin smirked at his little brother.

“That’s not how you were this morning. You told me you absolutely refused to go to school.” Jongin teased. He raised his eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Kyungsoo blushed and hid behind Joonmyun’s legs.

“Well….” Kyungsoo started but didn’t finish because he heard Baekhyun beckoning him over to his side with Minseok and his girly-looking boyfriend. “Gotta go Hyung! I’ll be back soon.”

Kyungsoo squeezed Joonmyun’s legs one more time and ran off to Minseok and Baekhyun.

“He’s so cute.” Joonmyun muttered as he looked toward Kyungsoo.

“You know who else is cute?” Jongin questioned, not looking up from the enrollment papers.

“Who?” Joonmyun said, humoring his dongsaeng.

“Me.” Jongin chuckled as he wrote Kyungsoo’s name for what seemed the thousandth time. Joonmyun smiled brightly and laughed along with him.

“Yes you are, my little Jonginnie~” Joonmyun cooed as he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. Joonmyun and Jongin had been dating since Jongin was discharged from the military. They met in a small coffee shop just outside of Seoul, Jongin stopping for a quick pick-me-up before heading home. The two had a lot in common and they just clicked. Kyungsoo was introduced to Joonmyun two days after Jongin had come back and he loved his Joonmyun-Hyung from the first moment they met.


Kyungsoo ran over to greet Minseok and his boyfriend. “Hello Minseok hyung and Minseok’s hyung boyfriend.”

Kyungsoo bowed his head and smiled. Baekhyun smiled at his friend’s manners and formalities. Minseok and Luhan laughed at the cute little boy.


“Hello Kyungsoo, how are you?” Minseok asked.

“I’m good, Hyung!” Kyungsoo answered.

“Hi Kyungsoo, I’m Luhan, Sehun’s older brother,” Luhan held his hand out for Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo took it without hesitation and smiled up at Luhan.

“Hyung, Tao and Yixing left with Kris hyung, I’m ready to go home,” Sehun appeared from behind Luhan, tugging at his shirt. Luhan’s ruffled Sehun’s hair.

“Okay, Minseok, would you like to come over?” Luhan asked his boyfriend. Minseok looked to Baekhyun.

“Would you like to go to Luhan and Sehun’s house, Baekhyun?” Minseok waited for Baekhyun’s answer.

“Sure,” Baekhyun smiled at his hyung. “See you at school, Kyungsoo!”

“See you, Baek!” Kyungsoo his heel and ran back to Jongin and Joonmyun.

Jongin finally finished filling out all of the papers and handed them to the lady at the table. He thanked her and looked around for Kyungsoo. He spotted him quickly running in his direction. Kyungsoo smiled as he crashed into his hyung.

“Ready to go?” Jongin asked as he held out his hand for Kyungsoo. The boy halted in the spot and spun back around.

“Baek!” He yelled. Baekhyun stopped and turned around along with Minseok, Luhan, Sehun.

“What Soo?” He yelled back.

“You’re still coming over tomorrow right?” Kyungsoo yelled.

“Of course!” Baekhyun responded.

“Bring Sehun with you!” Kyungsoo instructed from across the lobby. Sehun peeked out from behind Luhan’s legs and smiled.

“I’ll be there!” Sehun responded with a thumbs up. Luhan and Minseok laughed at the boys’ antics.

“See you tomorrow Kyungsoo-ah. You too Jongin-ah.” Minseok grinned to the boys. He waved and turned away with Baekhyun and left. Kyungsoo went to Jongin and Joonmyun.

“Now are you ready?” Jongin chuckled. Kyungsoo nodded and grabbed both older boys’ hands and walked out the door and back to the car.

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Chapter 5: Joon dont leave jongin plzz....
Btw,awesome story author-nim...
I wonder what's gonna happen next..??
O..chansoo is sooo cute ...
Update soon!!
kpoplover365 #2