Sehun Explains the y Times

Growing Up

Kyungsoo sat at his table, Baekhyun to his right, Chanyeol to his left. He was going to ask his friends about the strange event he witnessed the night before.


“Hello Kyungsoo!” Both boys said in unison, smiling to their friend. Kyungsoo smiled at both of them. He suddenly became nervous about his question.


“Guys, I have a question,” Kyungsoo said quietly. Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at him, waiting for Kyungsoo to continue. “My hyungs, Jongin and Joonmyun, were doing something on the couch. I heard Jongin hyung make noises, it sounded like he was in pain, but Joonmyun just continued whatever he was doing-”


“Your hyungs were doing it!” The child in front of the three boys quickly turned around, and Sehun smiled to them as he answered.


“Doing what?” Kyungsoo raised a brow. Sehun smiled widely, seeming to know a lot about the situation.


“Joonmyun, was it? Well he was making your hyung, Jongin, his ,” Sehun said


“Sehun, you can’t say that!” Baekhyun whispered-yelled.


“Why? My hyung says it all the time, you see he says that when two people love each other, they do it all the time!” Sehun says excitedly. Kyungsoo is still confused, what is this it?


“What were they doing though?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Its called , you know, what makes babies, but boys can’t make babies,” Sehun explains. The three boys were looking wide-eyed at Sehun, why did he know so much about this?


“Is nice?” Chanyeol asked.


“It’s pleasurable, sure,” Sehun smirked.


“Please stop talking about our hyungs,” Baekhyun sighs.


“Can’t wait till we’re brothers, Baekhyun” Sehun says and turns back around. The boys were more confused than before.


The two boys who sat at the same table as Sehun were flustered from the conversation they overheard.


“Do you guys know about ?” Sehun smiled at them. Yixing was just about to answer when the door to their classroom opened widely and two boys their age waltzes in. Kyungsoo immediately recognized them as the two boys he and Baekhyun had befriended on the playground a few weeks ago, Jaehwan and Sanghyuk. Both boys were in Kyungsoo’s grade level, just a different class. Shortly after, Kyungsoo saw two older boys and a girl walk in behind them.


“Kyungsoo-ah! Baekhyun-ah!” Jaehwan yelled to the boys from across the room. Baekhyun smiled and waved back.


“Jaehwan! Sanghyuk! Hi!!” Kyungsoo yelled back, a bright smile on his squishy little cheeks. Laughing, Jaehwan grabbed one of the older boys’ wrist and dragged him over to his newest friends.


“Guys, this is my hyung, his name’s Hakyeon but he says to call him N-Hyung.” Jaehwan introduced the older boy with dark skin. Said boy smiled and waved at the younger boys.


“Hiya~ It’s nice to meet you all.” N smiled at all of the younger kids sitting in front of him. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were the only two boys who were familiar with Jaehwan, so the others were somewhat shy around the new people; well some were.


“Hello~ My name’s Chanyeol, it’s nice to meet you N-Hyung and Jaehwan-ah.” Chanyeol introduced with a large grin.


“I hope we can all be friends!” Hakyeon exclaimed. The boy known as Sanghyuk pushed through Jaehwan and Hakyeon and flashed a smile.

“I’m Sanghyuk, for all that don’t know, you can call me Hyuk if you wanna,” Sanghyuk pulled a taller boy with chubby cheeks and black hair beside him. “Introduce yourself, Hyung.”


The taller boy scowled at Sanghyuk, he could be doing better things but he’d do anything for Sanghyuk. He inhaled and spoke softly, “Hello, I’m Taekwoon.” Taekwoon bowed his head slightly. Hakyeon hugged Taekwoon’s arm and nuzzled his head against him.


“Taekwoon is the cutest!” Hakyeon said excitedly. Both Sanghyuk and Jaehwan made a face.


“Get off Taekwoon hyung!” Sanghyuk pulled Taekwoon to his side. Taekwoon sighed, he just wanted to go back to his own class.


“Nice to meet you Taekwoon,” Kyungsoo and Chanyeol said. Baekhyun had been staring at the girl that entered with Jaehwan and Sanghyuk. The girl sat in the back of the class with two other girls.


“Who is she?” Baekhyun thought out loud. Jaehwan’s eyes followed to where Baekhyun was looking.


“That’s Taeyeon, she’s pretty, huh?” Jaehwan smiled.


“Taeyeon,” Baekhyun repeated quietly to himself.


“Do you like her, Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo pulled Baekhyun from his thoughts. Baekhyun looked to Kyungsoo and nodded.


“I’m going to go talk to her! And I’ll share my lunch with her!” Baekhyun got up from his seat and walked over to the pretty girl in the back of the room. Kyungsoo smiled, he wants someone to like and share with.


“Well, I think we should head back to our respective rooms,” Hakyeon stated. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk nodded, they began to walk to their classroom. “We’ll see you around!”


Kyungsoo and Chanyeol waved as they walked out the door. Chanyeol turned around to see Baekhyun giggling with the Taeyeon. Lucky Baek, he thought to himself. Chanyeol liked someone as well, but he was much too shy to announce it. In fact, the person he liked sat right beside him, smiling cheerfully, the smile that Chanyeol enjoyed, it lit up his whole face.


As if Kyungsoo could read his thoughts he asked, “Do you like anyone Chanyeol?”


Chanyeol became flustered and blushed deeply. Should he tell him? Should he keep it a secret? He’ll probably never tell him if not now, this is his chance. “I-I like someone.”


“Really, who?” Kyungsoo smiled his heart shaped smile.


“I-Uhh-Urm,” Chanyeol stuttered.


“Please tell me, I won’t judge you,” Kyungsoo coaxed him.


“Y-You, I like you Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol said quietly and looked down. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, he wasn’t expecting that, to be honest, he thought Chanyeol liked Baekhyun.


After a few moments, Kyungsoo smiled, he should he happy someone likes him. “Really?”


Chanyeol looked up slowly, he nodded shyly. Kyungsoo smiled wider. “I like you too, Chanyeol!”


Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo, a shocked look on his face. “You’re not just saying that because I like you?”


“No, I really do like you Chanyeol,” Kyungsoo smiled again and hugged Chanyeol. Chanyeol hugged back hesitantly at first but soon snuggled into Kyungsoo.


Baekhyun made his way back to the table to see his friends hugging tightly. “What’d I miss?”


Chanyeol quickly unwrapped his arms from Kyungsoo and chuckled nervously “Ah, n-nothing, so how’s Taeyeon?”


“She’s sweet and pretty and I like her a lot,” Baekhyun smiled.

“But you just met her, Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo stated.


“Your point?” Baekhyun countered. Kyungsoo laughed lightly.


“Nothing.” The boys sat at their table and smiled at each other, they were all happy they’d found someone to like and share their lunch with.  

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Chapter 5: Joon dont leave jongin plzz....
Btw,awesome story author-nim...
I wonder what's gonna happen next..??
O..chansoo is sooo cute ...
Update soon!!
kpoplover365 #2