Sleepover for a Party

Growing Up

Jongin and Joonmyun woke up to a very excited Kyungsoo jumping on their bed. Groaning, Jongin sat up and grabbed his little brother’s shoulders. Kyungsoo locked eyes with his eyes and smiled widely. Joonmyun looked from behind his arm at the scene in front of him. He laughed quietly as Kyungsoo leaped from Jongin’s grip and onto his torso, beating his chest lightly with his tiny fists. Said boy began to humor his brother and pretended to be hurt.

"Hyung! It’s my birthday today!” Kyungsoo shouted as he stood and jumped on Jongin’s stomach. Jongin grunted in actual pain before laughing and playfully shoving Kyungsoo off the bed. The boy landed with a thud and a very audible ‘ow’.

“I know Soo. You’re having a party at 4 o’ clock p.m. not a.m.” Jongin chuckled as he looked at his alarm clock which read 4:02 am. Kyungsoo smiled sweetly, if not wickedly, and climbed back onto the bed. Joonmyun yawned loudly and threw his hands into the air to stretch. He then dropped his hand and flexed it toward Kyungsoo. He grabbed the boy’s leg and pulled it out from under him. He dragged Kyungsoo toward the pillows, turned him around, and stuck him under the covers, successfully tucking him in.

“Three more hours okay Soo?” Joonmyun asked sleepily. He laid his head on the pillow and laughed loudly when Kyungsoo gave him the signature puppy dog eyes. With a big smile, Joonmyun reached across Kyungsoo and grabbed Jongin’s arm. He pulled the male toward him and the boy and slipped his own arm under the nine-year-old and his boyfriend. Gathering the two siblings in his arms, he exhaled in content as he rested his head on the pillow once more.

“Joonmyun-hyung!” Kyungsoo exclaimed from his sandwiched position between his brothers. He huffed while Jongin and Joonmyun smirked and sandwiched him tighter.

“I can’t breathe!” The boy yelled as his hyungs laughed and released him from their group hug. Jongin sat up in his bed and ruffled Kyungsoo’s already messy hair. He

picked up his brother and then exited his bed. He threw Kyungsoo over his shoulder and walked out of the room.

“Nice .” Joonmyun chuckled from the bed. He gave his boyfriend a thumbs up and laughed as Jongin covered his with his free hand while Kyungsoo gave him the most disgusted look.

“Hyung, you’re gross.” Kyungsoo said from Jongin’s shoulder as he walked out of the room.

Walking into Kyungsoo’s room, Jongin carefully took the boy off his shoulder and placed him in his bed. He tucked the sheets around him so tightly, Kyungsoo could hardly move.

“Now, you can yell when you want to get up in at least three hours.” Jongin told him with a smile. Kyungsoo began to protest, but Jongin was already at the door, turning off the lights. Sighing, Kyungsoo squirmed in the bed until he found a comfortable position and promptly fell back asleep.

Jongin strolled back into his room and threw his arms in the air as he yawned. He laid back down next to Joonmyun, who watched him with an amused smile. He covered himself with his blankets and snuggled into the mattress. He fell asleep and Joonmyun quietly watched his sleeping form. He moved a piece of hair from Jongin’s forehead and the male breathed softly. He smiled softly as he traced the lines of Jongin’s face, carefully caressing his lips and cheeks. Jongin stirred slightly, but did not wake.

Joonmyun frowned as he looked at his boyfriend. How would he tell him? Better yet, how could he leave such a beautiful thing?


At exactly 11 o’clock am, Kyungsoo woke from his little ‘nap’. He yawned a little bit and smiled when he turned to read the clock. He wiggled in his cocoon of blankets until he finally was able to break free. Jumping up from the bed, he flung the door and ran down the hall as fast as he could.

“Hyungs!” He screamed as he ran, bursting into Jongin’s room. He huffed as he jumped on Joonmyun, who woke with grunt. He opened his eyes to see Kyungsoo and smiled, ruffling his hair. Kyungsoo smiled back and proceeded to jump on Jongin as well.

“Jongin wake up!” Kyungsoo yelled at his brother. Said brother looked up at his younger brother and laughed. He sat up and yawned.

“I’m up, I’m up.” He stated with a smile. He stood up from the bed and walked to the closet. He pulled out a box wrapped in colorful paper and a bow. He turned and walked back to the bed, where he gave it to Kyungsoo.

“Here, me and Joonmyun got this for you. Happy Birthday Soo.” Jongin beamed when Kyungsoo took the present from him. Kyungsoo’s eyes lit up and he tore into the paper and found a Galaxy S5 inside. Kyungsoo was in awe as he lifted the electronic from the box.

“Woah hyung, where’d you get this?” Kyungsoo questioned with a sparkle in his eyes. Joonmyun chuckled at the boy.

“It’s a secret.” Joonmyun said with a playful tone. Kyungsoo giggled a little bit and leaned over to give Joonmyun a hug. He then stood on the bed and gave Jongin a hug as well.

“Thank you!” He said with a happy smile. He jumped off the bed and very carefully walked from the room into the living room. Joonmyun got up and followed, holding Jongin’s hand down the hall.

“Okay, we’ve got to start setting up for the party soon, but first food.” Jongin said as he strolled in with Joonmyun. Kyungsoo looked up with an excited face.

“Can I cook hyung?” He asked innocently. He looked at Jongin with puppy dog eyes and Jongin couldn’t resist.

“Fine. Do you want us to help?” Jongin asked as they all walked into the kitchen. Kyungsoo shook his head and started pushing them out.

“No, I can do it. I’ll call if I need it though.” Kyungsoo stated before completely pushing them out the door. Chuckling, the older boys agreed and walked out into the living room where they sat down on the couch. Joonmyun snuggled into Jongin’s side as they flipped through the channels to find something interesting to watch. Every once in a while, they looked to make sure Kyungsoo didn’t need anything.


About 30 minutes later, Kyungsoo walked out from the kitchen with a triumphant smile. He gave the boys a thumbs up before speaking.

“I made eggs and pancakes.” He declared before turning around and going back into the kitchen to get plates down from the cabinet. He dragged a chair from in front of the oven over to the counter by the cabinet. He climbed up onto it and opened the cabinet, taking three plates from inside. Placing them on the counter, he got off the chair and put it back in front of the oven. He filled up each of the plates and set them down on the table one by one. Finally, the older boys meandered into the dining room and sat down in front of the two already made plates.

“You didn't have to do that Soo, it’s your birthday.” Jongin said from the table, although secretly, he wasn’t complaining. Kyungsoo only smiled innocently and sat down.

“But I wanted to.” He stated before digging into his pancakes. Joonmyun chuckled at the boy.

“Thank you Kyungsoo-ah.” He said before also eating. Jongin did the same and soon nothing but the sound of forks hitting plates was heard.


“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kyungsoo! Happy birthday to you!”

Kyungsoo blew out the candles on his Pororo birthday cake as his guests cheered. His parents sat on either side of him and smiled at their son.The boy looked to his parents and laughed as his mother began to cut the cake. Each piece was accompanied by vanilla ice cream and Kyungsoo got the piece with Pororo’s face.

“You guys are still spending the night right?” Kyungsoo asked his little group that sat outside on the balcony of the apartment. This little group included Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, Zitao, Yixing, Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaewhan, and Sanghyuk. Each boy nodded one by one.

“Of course I am, I always spend the night.” Chanyeol said with his mouth full of cake. Baekhyun nodded.

“Same with me.” He said before putting another bite in his mouth.

“I’m staying.” Sehun said, leaning against Zitao, who also nodded.

“Zitao and me too!” Yixing stated.

“Are you guys staying too?” Kyungsoo asked the four remaining kids. They all nodded, signaling they were. Kyungsoo smiled widely and continued eating his cake.

“My hyung said he was staying too.” Sehun said with a disgusted look. Kyungsoo furrowed his brows.

“He is? Does that mean Minseok hyung is staying too?” Chanyeol asked with curiosity.

“I dunno, but I think my hyung is staying too.” Baekhyun agreed from across the balcony.

“Are they all staying then?” Kyungsoo asked with a tilted head. Everyone shrugged and went back to their cake. When they finished, all of them headed back into the house and crowded around the couch with the older boys.

“Kyungsoo dear, dad and I have to go now. Happy birthday sweetie.” Kyungsoo’s mom said walking into the living room. She leaned down to hug him tightly.

“Bye mommy! Bye dad!” Kyungsoo said as he hugged both of his parents. His mom leaned down to give Jongin a hug goodbye.

“Mom. Can’t breathe.” Jongin croaked out into his mother’s shoulder. She laughed and let go. They left the apartment and only the boys were left. While the ten younger boys played games around the living room, the older boys watched from the couch and the doorway.

“Let’s play tag!” Zitao exclaimed to his friends. They all nodded and yelled ‘not it’. Baekhyun lost and began running around the living room, trying to tag his friends.

“I’m gon get ya!” Baekhyun yelled as he ran after Sehun. The usually straight-faced boy screamed and ran around the couch and away from Baekhyun, who was right on his tail. Yixing ran right past him and Baekhyun took the chance and tagged him. Yixing turned to Hakyeon, who was in the corner of the room and scurried toward him. Hakyeon saw this, and ran from the corner, narrowly escaping the boy.

“No fair!” Yixing cried. He turned to see Jaehwan run past and tackled him to the ground.

“You’re it!” He yelled as he got up and ran to hide behind his older brother's long legs. Kris chuckled to himself as he looked down to see Yixing peeking out from behind him. Jaehwan ran past Wonsik, who was standing with Jongdae, and tagged Kyungsoo, who was trying to hide behind the wall.. Laughing, Kyungsoo ran from behind the wall and tagged Zitao as he tried to hide behind Minseok. Zitao looked at the boy before running after him as he ran toward Jongin.

“Come at me Zitao!” Kyungsoo yelled as he ran to Jongin and climbed into his lap. Zitao frowned as he ran and climbed into Jongin’s lap as well. Zitao suddenly had an idea. He smiled wickedly and reached for Kyungsoo, before quickly turning and tagging Jongin’s arm.

“You’re it hyung!” He yelled before scrambling off Jongin’s lap with Kyungsoo in tow. The boys screamed as Jongin jumped up from the couch and chased the boys around the living room.


After chasing them around for what seemed like forever, the older boys decided it was time to call it a day. It was around 9 o’clock and almost all of the younger were already out cold for the night. Chanyeol was laying on one side of the couch with one leg laying on the side of him and one on the floor. Kyungsoo’s head laid on Chanyeol’s hip, his legs both on Yixing’s lap. Yixing was on the other side of the couch, both legs on the floor as if he was sitting, his head rested on Kyungsoo’s side.

Baekhyun was sprawled out on the floor with Sehun and Hakyeon. Hakyeon’s head was up against the couch, Baekhyun’s was on his lap, and Sehun’s was on Baekhyun’s stomach. Taekwoon and Jaehwan were leaning against one another on the floor on the side of the couch. Sanghyuk and Zitao were both up, but slowly falling asleep in the arms of Kris. He sat on the floor with the rest of the older boys, quietly playing truth or dare.

Soon, however, all the boys in the house passed out in the living room. At around midnight, Kyungsoo slowly woke up. He rubbed his eyes to see all of the older boys passed out on the floor. He spotted Jongin and Joonmyun holding hands in their sleep and saw Minseok and Luhan snuggled together in middle of all of the boys. Kyungsoo tried to get up, however he noticed Yixing on his side. Slowly lifting Yixing’s head he quickly stood from the couch and laid him back down on the couch.

Kyungsoo quietly maneuvered his way around his friends on the floor and walked into the kitchen. He flipped on the lights and  decided to quickly hop onto the counter instead of moving the chair, and opened the cabinet to grab a glass. Coming down from atop the counter, he silently filled it with water and sat in a chair. He drank the quickly, not hearing that footsteps that made their way into the kitchen.

“What’re you doing up?” Chanyeol spoke from the kitchen entrance. Kyungsoo turned to face him and smiled. He set the glass down on the wooden table.

“I got thirsty.” He replied, gesturing for his friend to sit next to him. Chanyeol pulled out the chair next to him and sat down.

“Oh.” Chanyeol replied. He picked up the now empty glass and got up. He walked to the fridge and filled i t again. He took a sip from it and sat back down with Kyungsoo. The two sat in silence for a little while before Kyungsoo spoke up.

“What do you think it’s like having a boyfriend?” He asked his friend. Chanyeol looked up and shrugged.

“I dunno.” He replied as he brought the glass back up to his lips. He eyed Kyungsoo wearily. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

“Do you know what it’s like to like someone?” Kyungsoo asked innocently. Chanyeol could literally feel himself become a human tomato.

“Y-Yeah.” He stuttered. His friend looked at him with wonder. HE moved closer to Chanyeol and placed a hand on his forehead.

“Chanyeol you’re hot.” He stated before removing his hand and placing it on his cheek. Without thinking, Chanyeol stood up. He looked Kyungsoo in his eyes.

“Can I kiss you?” Chanyeol asked innocently. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he felt his own face become hot.

“Why would you wanna do that?” He asked, looking at the ground.

“Because I like you.” Chanyeol stated hesitantly. Kyungsoo looked up into the terrified eyes of his best friend. Kyungsoo nodded and stood on his tip-toes. Chanyeol leaned down and closed his eyes, just like his hyung taught him a few days ago. Kyungsoo closed his eyes as well and felt Chanyeol lightly press his lips to his.

Breaking away, Chanyeol looked away with a blush. Kyungsoo did the same and they awkwardly stood there for what seemed like an eternity.

“So…” Chanyeol said quietly. He glanced to Kyungsoo to see he had stuck his hand out toward the taller boy. Smiling, Chanyeol took his hand and the two walked back into the living room and settled back into their previous positions on the couch. They fell asleep holding hands and Kyungsoo couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.

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Chapter 5: Joon dont leave jongin plzz....
Btw,awesome story author-nim...
I wonder what's gonna happen next..??
O..chansoo is sooo cute ...
Update soon!!
kpoplover365 #2