Mr. Wu

Play Me


"Jieun." I called as I opened the door to her room. She sat at the edge of the bed, eyes open, with dark circles under them, wearing her uniform.

"I'm so sorry." I sat next to her and put an arm around her.

"Imagine how his parents feel right now. He was so loved. Why did he do that?" She questioned out loud.

"I'm not sure myself. I'm so sorry."

"Jin, I know you miss him too. Don't try to be strong." She said, sympathy covered her face.

"I won't lie, of course I do. We were really close. But..."

"I know. It's okay. We'll get through this." Jieun hugged me, and it hugged her back. For a moment we stayed in that position.

"Come on. Lets get to school already." Jieun said as she got up.

We walked outside her house, to find Chanyeol waiting for us.

"Hey." He said with a comforting smile.

As we walked to school and met more friends on the way, Jieun pulled me to the side.

"Hey, don't you think, Chanyeol kind of looks like Joon Young?" Jieun whispered


"I mean come on, look. The semi curly hair, height, and deep voice. I see how similar they are." Jieun said. With a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I guess. But maybe you just miss Joon Young. It's only been a day." I comforted.


"You guys should be excited. The Winter Ball is just around the corner. I can't wait to see every one of you there. Remember, an extra week vacation~" Mrs. Han cooed.

After the lesson, she left to go print out papers for tomorrow's lecture, and left us to study.

Chanyeol turned around in his seat, that was right in front of me, and put his elbows on my desk.

"So Jin. Did you get a dress?" A grin spread across his face

"Yes." I said, not looking up from my book.

"Ooh can I see it?" He asked

"No." I replied.

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Chanyeol really? I'm trying to study." I grunted as I closed my book in frustration.

"C'mon. Nobody actually studies during study hall." He said and smiled.

The bell rang after that, and it was time for lunch.

"Lets just go." I said and packed my things.

I made my way to the cafeteria, Chanyeol followed behind.

"Wait. Lets not eat that food today." Chanyeol said as he pulled me to another place. In the same direction as the school garden.

"Chanyeol, I'm hungry. And I have training after school. It's the last one before the dance." My stomach growled in that moment, and I continued to complain.

"Chanyeol~ Yeol~! Please I'm hungry." When he finally stopped I ran into his back. And I looked around him, to find a blanket laid on the floor, and a basket right next to it.

"What's this?"

"I wanted to cheer you up." He smiled his warm smile. "I heard about Joon Young. I'm sorry." He said and pulled me into a hug. "I know he was kind of your first friend. And he meant a lot to you. But it's going to be okay. You can cry with me." He comforted.

I stayed there, unmoving against him in his embrace.

"Chanyeol." I whispered into his blazer

He pulled me closer, "hmm?"

My hand went up, and I hugged him back. "Thank you."

This reminded me of the first time Joon Young came to my house, it was the first time any person outside of business and family ever step foot in that house, and he's still the only one.


Joon Young shut the door furiously.

"How do you live with this everyday?!" He frustratedly pushed his hands through this hair.

Then, I still only said a few words. I stood there next to the bed, silent. Only shrugging my shoulders in response.

"He treats you that way all the time? I would've done something about it a long time ago. How can you live with it?" Joon Young said, while laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"You just do." I replied, my voice shaky.

We were in my room, and my father had just finished lecturing me, on missing a problem on my medics quiz, given to me by my medic tutor. He even attempted to hit me, but thank goodness Joon Young was there. This happens quite often. I make a simple mistake, and heavily punished for it. In my fathers eyes, I'm the most imperfect living creature there is. He's often told me that his patients are more perfect than I am.

"I seriously don't know what to get Jieun for her birthday. What do you think she wants?" He asked me. That was the reason why he came over. To discuss Jieun's birthday present. Although, it was more like he just came in, uninvited.

"Anything really..." I replied.

"Come on we all know she's picky."

"As long as it's from you."

"But what does she like?"



I looked over at him. We hadn't moved from our earlier position. I, sitting at the edge of the bed, and him laying down, looking at me.

I turned to him, and he moved his elbow so that he was facing me. But he did the unexpected.

Joon Young pulled me into an embrace. "It's okay. It's safe to cry with me." And he rubbed my back with a comforting hand.


And all my anger, frustration, and sadness poured out that day. He was the first, and hopefully the last person to ever witness me crying. That day, if Joon Young and I weren't that close before, then we definitely became closer than ever.

"*cough* uh Jin..?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I hadn't realized while I was thinking, I was still in Chanyeol's hold, holding him back aswell.

"Sorry." I said and pulled away. We sat down and Chanyeol pulled out the food contained in the basket.

"I remembered your favorite." Chanyeol said and pulled out fresh jjajangmyeon. My father never lets me eat this. But Joon Young took me out to a restaurant and ordered it for me. It was during that week that Jieun was on vacation with her family. And I loved it ever since. There was another memory of Joon Young. I really do miss him.

"Thanks Chanyeol. You're the best."

He smiled and gave a small laugh. The way he looked at me reminded me of that time with Joon Young. Maybe Jieun wasn't wrong. Chanyeol does look like Joon Young.

We ate lunch together, and laid on the blanket together.

"That ones a dragon." Chanyeol pointed to the puffy cloud.

"No, it's a bunny." I argued

"What are you talking about?! It's a dragon." He countered back





*Ding Dong* the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch.

"Come on; lets go back to class." I said and picked up the basket.

"Just leave it. Hyuk will clean it up." He said.

*Hyuk is Chanyeol's personal butler.*

And we left.


"Hey Jin. Wanna come over today?" Chaerin offered before we all broke up to leave.

"I wish I could. But I can't. Father wants me home today, since I haven't come for the past two days. We have a special dinner tonight." I explained, and half sulked. I didn't want to go back.

"Well want a ride home?" Chaemin offered.

"I can't. One of my dad's butlers are coming for me."

"That . Well, bye." They said and walked away and into their car.

Soon after a car pulled up in front of me, and rolled down the window.

"Miss Bae." He called.

I nodded and got inside the car.

"Miss Bae. You know Master Bae has some very important news for tonight's dinner." He informed me.

"Yea sure."

"You must dress up formally tonight."

"I'll go in a pantsuit."

"Your wardrobe has already been picked out."

I sighed and looked out the window.

I saw in the rear view mirror Chanyeol's car following us, and tried to pull up on the side.

"Hey wait. Stop the car." I said and rolled down the window.

Chanyeol stopped beside us, and rolled down his window. He looked at me, and tossed a small box into the car. I caught it, and he smiled, winked at me, and drove off.

"You can go now." I told the chauffeur. We continued driving home. I opened the box, and inside was a locket, and a small note.

«Fighting~!» it read, and the locket had a picture of Chanyeol and I, the first picture we ever took together. At the park, on the last day of middle school.

I smiled and put the box in my pocket.

When we reached home, the maids greeted us in.

"Miss Bae. Master is waiting for you in his study." The head maid told me

"Of course, where else would he be. Thank you." I told her and made my way to my fathers study.

I knocked on the door, "Enter." He said.

I opened the door and entered the room, "you requested me Father." I bowed to him.

"Get ready for dinner tonight. Mr. Wu is coming by tonight. You do remember him, don't you."

"Mr. Wu, the biggest sponsor of our hospitals, I'm familiar with his medicine brand. We often prescribe them to patients. He's Chinese. But went to study medicine abroad in America. But came back to China after creating a new medicine.""

"Good. He's also bringing his son. I want you to get along with him. For the sake of our company bond. Mr. Wu takes great pride in his son. If he thinks they should stop sponsoring because he doesn't like you, Mr. Wu will do it." He told me.

"Yes sir." I bowed and began to walk out of the room.

I went up to my room, where I found my personal dresser.

"Miss Bae. We have your outfit picked for tonight." Haneul smiled at me.

"I told you to call me Jin. It's just us." I said.

"Just in case matters. I don't want to lose my job."

"I won't let that happen. So, what'd you pick for me tonight."

"I know how you hate girly things. So I picked a comfy cotton blouse, and a skirt with tights. And I hope you don't mind the doll shoes."

"That's fine. Lets just get this over with."

When I finished dressing, a maid came to inform me that Mr. Wu was here.

"I'll be down right now."

I took the locket Chanyeol gave me, and put it on. The only jewelry I would allow myself to wear.

"That's a beautiful necklace Miss Jin." Haneul complemented


I went down stairs to find Mr. Wu and my father chatting in the living room.

"Jin. Come meet Mr. Wu"

I walked over and bowed to the man. "Good Evening Mr. Wu. It's nice to meet you. I am Bae Jin." I introduced.

"Waah. You have a stunning daughter Mr. Bae. I'm jealous." Mr. Wu complemented

They laughed, and he introduced his son to me.

"Jin. Meet my son, Wu YiFan."

That name rang in my ears, and I stared at the tall blonde standing before me.

"Hey." He said and shook my hand.

"I'm Bae Jin. Nice to meet you Wu YiFan."

"Don't I know you...?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry, but I think you mistook me for another person. We've never met before."

"No. I'm pretty sure I have seen you before." He continued to push on.

"Maybe you guys have met at a school event. Jin goes to Moon Academy. Don't you go to Star, YiFan?" My father asked

"Ah! That's it. You're that girl who confronted us after the game a few days ago." YiFan realized. "The one who called us cheat-"

"Aha, who congratulated you guys on your win. It was a great game.
Good competition." I interjected. The two men looked at us weirdly. "I'll go give YiFan a tour father, you can continue your conversation with Mr. Wu. It was nice meeting you Mr. Wu. I'm looking forward to dinner." I bowed and pulled YiFan away towards the garden.

When we were finally alone, I let go of his arm and looked at him.

"Why are you saying stuff like that??"

"What, it's true." He defended

"Please. Don't mention the game."

"Why? It was the first time a girl rejected an autograph from me. I was so hurt." He faked a pained face

"Please." I begged

"But. I guess I can let it slide. I've never seen a girl so tough before. Especially since you hit Luhan. I died laughing so hard." He laughed again.

"Looks like you two are having fun." My father said as he entered the garden. "How about having dinner out here?" He asked Mr. Wu who was behind him.

"I love it. Lets eat" he said clasping his hands together.

During dinner, Mr. Wu asked me many questions about school and my future career. I answered every question in a way my father would approve.

We were in a conversation when suddenly YiFan's phone beeped.

"Oh, that's the tailor. My suit is finished" he informed his dad

"That's right. The Winter Ball is coming up this weekend." Mr. Wu said. "Jin are you going?"

"I am." I said.

"Do you have a date?" He asked

"No I do not. It's more like going with the whole class." I said

"Wouldn't it be great if YiFan and Jin went together?" Mr. Wu said to my father.

"That would. How about it?" He looked to YiFan and I.

"It would be an honor to such a pretty girl to the dance. What do you say Jin?" YiFan looked at me and winked.

"Sure. I'd love to." I lied. Showing up to the dance with YiFan....what would my friends say.

"Fantastic." My father said.

"I'll pick you up at 8 this Saturday." YiFan told me.

"Why don't you guys exchange phone numbers. Isn't that what you teenagers do to keep in touch." YiFan's dad suggested.

I put in my number in his phone. I noticed there was a whole bunch of girl names in his phone.

"Well it's getting late. Why don't we get going." Mr. Wu said.

We walked them out the door, and once my father closed it, his face changed.

"A dance? Since when did you ever-" my father started, but I was already walking to my room.

I changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.

Before I knew it, it was already Saturday.

Jieun and I were talking on the phone.

J: so Jin. Need a ride to the dance?

Me: no it's okay. I got one.

J: are you going with anyone? Chanyeol perhaps?

I could hear her giggling and teasing

Me: well...kinda. But it's not Chanyeol.

J: what?! Who??

Me: I'll tell you when I get there. Talk later, I've gotta call the twins.

When I called Chaerin, she didn't answer. They must be getting ready.

I decided to get ready too. Put on the dress and began doing my hair. Then YiFan called.

"I'm on my way." He said

"Sure. Okay." And I hung up.

Haneul came from behind me, "you look beautiful Miss Jin."

"Thank you."

"Would you like some make up?" She asked lifting up the make up kit.

"You know I hate make up. I'll just go without it." I said

"Well you look beautiful either way." She comforted me. There was a knock on my door, and when she went to answer it, YiFan was right there.

"Are you ready to- Whoa." He stood there looking me up and down.

"Lets go." I said

He gave me his arm to hold onto, and I took it.

"Miss Jin. May I please take a picture before you leave." Haneul said coming down the stairs with a camera.

I sighed and nodded.

"1. 2. 3. Cheese!" She said and snapped the picture. "It's so cute!"

She waved us goodbye and I got in YiFan's car.

He closed the door and we drove off to the school. "Look, I'm sorry my father dragged you into this, but lets just have fun okay?"

I didn't respond. I only wanted to get there and leave.

YiFan parked the car and helped me out.

"You ready?" He asks


We walked to the entrance of the ballroom, my arm wrapped around YiFan's arm. And when inside, a lot of people stopped and looked at us, well mainly YiFan. Girls gave me an evil stare.

"Jin?" I heard a voice from behind us. I recognized the voice.

"Chanyeol." I smiled at him. His face looked shocked, but it became blank when he noticed the guy by my side.

"Jin. You look amazing." His face looked stunned. " that...?"

"OMG Jin. Is that your date you were talking about earlier?" Jieun said as she approached us.

"Date?!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Date?! What date? She never told me!

Even worse, that's Wu YiFan. From Star. Even more worse, she looks so pretty tonight. That dress...she looks stunning. It fits her body curves perfectly. Wait. Curves? Since when did I ever notice that? But why is the back of the dress all open? Did she really pick that? It's too.....y. Wait. She's dressed like that...with a guy... What the hell? When did this happen?!


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Chapter 2: Omo, Joon Young...