The Others

Play Me

"Jin." Joonmyeon called me. Before I turned to look at him, I gave Luhan one last glare.


"Are you sure you want to go on a date with Chunji?" He asks me.

"Well...I heard rumors about girls who dated him before, but I don't think that's true."

"At least, don't go until after tryouts. I don't want something bad to happen." Chanyeol tells me. I promise not to go on the date till after.

"But do you know how much those shoes cost??" Sehun exclaims as he opens the box and takes out the shoes.

"They're like $500" Jongin says, also inspecting the shoes.

"I know. That's why I feel bad. They're super nice shoes. But, how did he even know my shoe size?"

The guys shrugged, and I did too. Who cares, I'm worried about other things.

I still felt Luhan's glare from my back.
"I'm ready to go. I'll see you guys later." I say as I begin to pack my stuff.

"I'll walk you home." Chanyeol says standing up.

"It's fine. You guys did great today." I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the door. "Bye Mrs. Ahn!"

"Bye Jin." She calls back.

I walk outside, and Chanyeol follows behind me. We continue walking side by side on the concrete.

"Jin...How is it at home?" He starts. He knows how tense I become when I talk about family, so he takes hold of my hand as we continue walking.

"Same as always." I shrugged and sighed. Nobody understands my situation at home better than Yeol.

"Want to stay over tonight?" He suggests

"Last time we did that, you got in huge trouble with my father."

"Yea, but at least I know you're okay. I bet that night was the first time you got a full nights rest."

"Chanyeol. I don't want you to get in trouble for me anymore."

"I just don't like seeing my best friend suffer. I can see it in your eyes."

"Well....I guess a night wouldn't hurt right?"

"Great, we can wash your uniform there. Lets go." We walked together, past my house, where I left a note in the mailbox (I also sent a text saying to check the mail, so they actually see it) and to Chanyeol's apartment, that was close by.

I stuck my uniform in the washer, and fixed the pair of basketball shorts and tshirt Chanyeol gave me to wear.

I walked into the living room to find Yeol sitting there flipping through the channels. "See, isn't this fun?" He patted the cushion next to him, and I laid down with my head on his lap. "Can I braid your hair?" He asks me, picking up a strand of my hair.

"Oh no. Last time you tried, my hair was in knotts for days."

"I promise I've gotten better."

"Who's head did you rip off now?"


We sat there, talking and laughing like that for a while. When we went to bed, Chanyeol gave me the bed while he slept on a futon on the floor.

"Chanyeol. Are you asleep?" I whispered in the dead of night. It must've been 2 in the morning.

I listened for a reply, but all I heard was his steady breathing.

By the time it was 3 am, I dozed off.

4:30 am alarm went off. Time for my morning run. I quickly turn it off before it wakes up Bae Jin. I heard her tossing and turning all night, she probably couldn't sleep again. I sat up and looked over at the small fragile girl laying in my bed. Her small body coated by the blanket, her hair in a braid, heh credit to me, and the tear that fell from her eye. Tear streaks were left on her cheek, and there was a small wet puddle on the pillow.

I walked closer to the girl, and put my hand on her cheek. Wiping away the upcoming tear. "How many nights have you spent, crying to yourself? Not telling me, your best friend. Who's never seen you cry before." I whispered, continuing to look at her.

The next thing I did, might've been a bit overboard. But I bet she needed this more than anything.

I climbed into the bed next to her, wrapped her up in my arms, and stayed laying there. "Don't cry alone anymore, when you have me."

And with that, I fell asleep again, Jin in my arms.

5:30 am

The alarm is ringing

Time to get up for school.

But why is it so warm?

I open one eye, to look at the warm body laying next to me, only to find a girl with eyes wide open staring at me.

"Oh, Jin." I yawned and stretched.

"Did you...?"

"Relax. I just came because I was cold."

She nodded and got out of the bed. And we both got ready for school.

Waking up next to Chanyeol felt....weird. I had to run to the bathroom, my face is feeling hot. Am I getting sick?

After getting ready, I sat at the kitchen table, "are you sure you don't need help?"

"It's fine, just sit."

"Alright. If you say so."

I listened to him as he cooked.

"Ah. Ouch. Ahhh. Stop stop. No stop burning!"

"You burn everything. Come on, lets go get some breakfast." I turn the fire off, and put the pan inside the sink. We left the apartment that morning, and when we walked outside, an unexpected someone was also leaving his apartment.

He looked at me, who stayed in the doorway staring back at him.
He looked to me, then to Chanyeol. Then gave a smirk.

"Well, look who we have here." Luhan looked us up and down.

I made a gross look at him, and grabbed Chanyeol's arm, "Lets go."

We walked down the hall, footsteps followed. Stepped inside the elevator, and he got in as well, just his presence annoys me. He's asking to be punched again.

When we got out the elevator, I pulled Yeol away and went a faster pace to the nearby cafe.

After we ate, we left to school.

"Chaerin! Chaemin!" I called the two girls walking in front of us.

They both turned around at the same time, "Jin!"

"Sorry we couldn't make it to the game last night." - Chaemin

"Yeah, it was the biggest game of the year against Star." - Chaerin

*Chaemin and Chaerin are twins who I've met in middle school. We've been friends ever since.*

"The game was really good. And we almost won, if the other team didn't cheat, we would've kicked their butts." I held up my fist, still a bit frustrated at our unfair loss.

"What happened to your hand??" Jieun says as she runs up to us.

"Oh this, a heh... Well, stuff happens y'know and yea..." I said, I didn't know how to tell them the actual story.

"She punched a guy and ended up with an injury." Chanyeol speaks for me

"Hey! He was injured too. Did you not see the bandage on his cheek last night, and this morning!" I protest, I wasn't unjust in anything I did.

"You take pride in injuring someone?" Baekhyun shudders as him and the guys approach us.

"When they deserve a good beating, then yes." I admit. "Trust me. Luhan isn't a good guy. No matter what people say, or Yixing."

"Who's Yixing?" Jieun asked.

*Jieun is also a girl I've met in middle school, she's on the tennis team. Because of circumstances, we've ended up becoming really good friends*

"He's one of the teammates on EXO-M. Oh that reminds me, Chanyeol did you put on the stuff Yixing gave us." I looked at Chanyeol and bent down to check his ankle. The cast was there under his pants.

"Yeah yeah. I put it on. Take care of yourself first huh" he poked my forehead and I fell on my .

"Ah~" I rubbed my behind. "You're so mean."

Chaerin helped me up, and I walked with the 3 girls to school, and the guys followed behind us. A typical morning for us. But who knew it would only get worse?

~In Class~

"Okay students. It's that time of the year again." Mrs. Han spun around with her hands clasped together. "Our combined Winter Ball with Star Academy. I don't care what your excuse is, I want to see everyone of you there. Your high school year is where you make memories with your friends. Before you go into the brutal real world. Enjoy your time in high school kids, it's not easy. That's why, I already told your parents to pay for the ticket." Mrs. Han smiled as the whole class groaned.

"Mrs. Han. That's not fair."

"It's so boring."

"And there's people."

(A/N: I swear that last person is me XD )

"There's free food." Mrs. Han says. "Chefs from Italy are coming to cook appetizers and desserts."

This school is too prestigious. I'd rather stay at home and practice basketball. Who cares about free food.

"You're going whether you like it or not. If you show up, I'll give you all extra credit." She said

She still hadn't convinced everyone.

"If you all go, we can even go on that end of the year trip, and I'll pay for us to stay an extra week. How about that?"

That got everyone riled up. The end of the year trip is always the most expensive trip of the year. But it only lasts 5 days. Staying an extra week would be amazing.

"But everybody has to be there. Got it?"

The class replied Yes. And she gave us a free period.

"What do you think? Are you gonna go Jin?" Chanyeol asked me while resting his chin on my desk looking up at me.

"I don't want to." I scrunched my face.

"But an extra week! I think that's a good deal. And extra credit. Come on. We can't pass up this deal~ especially since she's paying." Jieun pulled my arm. Rich or not, she can never pass up a deal.

"I think it would be fun. Chaemin went last year. And had a lot of fun." Chaerin said.

"But I don't even own a dress fancy enough for a Winter Ball. Can't I come in jeans?" I suggested. And the girls cringed at me.

"I can't believe you're the daughter of the founder of the biggest hospital company and yet all you care about is basketball." Jieun facepalmed.

"We're going shopping after school." Chaerin said.

I put my head down on my desk, "I hate shopping!"

Jieun slapped my arm, "who cares. We're going."

I held my arm. "That hurt!"

"How do you not own any dresses? Don't all girls?" Sehun questioned.

"No no Sehun. Only the ones that are actual girls." Jongin explained.

I smacked Jongin in the back of the head.

"See, totally not a girl." Jongin added.

I lifted my hand up again, "alright alright. That's enough. Just go get a dress today. We'll go too. We can go buy a new tux." Chanyeol gestured to the guys.

"Hey can't I wear a female suit too?" I looked at the girls hopeful. They looked at me with a glare. "Alright I got it. Dress it is then."

Joonmyeon's limo came to pick us up after school.

"Sorry guys, I'm going to ride with Joon Young." Jieun smiled.

"Ooh he's here?" I asked looking for his car.

*Joon Young is Jieun's boyfriend, they've been dating for 2 and a half years already. They met when they were in middle school, at one of her moms gathering events. His mom is good friends with Jieun's mom. So them getting together made the families happy. Also, he's in a band, I wonder where there next concert will be? They've been becoming really popular these days*

"Yeah, I'll have him come shopping with us." Jieun said and waved goodbye.

We got into the limo and drove to the mall.

I know, limo seems a bit too much. I promise we aren't prissy rich kids. Joonmyeon's parents just like to make a statement wherever they - or their son - go.

At the mall, we walked into many designer brand stores. The amount of sparkles made me cringe.

"How about this?" Chaerin held up a pink cocktail dress with an open back. But it had a big flower at the waist.

I shook my head. "Too pink."

"This?" Jieun put out a long green dress, it was made of silk, and was one shoulder.


"Then what about this?" Chaemin showed a light blue knee length dress, with a lace covering and sparkles.

"Too sparkly."

The guys were standing off to the side carrying their tuxes and the girls' dresses. I was the last person we were shopping for.

"You're too picky" Sehun whined.

"It's easier shopping for guys than girls" Chaerin tells him.

"But you girls found something super quick." Jongin complained

"Yea, but this girl doesn't know what she likes." Jieun gestured to me.

"Aish it's fine. I got it. Just go home if you want." I shooed at them,

"If we do that, you'll never get a dress. Who knows what you'll pick." Jieun comments.

"Alright. Then lets just hurry and pick one."

I started going through the racks trying to find a dress that fit my taste.

"Hey Ji. I think I'll get going." Joon Young said as he came up from behind Jieun and hugged her.

The twins cooed and the guys and I mentally barfed.

He hugged her extra tight, and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't pin point it but, I had a bad feeling.

"Bye Joon." Jieun said as Joon Young walked out of the store.

"Can't I wear something like this?" I pull a black strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline and plain fabric, but a black laced bow at the waist.

"Are you going to a funeral or what?" Jongin commented.

I sighed and put the dress back. Then I found one. The perfect one.

"Guys." I said and pulled out the dress. It was a long black dress, with an open leg skirt, and a long open back, with a soft fabric. The dress was strapless, comfortable and flowy, and I loved it. "I want this one." I held it and smiled at the dress.

"Well, go try it on!" Chaemin squealed at pushed me into the dressing room.

I slipped the dress on, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Here try it with these" Chaerin said as she slipped a pair of gold high heels under the door.

I put them on aswell, and walked out of the dressing room.

"And for the final touch." Jieun pulled the hair-tie that kept my hair in a ponytail.

My hair fell down and I hadn't realized how long it's gotten. It almost covered the open back on the dress.

"So, how does it look?" I asked shyly. My first time trying on a dress in front of so many people.

I looked amongst the boys who just stared at me, and noticed we were missing one. "Where's Chanyeol?"

"He left because he had some family business to attend." Chaemin explained.

I softly pouted. "Too bad, he's missing out seeing you in a dress for the first time." Jieun teased.

We heard a camera snap, and Sehun had his phone pointed at me, "Don't worry, I'll send it to him."

I grabbed the phone from Sehun, "wait. No. I want to surprise him. He'll see it at the dance." I smiled, anticipating his reaction to the dress.

"You seem excited." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and the heel of my shoe got twisted in the carpet. And I almost fell.
And I would've.
If he didn't catch me.

He held me at the waist, and my arms were around his neck. Our faces were too close for comfort. I noticed how cute his face looked, animal? I can't name it...

"You're heavy you know that." He says and lets me go.

"You're just weak." I say, when I catch my balance. I look straight at him. "What are you doing here?"

"What, I can't be here?"

"Not in my presence. I don't like seeing your face."

"Well, guess you'll have to get used to perfection."

"Go find some other girl to torment."

"Okay now now. Jin, lets not start anything okay." Chaemin said as she came forward and held my arm.

"He started it." I said back to her.

"Jin, why don't you introduce us to your friend." Chaerin said holding my other arm.

"Tch. Friend? What friend."

"Hi, I'm Luhan. You must be it's friends." He smiled.

"It?! Who're you calling it you cheater." I scolded him.

"Well, what do I say other than it. I don't even know your name." Luhan questioned innocently.

"Whatever. I don't want you to." I spat at him.

"Bae Jin." Jieun said to Luhan. "Her name is Bae Jin."

"Yah Jieun. Who told you to tell him my name."

Jieun smack the back of my head, "listen to your unnie."

"You're only 4 months older than me."

"And I'm Cho Jieun. And the twins are Lee Chaemin and Chaerin." Jieun introduced.

"I'm going to change." I went into the dressing room and changed back into my uniform. When I stepped out, I saw the girls and Luhan having a conversation and laughing. Suho and Sehun are in it too. While Jongin and Baekhyun. I've never seen Sehun and Jongin talking in separate conversations.

"What are they doing?" I asked Jongin as I approached the two standing off to the side.

"I'd like to know too." Jongin said furiously.

Jieun suddenly walked out of the group and stepped to the side near us.

"Hey Joonie." She smiled. But the smile soon faded away. "Yeah Joonie. I love you too, of course....what do you mean miss you? Hey. Joon?! Joon Young? Jung Joon Young!"

"Jieun what's wrong?" I asked her, she held her hand over , trying to hold in tears. I took the phone, and I heard one of Joon Young's songs playing in the background of the car. It was the first song Jieun and Joon Young wrote together. It was very special. But then I heard the crash.

"Joon Young? Joon Young? Are you okay??"

I looked over at Jieun and she stared at me, tears b her eyes.

I took the phone and did a GPS search for Joon Young's phone. Once I got the location, I told the guys I had to go.

I couldn't understand the situation. But it didn't sound good. I was worried for Joon Young. But even more worried for Jieun.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the car.

I gave the chauffeur my phone with the location on GPS.
When we arrived at the sight, there was ambulance and fire trucks, policemen moving cars out of the way of the accident.

Jieun ran to the yellow tape, and demanded to be let in. The police officer said the victim was in critical condition.

"Jieun." I put an arm around her, she buried her face into my shoulder and let out a shaky breath, she was holding it in, all the tears. "It's going to be okay." I comforted her.

Suddenly a commotion started up, and nurses yelled for something.

But I realized when I saw the hydrostatic shock machine. They were losing him.

I took my school blazer off, and went under the tape to Joon Young. I told Jieun to stay behind. It would kill her to see him like this. And it took me some time to adjust to the vision of him, lying there with bruises, major deep cuts, and burns on his body. Not only the new fresh ones, but there were some older scars.

"You are not permitted to be right here." One of the nurses said trying to push me back out.

"No wait. I have to save him. I can help." I reached out to Joon Young's body. But another nurse came and pushed me back. The police officer took my arms and held them back as he dumped me back over on the other side. Jieun and I stayed right there watching their work. But our efforts were for nothing. As detectives came to inspect the area, they watched the surveillance video from the camera on the street light. There was no resistance or sign of panic. No call for help, and no losing control. Which only meant one thing.

« Jung Joon Young. Age: 16. Died January 7. Cause: suicide »

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Chapter 2: Omo, Joon Young...