Game 1

Play Me

*BEEEP* goes the buzzer signifying the beginning of the game.

Our home team, EXO-K, walked out from the locker room doors wearing their jerseys, running onto the court waving to the crowd. I see my best friend, Park Chanyeol, #61, waving and smiling at everybody, until his eyes met mine, he gave me a wink, but all the girls around me swooned. He laughed and continued on. Then came Byun Baekhyun, #4. He was jumping up and down, trying to earn cheers from the audience, to get their energy pumped. Followed by Do Kyungsoo, #12, who walked on by past the crowd in a nonchalant way. Then came the two "brothers" Oh Sehun, #94 and Kim Jongin, #88. "Brothers" because they're always together, inseparable even. You never see one without the other in the same room. And finally, the leader, Kim Joonmyeon #1. Even though he's not good at basketball, and never really goes into the court, he's the leader/manager, and pays for all the teams expenses. Might not be helpful in a game, but he's useful for everything else. Star students, all of them. The schools pride.

« Today's game, we are up against our sister school, Star Academy. We are Moon Academy. Both high schools are branches from an elementary school. I don't know why they made two high schools but they did so...yea »

Anyways, back to the game. The opposing team, EXO-M, then comes out of the locker rooms on the other side, and the other girls on the side of the stadium cheer and shout at their boys. I've heard of them, and know each of them of course. A good friend would research the opponents for her team.

There's Zhang Yixing #10, he's known for his kind and caring personality, he excels in medical science, and basically is the teams medic. Then we have Kim Jongdae #21, quiet and calm, his most often seen places are in the classroom, the library, or practicing alone on the court. His best area is World History. And he plays point guard. He moves fast and his short height can get him past other players quickly. Next is Huang ZiTao (Tao for short) #68 and Wu YiFan- or aka Kris #00, since he came from North America, that's his American name. Both have similar personalities, known to be very high end, only thinks of themselves as the best, Wu YiFan excels in Language, and Huang ZiTao in Martial Arts, since both have height advantages over other players, they play as defenders when on defense, and 3-point shooters when on offense. After we have Kim Minseok #99, known well for being a prankster, he is the best in Literature, and when on the court, likes to play around with his opponents and will often give them the "slip". And lastly, the leader of this team, LuHan #7. He has a crude attitude, and is rude and mean to everyone he meets, unless it's his crew. Even though he's not a great person with personality, he's the best on the court, his area of expertise is sports, specifically, basketball. He's the number one player that our team needs to keep an eye out for.

And soon the game began. Our tallest player versus theirs in a tip-off. Chanyeol versus YiFan. Chanyeol seems to be a bit shorter, but that won't stop him. The referee threw the ball up in the air and Chanyeol jumped as high as he could and pushed the ball towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun passed the ball to Sehun, who dribbled the ball and tried to get closer to the basket, but I saw Luhan come up behind Sehun, and put his face near Sehun's. And for a second Sehun froze and did not move, Luhan took that time to steal the ball from Sehun and make his way towards their basket. As the other players ran past Sehun, I saw Tao bump into his shoulder and continued to run off. Sehun then snapped out of it and ran to the other side, but it was too late, they had already scored the point.
Half Time came. And the same events occurred. EXO-M has something up their sleeve. They're cheating, and the refs aren't catching it! The score is 68-51 we are close, but still too far. I see my schools team sitting on the bench with a drink of water, feeling a little bit down. I make my way through the screaming girls and finally reach Chanyeol.

"Hey Chanyeol." I say as I lean my arm on his sweaty shoulder.

"Hey Jin." He gloomily said back.

I flicked the back of his head, and he turned around and looked at me, "hey! What was that for?"

"How do you expect to win if you're acting all gloomy. You have to get it together." I said. "Look, they're doing something, I just know it. I'm watching Luhan on the court, he's cheating I just know it."

"Yeah, I know. He did the same thing to all of us." He sulked and sat down again.

"Well, what did he say?" I questioned him.

Chanyeol took a minute to think, "uh actually it was nothing. Nevermind!" Was all he said then he took off on the court since half time was over.

I made my way back to my seat, and continued to watch all the players. Joonmyeon and Yixing sat in their respected areas, since they're both substitutes.
It's the last quarter, 79-77. We're almost there. Just two points away.

The ref finally called a foul on #68, Tao, for pushing. So Sehun gets a single free throw. And he makes it thankfully. Now the other team has the ball, and when Jongdae goes up for the shot, he misses and Baekhyun gets the rebound. The crowd is cheering as loud as they can. 45 seconds left. It seems like a lot, but time runs out really fast. Baekhyun makes it over to the other side and passes it to Kyungsoo, who quickly passes to Jongin. Who takes it over to the side and passes to Sehun. He attempts to get inside the box but fails, so he passes it over to Chanyeol, who's in front of the three point line. It's now 8 seconds left. Chanyeol prepares himself to shoot. If he makes it, we win the game. Chanyeol dribbles the ball a bit, and brings it up on his hand, he bends his knees and is about to spring up for the shot. The crowd is doing the countdown, 7, 6, 5, .... Chanyeol goes for it, but Luhan quickly moves from the back, and rams his foot into Chanyeol's ankle. Causing him to lose balance and fall over. Luhan takes the ball and makes his way over to his side and does a lay up with the ball and scores his team another two points, and that's the end of the game, 81-78. Everyone is devastated. And the referee still did not call a penalty. I run down there onto the court, as Baekhyun gives Chanyeol a hand back up. I tried persuading the referee to give us a penalty shot, but he wouldn't.

"The games already over girl. Stop bothering me." And he swatted me away.

I went to Chanyeol, Baekhyun was setting him down on the bench. Everyone was just sitting there, sad that they didn't win. It was our first game of the season, and we lost.

"Come on guys, you did amazing out there. Who cares if we didn't win, they're a bunch of cheaters anyway." I said trying to cheer them up. "Chanyeol, are you okay?"

He picked up his leg, and inspected his ankle. It was a bit red and sore. Might've been bruised.

"E-excuse me." A voice called from behind us, it was Zhang Yixing. "I'm sorry. I saw what my leader did, and I apologize. He's not a bad person, really once you get to know him. But here." He handed us a bag with a cast and some cream. "It'll help you recover faster. Apply the cream every day, morning and night. And you'll recover in no time." He smiled at us. At least one member of that team has some decency.

"Thanks Yixing." I said to him, and smiled back. He seemed a bit surprised.

"You know my name?" He asked.

I nodded, "of course I do. I always research my teams opponents" I smiled. He seemed slightly taken back, but then smiled again and put his hand out towards me.

"Well then, I don't need to introduce, but you are?" He says.

"Bae Jin." I said back to him, with my hand out to shake his.

"Well, nice to meet you Bae Jin." He says. Then we hear someone call his name from the other side. "I'm sorry, I have to go now. Maybe we'll all meet again for another match someday." He smiled and walked off to his team. I looked, and I don't know if it's me, or if their leader was looking at me, with a mean look. I reciprocated his face back at him. And he turned around and walked off.

"We got to go change Jin. Wait for us outside." Chanyeol said to me, as his teammates helped him up, and carried him to the locker room.

I noticed that everyone had already left, and EXO-M was making their way to the door.

"Hey!" I called out to them. They turned around and looked at me.

Yixing seemed a bit surprised, and gave me a worried look at what I was doing.

YiFan and Tao smirked at each other and YiFan put a hand on my head, "Sorry cutie, but we're not giving autographs anymore." He said to me with a wink.

I mentally barfed and pushed his hand off my head. " I don't want your stupid 'autographs'."

YiFan looked a bit surprised, and Tao bent down at eye level with me and asked, "then what?"

"You guys are a bunch of cheaters!" I yelled out loud, my voice echoed in the gym.

Luhan took a step forward at me, "What was that?"

"You heard me, C-H-E-A-T-E-R-S. Cheaters!" I yelled back again.

"Go wait outside for me." He said to his team. "Go." He said again in a deeper more commanding voice. They didn't deny his order and went outside. Once they left Luhan stared at me with dark eyes and brought his face closer to mine.

"Listen here missy, this is a game. And in games, you win or you lose. And for me, I win. No matter what. Even if you have to play a little dirty, or bribe the refs. Who cares, as long as I win." He said.

"Games are meant to be fun and fair. If they're that way, there is no winners or losers." I said back to him.

But he didn't believe me, "then why are there points?"

" shows how good a persons team is against another."

"Exactly. That's why, I have to be better." His explanations were selfish and vile. "But of course, you wouldn't understand right? You're just a girl. What do you know about basketball." He mocked me.

I can't believe he just said that to me.

"So just because I'm a girl, I know nothing?" I questioned him, I kept a sharp look at him, anger filled up inside me.

"About basketball, yes. Possibly even every other sport too." He said nonchalantly.

I couldn't take it anymore, I snapped. Before I knew it, my hand was curled into a fist, and made contact with Luhan's cheek. Both of us had a shocked expression, but honestly he deserves it.

"You b*tch" he said, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to the floor. I sat up and he leaned over me. "You've got a lot of nerve." He said through his teeth.

I was about to say something, when I heard the guys come out of the locker room.

"Jin?" I heard Chanyeol's voice, and then his footsteps over to me and Luhan. Luhan simply stood up straight again, and walked out of the gym before anyone else said anything. Chanyeol helped me up and the guys were confused.

"What was he doing?" Baekhyun asked.

"Why were you on the floor?" Sehun asked.

"And why is your hand bloody??" Chanyeol asked as he grabbed my hand.

"I might've accidentally punched the EXO-M team leader." I tried to explain.

"You what?!" Joonmyeon exclaimed.

"Jin you've gotta be kidding." Chanyeol said facepalming

"He started it! He deserved it anyway. He said he even bribed the refs to win!" I defended myself.

"You didn't have to punch him." Kyungsoo told me.

I pouted, and huffed. "He deserved it."

"Come on, lets bandage you up, and go eat. I'm hungry." Chanyeol pulled me over to the locker room and left me outside as he went to find the first aid kit. Once he bandaged my hand, we left to our usual spot.


"Manager~" I called as we walked into the room.

«S Cafe is a teen cafe, it's a fun spot to hang out and eat. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ahn, are really nice as well, and their son is our age»

"Jin! You're back. How did the game go today?" The owners wife asked me as she gave me a hug.

"Not good. We lost by 3 points. And the other team was cheating!" I yelled frustrated.

"Aw baby it's okay. You'll get them next time." She patted my shoulder, it seemed that I was more bummed about our loss than the guys were. Mrs. Ahn brought us over to our usual table; and left to go serve some of the other guests.

"So, the usual today?" Niel asks as he walks up to the table.

"Add a sundae for today." I said to him.

"No, just the usual. Cancel the sundae" Chanyeol says to Niel, and Niel awkwardly nods and walks away.

"Hey. I wanted that." I complain to him.

"Your try outs are next month. You've been dieting and exercising, stick with it." Chanyeol lectured me.

We stayed for a while, just sitting and talking, of course girls came up to the guys and started conversations, but that's normal. But all of a sudden, Niel's friends walk in, and I'm not for sure, but I think one of them likes me. I mean I could be wrong, but walking me to class, messaging me good morning, and the "anonymous" flowers on valentines day kind of gave it away. But then again, I could be wrong. They sit down in the table behind ours, and the one that supposedly "fancies" me (Chanyeol's words, not mine) sat in the chair behind me.

"Hey Jin." Chunji says leaning over the chair.

"Hi Chunji." I say back. I look over at Chanyeol as he rolls his eyes.

"I heard about your tryouts next month. Good luck." He says, and hands me a bag.

"Thanks, but what's this?" I say before I grab the bag.

"Just a little something, nothing much. I just wanted to wish you good luck." He says, but the anticipation in his voice couldn't hide. He was up to something.

I look inside, and take out the box, and when I open it, I see a brand new pair of Jordan's inside.

"*gasp* Chunji." I look at him, and his shoulders broaden and he smiles at me. I look over at the guys, and they're staring at the pair of shoes, enviously.

"I hope you can wear them at tryouts." Chunji says.

"This is way too much. These cost a fortune. I can't take it." I say, trying to give it back. But Chunji refused.

"It's a gift. And don't worry about it, it costed me nothing really."

"I can't... What do you want? I have to give you something in return. I would feel bad just taking it."

"Okay then, if you insist. How about... you go on a date with me?"

I stopped everything I was doing and looked at Chunji. I heard Chanyeol choking on his drink in the background. And his friends were smiling and giving each other high fives. So this was it huh? how Chunji was going to make his move.


"I promise it'll just be a simple date. Just us hanging out."

"I suppose that's fine then...?"

"Great. Let me know when you're free." Was the last thing he said, and they all made their way to the entrance of the cafe.

But as they were leaving, another group of people came in, the leader of them bumping into Chunji's shoulder on the way in.

"Oh no." Jongin said as he notices the group that entered.

We all look over and see the six boys standing there, waiting to be seated.

As we looked at them, the leader looked over and noticed us, his eyes met mine. And when Mrs. Ahn came over to seat them, he said something to her, and pointed in our direction. After, they were on our way over to us, as the others sat down, Luhan stood next to our table.

"Well, didn't think we'd see you guys again." He said with a smirk.

I noticed the bandage on his cheek, and smirked back at him.

"Miss us?" I retorted back.

He made a disgusted face at me, and turned around to sit down.

Could this night get any worse?

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Chapter 2: Omo, Joon Young...