#01 - Photoshoot of LOVE
After their whole practice ended, jonghyun suggested to have dinner together and invited the FT island boys to join them. Key wasn't please with the idea but he went along with it. So all of them went to get their vehicles..
" samantha, do you wanna join our van?! " suenghyun took sam's hand.
 " Huh? Hahah it's okay, i'll just tag along thiers! " She declined and hopped into jonghyun's car.
During the car ride, key didn't utter a single word.
" Baby, are you okay? " Samantha whispered into key's ears holding his hands.
Key ignored and moved his hand away.
Samantha brushed it off as she thought that he was just too tired. So they arrived to the destination and suenghyun again, took samantha's hands and asked her to sit beside him. She took a glance at key but key wasnt looking, instead, he was chatting happily with jonghyun and even sat beside him. Samantha was a little disappointed so she accepted the offer and doesn't wanna reject twice.
Fire was burning and raging inside of key. When they arrived home, key immediately tugged and pushed samantha into her room.
" Huh what's what? What the hell are you so mad about? " Samantha asked rubbing her wrist cos of the tugging.
" Drop the act. I saw you and suenghyun! "
" Pfft, we just met today when you're out buying drinks. " She replied.
--------------END OF RECAP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Whatever! STOP LYING. I seriously don't see why you can laugh so much with him! " Key shouted
" Fine, then tell me what do you want me to say !? " Sam fought back
Key found no words and sam
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ilabya47 #1
huehuehue #2
Chapter 14: omg omg i love this :')
Great story
exomania #4
Chapter 14: sweet of this!
this was so sweet <3
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
ImWeird #7
awww now it ended perfectly:)))))
IHeartYoga #8
woohoo, Happy ending :)<br />
love it... love it... love it...
this story is really interesting!. :D I like it.. :D
IHeartYoga #10
oh man, onew so so so super sweet....