#01 - Photoshoot of LOVE
" Baby ... " I tried to hold her again
She didn't move this time, i took the chance to shift closer to her & hugged her.
" I'm sorry, please don't cry anymore "
" I should have believed you, it's just that i can't stand seeing you talking to other guys " I bit my lips
She looked up at me with her puffed out eyes, her eyes was awfully red. Just how much did she cried? & she looked back down again. We broke apart from the hug.
" Do that again, i'll seriously kill you! " She said chuckling abit
" Jagiya, do that and you'll never see me alive and my thousands of fans will die too " I pouted
She rolled her eyes.
" I'm sorry i made you cried so much ... " I planted a kiss on her cheeks
" Only this time " She smiled
We stood up and went home.
" Baby, do you think they will be alright ? " I asked narshah
" I hope so. " She pouted cutely
Right after jonghyun left key's room, we went into our rooms. I went into narshah's room to tuck her in bed then stayed for alittle while before going my room.
" Sleep tight! " I kissed her on her forehead
" You take care too ` " She smiled
I was lying on my bed getting ready to sleep when i heard rumble, it must be key leaving to go find his girlfriend back, like finally. A smile spread across my face when i saw a photoframe that narshah and i took, soon, i drifted to my dream land.
- The next morning -
The sun shoned brightly into my room. As i opened my eyes, i felt a presence lying beside me.
" Morning baby! " My baby beamed
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ilabya47 #1
huehuehue #2
Chapter 14: omg omg i love this :')
Great story
exomania #4
Chapter 14: sweet of this!
this was so sweet <3
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
ImWeird #7
awww now it ended perfectly:)))))
IHeartYoga #8
woohoo, Happy ending :)<br />
love it... love it... love it...
this story is really interesting!. :D I like it.. :D
IHeartYoga #10
oh man, onew so so so super sweet....