#01 - Photoshoot of LOVE
Soon we found ourselves in the airport of seoul. The surroundings was awesomely beautiful except for those hangul signboards.
" Let's go, i'll take you to your apartment. " Mr Lee directed us in to a chauffered shiny black car.
We both nodded and went in obediently, we were both in awe to be able to speak. We were driven into the carpark of a classy building. It was an apartment building but it looks so much nicer, the windows were all made of glass panels.
After getting out of the car, we entered the lift and went up to level 15. There was only two unit per floor which kind of explains the high building.
  We entered the unit and we were even speechless, the place was classically designed.
" You both will be staying here with the people you will be working with. " Mr Lee smiled as he locked the door.
we nodded and started touring the house. Although its an apartment, it actually has 7 rooms excluding the living room.
" The rooms that are available for you girls are those with opened doors. " Mr Lee directed us.
 " WOW ! " we both exclaimed looking at the rooms next to each other.
Immediately we ran in to our different rooms admiring the interior.
" Well, i'll leave you ladies alone then. There will be a driver to come and pick you up tomorrow morning at 10 AM to KBS building so please get yourselves ready. Don't worry, there will be an interpreter staying by your side. " He left for the door.
I went in to narshah's room after that Mr Lee left.
" Woman, do you think it's a good idea ? I mean, we don't even know how to speak their language " I don't deny i'm getting more and more worried.
" We can't even back out now, we'll have to compensate 500,000 won to the company ! " narshah freaked out.
" Guess you're right. Oh well, as long as we are able to communicate i'm alright ! Let's go grab dinner, i'm so damn hungry i can swallow a cow " I pulled her off the couch in her room.
Soon we made our way to a nearby restaurant and settled our stomaches. We spent the rest of the evening/night unpacking our stuffs.
After all those unpacking, we headed straight to bed. Sammy being the pig she is, she fell straight into a deep slumber, dreaming with those awkward position of hers that takes up almost half of the king size bed. Her legs will keep crossing over and the next thing you know, the person sleeping next to her will end up on the floor.
Yes, i fell down.
Just as i was about to grudgingly crawl back to my bed, i heard noises travelling from the living room.
Without hesitating, i detached the lamp from its plug and tiptoed my way to the door. I wanted to wake that pig up but it'll be of no use.
I slowly opened the door, inviting myself to the utterly dark living room. I stood behind the door waiting for it to be opened.
I kept hitting at the thief frantically, ignoring all the possible places i hit.
" Hey stop it! stop it! "
wait there were more than one person. .
Of course i ignored them and continued hitting, now in every direction with my eyes closed. Suddenly, i felt a tight grip on my wrist and the lights were switched on.
I opened my eyes slowly and saw four dashing guys standing infront of me while the other one was squatting down holding his bleeding forehead.
" SHINee ?! " I gasped.
" Ouch ... " The guy whom i hit was onew. He stood up slowly holding his bleeding brused forehead and looked at me with those innocent eyes.
" I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm really really sorry " I bowed repeatedly apologizing.
" It's alright .. " He replied faintly, the rest chuckled abit and took him to sit down on the couch.
[Korean] " yeobo ah, can you please get an icepack , linment and some bandage ? "
                 " Neh yeobo " Jonghyun replied and went off.
I was standing in one corner looking guilty, blame it on me that i never attended those korean classes. ARGH!
[Korean] " Kibum ah, can you please tell her that i'm alright and she should stop showing her guilty face ? " onew was pointing at me.
Is he complaining about me ? But doesn't look like it.
Key came towards me.
" Don't worry, he's alright. Onew wants me to tell you that he doesn't blame you so you should stop giving that I-owe-hundreds-of-people-money look alright ? " Key smiled and motioned me to sit with them on the couch.
I looked around and saw minho standing beside taemin who was sitting down. After a minute, jonghyun came back holding stuffs in his hands.
  Okay so he was asked to go get those stuffs.
" Hello, what's your name ? " Taemin asked grinning widely.
  Blame it on those people who said that they have bad english, it's perfectly understandable.
" My name is Narshah Lee. " I bowed my head and told him softly.
After all that bandaging, samantha came out complaining about the ruckus oblivious to the surroundings and the commotion.  " SHINee ?! " She gasped.
 I can't believe SHINee is here, am i dreaming ?! No, can't be. I'm wide awake by the noises. But what happened?
 " Erm hi. " I bowed slightly and let out a little awkward smile.
Then i spotted that key, tsk, the almighty key ? whatever, i have bunch of them at home anyways. I raised my eyebrows at narshah demanding an explanation using eye talk. They were pretty quiet before Onew spoke, their english is damn good. DAMN YOU PEOPLE WHO INSULTED THEIR ENGLISH !! Pffft, idiots, morons.
" Let's do an introduction of ourselves, shall we ? " Although he was bandaged, he still had that cute smile of his.
As if on cue, right after he did the introduction jonghyun and the rest followed.
" Annyeong, my name is onew. "
" Annyeong, my name is jonghyun " he winked at me.
" Annyeong, my name is key " He did his whatever salutation sign. Whatever, i don't befriend guys like him.
" Annyeong, my name is minho "
" Annyeong, my name is taemin " He smiled widely, he's damn cute beyond description.
" Now its your turn " Onew politely pointed to the both of us.
" I'm samantha " I smiled and bowed slightly.
" I''s.. " I stammered.
The rest giggled after i was done doing my " introduction ". My bias didn't laugh instead he ticked those who did giggle their heads off and smiled at me.
" I'm sorry, but is your name narshah ? " He smiled to me again.
" Yes, I'm really sorry for what happened. " I apologized again.
" Don't worry, i'm still alive. But we might have to delay the shooting for abit since my fringe won't be able to cover up the bandage. " He was trying to pull his fringe down to cover the bandage.
 He's oh so cute! Onew Lee Jinki, we even share the same surname!
 " Oh ya, the ones residing with us are the ones doing the commercial shoot with us ! "
I saw sammy's face turned ugly red when that came to her senses too. She was staring hard at key who doesn't know anything but when she looks at jonghyun, she looked at him with those loving eyes. He's her bias, but i think she likes key but she doesn't know it, like those dramas.
" So are you two my noona ?! " taemin excitedly asked, hoping for it to come true.
" Yes, we're born in 92! " sam replied turning her attention to the small boy.
Even though we don't know korean but we can catch quite abit since we watched korean show. It was my fault that sammy hates key because of how he acted in Hello! baby. He was the I.WANT.TO.WIN , whiny kind of guy that is totally hated much by her. But i enjoyed it since onew was in it, ever since i knew SHINee, onew had been my favourite. Never changed, not even once.
" Great ! We're be friends from now on " Jonghyun smiled genuinely at the both of us.
I can hear sammy's mind. - I wanna befriends with you four except for that whiny kid.
Hehe well, i can pretty get along well with all kinds of people, since i do not really have much temper. Key was stealing some glances of sammy when she wasnt looking.
This is great. Oh so great! I have to be really stucked with that kid ?! Tsk, one jacob is really enough to kill my braincells and i thought its finally done and over with. But here i am, stucked with him. I was really hoping for groups like FT island or maybe big bang and occasionally, bump into jonghyun and end up being his friend, i totally don't expect them to see how the way i live.
We were sitting down quietly on the couch and i saw onew stealing some glances of narshah. HEH HEH!
Perfect much, i really do hope love will spark between them since she really loves him alot.
Suddenly key stood up and went to his room. A moment later, he was throwing a fit about not having to be able to find his green slippers. WHAT THE HELL ?!
Jonghyun had to go to his rescue since they were really close friends and even named JONGKEY couple. Leave my jonghyun alone already.
Onew was still taking glances of narshah.
But being the muddlehead girl, she didn't realised that and probably won't believe me if i told her.
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ilabya47 #1
huehuehue #2
Chapter 14: omg omg i love this :')
Great story
exomania #4
Chapter 14: sweet of this!
this was so sweet <3
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
ImWeird #7
awww now it ended perfectly:)))))
IHeartYoga #8
woohoo, Happy ending :)<br />
love it... love it... love it...
this story is really interesting!. :D I like it.. :D
IHeartYoga #10
oh man, onew so so so super sweet....