#01 - Photoshoot of LOVE
Narsha and samantha have been friends ever since they were three. They were neighbours, playmates and even school (class) mates, the reason why they've known each other for so many years was because their parents were best friends since young too. But unfortunately, samantha's parents met in an car accident and left the whole when they turned five. So, Narsha's parents decided to adopt samantha and took legal care of her since she doesn't have any siblings.
" You ! Get back here, you one piece of ! " I was screaming and chasing after jacob.
The reason why i was doing that ?
Because he ruined one of my FINAL YEAR EXAM art work which is due in three week's time. I wasn't pissed at him making fun of me, in fact, i practically grew up with that. But i was pissed with him for choosing that piece because that piece is one piece that i am proud of.
" In your dreams, dumb - headed freak ! " He turned back and yelled.
That does it, i sped and my hardwork paid off, i managed to caught him and gave him one tight slap across his face in the cafeteria. 
He didn't do anything except he gave me a death glare while touching his cheeks.
I smirked arrogantly at him and said " You totally deserve it. " and walked away. My best friend, narshah witness the commotion and was running after us everywhere, trying her best to catch up with us and stop us.
  Sam and i were in the art room admiring her piece of artwork that she was so proud of.
" It's really beautiful, you didn't waste my time staying up with you for several nights ! " I commented.
" Hahaha , whatever ! " she teased.
Just then, a splash of red paint was seen on sam's black and white art piece. We immediately turned around and saw a smug on Jacob's face, arms folded, chest puffed up.
" WHAT THE HELL ?! " sam screamed.
" No need to thank me, i was just trying to help " He turned around and left.
I was trying to calm her down but eveyrthing was in vain, she ran and sped to chase after jacob while i stayed and tried my best to clean the mess up. It left a pretty faint mark after 5 minutes of cleaning. After i was done, i immediately ran and chase after them.
I saw jacob got slapped by samantha, in the cafeteria infront of a whole lot of people.
I immediately ran up towards her after jacob was gone.
" My dear girl , you do realised that he hates being slapped right ? " I told her carefully not wanting to trigger any more ticking bombs.
" So ? My whole piece of art work was ruined because of him ! " She glared and crossed her arms making her way back to the artroom.
that's the school bell, not SHINee's song. hehe!
So we went for our next class, jacob was already there. He had that evil smirk on his face, the expression meant that he has something planned for sam. Here it goes again ...
" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ?! " She screamed across the classroom.
  Everyone in the class was showing expressions of used-to-it and afraid. LOSERS!
" YOU DESERVE IT,  ! " He returned the insult.
Soon there was a war that consists of objects being thrown towards each other. There wasn't anyway to stop the both of them so i let them be. This way, they both will naturally calm down.
" JACOB Oh, SAMANTHA Oh. DOWN TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW !! " Mrs chan screamed when she entered the flying object classroom.
Yes, you heard it right. They both share the same surname, the most uncommon surname in singapore. But well, i've checked their background profile, family tree there's no link to the both of them.
They stopped the war and grudgingly went down. Ever since the start of their war, it's a universal fact that i had to naturally go down and accompany them. They were still kicking, beating the crap out of each other on their way down.
" STOP IT YOU BOTH! " I shouted at them.
Its only these kinda times that they will stop and listen to me.
After the whole lecture in the principal's room, we went back to class and as expected, both of them earned two hours of detention.
# After school
" There's still 30 minutes more to go. " I sigh looking at my watch
   Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder.
" Samantha Oh " i called out sighing.
   She can't even endure the last 30 minutes.
" You know i can't bear to let you wait for me for so long ! Let's go ! " she pouted like a baby and took my hand.
We ran out of the House.Of.Doom, at least that's what she calls it. When we were yards away, we stopped to catch our breaths and resumed walking. We were conversing our random topics when a kid walked past us eating ice cream.
" ICE CREAM ! " we exclaim in unison.
We were too eager to get to the ICEcream shop that we decided to take a cab even though it was only yards away. After the short trip, we rushed into the shop.
# In the ICEcream shop
 I went to place the order while narsha went to take a seat,
" Two Giant Earthquakes, please. " I placed my order smilling widely.
If you think i'm not a friendly person, you're wrong. I'm only unfriendly to people who gives out unfriendly vibes and irritating people, like jacob. Argh!
I shall fill you in on why i hate him so much :
#1 - He's a total mama's boy
#2 - He talks like a girl
#3 - Acts like a girl
#4 - He's plain irritating
These kinda guys are so out of my list. Another person i hate the most is Kim Kibum from SHINee because he possess all this traits, all 4 of them. But i do like the rest though, Kim Jonghyun is so handsome to the max !!
Okay whatever, i took the ready Earthquakes and made my way to where Narshah was sitting.
People often told us that dessert shop should hire the both of us to advertise their desserts because of the way we eat. Hehe !
We were conversing randomly when a guy very well dressed in extremely high class style randomly popped up beside us ... 
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I really hope this will result better than my other fanfics, hehehe
see you on the next chapter,
with, love ♥
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ilabya47 #1
huehuehue #2
Chapter 14: omg omg i love this :')
Great story
exomania #4
Chapter 14: sweet of this!
this was so sweet <3
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
ImWeird #7
awww now it ended perfectly:)))))
IHeartYoga #8
woohoo, Happy ending :)<br />
love it... love it... love it...
this story is really interesting!. :D I like it.. :D
IHeartYoga #10
oh man, onew so so so super sweet....