#01 - Photoshoot of LOVE
Note : Time - 7Plus. Just to clear things up! :)
Heh heh heh ~ Let's go back to the apartment and see what the rest is up to alright ? When onew and narshah were happily having their dinner date. Jonghyun took the chance to procceed with the plan, planned by narshah and him.
He caught sam sitting down beside taemin watching cartoons, spongebob to be specific. He sat beside sam and waited for the right moment to ask, that is to wait for the diva key to be able to listen to their conversation.
When key finally came in to the living room from his heaven, which is the kitchen. Jonghyun scoot over to sit even closer to sam and readied himself to pop the question.
" Sam, aren't you hungry? I've never seen you eat for the whole day. " Jonghyun asked concernly.
" Oh yeah, now that you've mention it. I'm a little hungry though.. " Sam replied rubbing her tummy.
" Hyung! Are you going to order food ? Hehe, i'm hungry! " Taemin into the conversation.
Jonghyun smiled to the both of them and took a peek at the almost fuming key.
He sneakily chuckle for a bit before replying to the maknae's question.
" Taemin ah, sorry no! I'm planning to ask your sam noona out for dinner. Get key umma to cook for you alright?" He stretched his arms to ruffle taemin's head.
" Huh what ? Ask me out for dinner ? " Sam asked confused.
Jonghyun nodded.
" Yeah, i mean i can take you out for a shopping spree after that. Do you want ? I'll bring you around seoul centre and walk around.  " Jonghyun offered and flashed his dashing smile.
Why do i have this ridiculous feeling inside of me ? I can't seem to agree, my mind felt like rejecting him. As the miserable seconds go by, i found myself turning my head to look at key.
His face is red in colour, almost similar to bloody mary. Is he jealous that his yeobo is asking me out? Pfft, of course. It'll definitely not be the other way round. Fine, whatever. I'll just go along with jonghyun, who cares about him anyway? My bias is the awesome KIM JONGHYUN and not to mention i'm really hungry.
" Hehe okay! I'm hungry anyway. Taemin ah, do you wanna come along? " I smiled and offered taemin
" Ah really? I can go?! I want! Please ... " Taemin pleaded cutely to jonghyun.
" Taemin ah, i'm sorry. But not this time, stick with umma alright? " Jonghyun rejected his request once again.
Seriously jonghyun hyung really knows how to make my blood boil. But then again, why is my blood boiling? oh yeah right, it must be because my yeobo is cheating infront of me!
That must be it.
But why do i feel so weak and disappointed when that little maniac agreed? Tsk, whatever! Go for all i care, i'm going to prepare a delicious meal for my son and i, and yes, i'm probably gonna cheat on you with either minho or other hunk i can find. Pfft! Irritating much.
" Let's go get ready then! " I smiled cheerfully as i gently pull her of the couch while having the corner of my eyeball staring hard at the fuming wifey key of mine.
  We headed for our rooms and came out after 15 minutes all prepared.
" Bye wifey! Take care of our son ~ " I sang.
" Yah! Don't you need to put on a disguise or something? " Key nagged.
" Nah it's alright, i doubt the media will find us. " I assured him.
" Bye noona, bye hyung! Have fun !! " Taemin waved.
In to my car we went and drove off to the famous korean restaurant in seoul centre, thankfully, all of them were so engrossed in eating, no one bothered to look at us. Phew!
As we were eating, i spotted the two sitting behind me.
Its about time they came too...
Minutes after they left the house, i found myself pacing up and down the living room for whatever damn reasons i can find in my head. I felt restless and uneased.
" Key umma, what happen to you? " Taemin asked trying to get a view of his cartoon because of my pacings.
" Uh nothing. Taemin ah, do you wanna eat out? " I asked sitting down beside him.
" Yeah sure! Let's go "
Thankfully, i have him as my son.
Without any delays, we headed out and hailed a cab. I directed the cabbie to seoul centre, the place that they left.
" Umma, why are we going there? " Taemin curiously asked
" Oh nothing, let's go to the restos there.. Don't you like it there? "
" Oh alright."
The cabbie alighted us exactly at the first korean resto of seoul centre. I LOVE YOU CABBIE !! Fine, you got me. I want to go spy on them but it's not what you think it is. I'm spying on them because i'm afraid that my yeobo will be eaten by that maniac. Pfft, definitely not the other way round.
  So we went in to the resto and pretend to look for seats.
" Hello.. sir.. table.. for two ? " The sales lady were obviously shocked by our awesome presence
" No thank you. " I rejected her offer as i found no similar figure sitting within the resto premises.
Taemin 's head was filled with 1001 whys ? & i was just waiting for him to open up his mouth and ask.
" Hyung ah, are we stalking noona and jonghyun hyung? " The sentence came out from his mouth proudly
  But that wasn't what i expected.
" No! I er..mean yes. But only because i'm afraid that jonghyun hyung will be in danger. " I defended.
He gave me the come-on-i-don't-believe-you-look but he brushed it off. We entered another resto five stores away from the first. We rejected the kind offer as we found no familiar figure..
Key and the being-forced-to-do-this taemin had gone to almost 6 restaurants before they found the couple. Although he knew that jonghyun would definitely be coming to this resto because of their irresistable bulgogi, he completely forgot due to his rashness.
So they went in and sat a table away from the couple.
I knew that key love this woman to allow her to go on a date with me. Heh heh heh ~
We were digging in to their famous bulgogi, although i knew they were sitting behind us having their menus upside down i pretended to know nothing and continued our 'date'.
" Is this nice? " I flashed my dashing smile to sam
" Yeah it's really nice! " She exclaimed satisfactorily.
" Anyway, who do you like most in the group? "
She hesitated for awhile. There! More evidence to show that both share the same feelings.
" one in particular. " She denied.
" Really? Don't you like key? " I probed
Another hesitation..
" Well, i don't think so. He's too whiny on Hello!Baby, always wanting to win. But he's really a great dancer, dancing all the girl group ily. He can even beat the orginals! I was watching all of his mini showoffs from various variety shows and i actually got addicted to it! He really is the male . "
I really hope you can hear her speak, because her eyes widened with every sentence she was proclaiming about my wifey. Yeah, take that kim kibum!
  When she finished her sentence, her face blushed a little.
" So you do like key? " I teased.
" No! Never, he's a male . How can i fall in love with a male eh? Heh Heh " Her voice was shaky.
" He's not like that you know, i mean both of you actually do share the same fate. Trust me, get to know him better and you'll bound to fall in love with him, like all the other girls. As the fans might know, he's more well-off than all of us other than onew hyung. But because of this, he never really got to spend time with his parents because they are often on business trips and due to that, he lacked discipline. But we all liked and accept him because he's true to himself and to people, he does not hide his character and potray a fake image to the public, true? " I reasoned as i took a bite of my food.
She nodded and continued eating, now having silence to accompany us.
We sat on the tables not far behind them, a few minutes later, taemin whined about going to pee. I hurried him off while i continued to spy on them. They were chatting, laughing and being silent. Too bad i couldn't really get to hear what they said..
After the silence, sam stood up and headed for the ' TOILET?! '
Now do i really like him? What jonghyun said was true, he's not lying to the public and is not afraid that he'll recieve bad comments by his character. So who the hell am i to judge him like that?
" Excuse me for abit while i go to the ladies. " I stood up smiling.
I went in and did my business, and washed my hands. After all that stuff was done, i went out only to see a familiar face coming out from the gents.
" Taemin ?! " I shouted disbelievingly.
Uh-Oh, screw myself.
" Erm hello noona! " I waved embarrasingly.
" What are you doing here? " She asked as she smiled.
We were standing in between of Genders of the toilet. " Oh to eat, key umma is here too! " I stupidly sprout out.
She narrowed her eyebrows which i think it meant - REALLY ?  or maybe this - Why are you telling me this ?
But maybe it's the first since i kinda think that she has a think for my umma.
Hehehe! Nevertheless, she took my hand and went over to jonghyun's table.
Pabo yah! Aigoo, my son got caught and he's now walking towards jonghyun's table. , ottoke?!
As i was ranting in my mind, a figure that resembles so much like my yeobo approached my table..
" Hello yeobo! What are you doing here? " Jonghyun called out teasingly.
I stood up arrogantly and retorted.
" Like i said, to protect you from the maniac's cluthes! And to stop you from cheating on me. " I daggered my finger into his chest.
I looked around to see if we had arouse any onlookers but thankfully they are all interested in their own food. The both of them walked over to us.
" Seriously key, are you that desperate for jonghyun? You can take him for all you want! " Sam pushed jonghyun to me and headed for the exit in a huff with my son.
The both of us looked at each other for a few bloody seconds, grabbed our stuff, paid for the food and dashed out of the exit.
Why am i feeling like this?! I feel so dejected when i knew that he was afraid that i might steal jjong away. Pfft!  I won't, you idiot ! I FREAKING WON'T.
I dashed out of the resto with taemin and walked straight up ahead, the both of us were very quiet. After a few minutes, the both of us were found sitting down on a bench in a park.
" Noona, are you okay? Why do you seem so sad over key umma's words? " Taemin asked concernly.
" Uh yeah, i'm okay. " I let out a weak smile.
It's time to really confess, i do have feelings for key but i hid it from everyone including myself. After watching hello!baby i really hated key because of his atittude but despite all that, i find myself finding his information. I will gasp at every of his performance, especially when it comes to performing girl's group dances.
" Taemin ah, what do you think of you key hyung? " I broke the silence
He showed his childish satistied kiddy smile.
" Key hyung is a person who is very down to earth, he whines, kicks up a fuss and nags because he really cares for us. I really look up to him as a mother because right from our trainees days till now, he'll always be the first to wake up and cook breakfast for us. If i have school on that day, he'll make sure that onew hyung will send me to school safely and he'll also prepare lunch incase i can't get any. He's like the big brother, he cares for us in a very unique way and we all love him for who he is. "
He looked at me in an understanding manner and continued.
" Noona likes key umma right? " He cheered.
" Er.. I guess so. " I stuttered.
" Noona, i really hope you'll be with key hyung. Because he's really a good person, so is noona! "
" She likes me? " I looked at jonghyun who is having the "Duh!" expression.
What happened was we followed them not knowing why we didn't approach them where we were only few feet behind them. We followed them to the bench and hid behind a bush, and eavesdropped their conversation.
" Isn't it obvious? That's what i've been telling you for the whole time! Confess now since you already know the answer kibum! " He pushed me out of the bush.
I mouthed to him while trying to get my spot back behind the bush. Aish, why must he be so strong?!
So i got kicked out and they found out eventually. What the hell am i suppose to confess actually?!
" Key?! " I shouted.
" Er yeah hello. " He nervously waved.
Taemin left the both of us alone, excusing himself to grab an ice cream. So, we're both alone sitting down on the bench.
" Where's your yeobo? " I asked.
" Oh erm, i told him to leave first.."
" Huh why?! " I furrowed my eyebrows.
Can you see the question marks above my head?  Smart.
" Why are you so concerned about him anyways? Never mind, did you enjoy the date? "
I glared at him and kept silent. Not knowing what to answer, i wasn't that happy as i am now sitting with him even though we're exchanging words of daggers and glarings. Contentment and happiness are rising inside of me.
" So? I'm waiting. " He folded his arms and waited impatiently.
" I don't know. " That was my first answer.
" It's either you do or you don't. What's so difficult about that? " He raised his voice a l'il.
" Fine, no. I don't enjoy it like how i am sitting down here with you even though we're exchanging words of daggers and glarings alright?! I don't hate you infact i like you. THERE, I SAID IT! " I raised my voice even louder.
I stood up after i finished my sentence and started walking off. Not long after my fifth footstep, he caught my arm.
" Now now, this is my first time hearing a person shouting a confession " He smirked.
" Let go! I'm not confessing, i was just uttering rubbish! " I yelled like a maniac.
Before i knew it, he pulled me closer and our lips were touching against each other. I couldn't deny, i was enjoying every moment of it.
" See, you do like me. Fess up little maniac! " He teased arrogantly.
" Pfft, in your face. " I rolled my eyes.
The both of us turned and had our backs against each other and let out a loud " Hmph"
 It was childish but at the same time , sweet.
Those words i heard from you are the sweetest thing on earth, i love you yeobo.
After the childish act, clappings from jonghyun and taemin were heard. They were cheering and screaming for the both of us. I couldn't help but to blush and soon i found her in my arms.
After all those cheerings and the clappings, the four of them headed home. Hehe, if you think sam and key are having their sweet moment. Not! They immediately went back to their normal roaring and throwing words of daggers not bothering how harsh are their words. That's the way that wierd couple communicate.
As soon as they entered the door, they found another lovebird sitting on the couch, cuddling each other and watching SHINee's performances on musicbank. Weird right?! But that was what narshah wanted.
" Whoo-hoo! Another lovebird " Jonghyun whistled.
The both jumped up from the embracement and immediately blushed. " Another? " Onew questioned.
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ilabya47 #1
huehuehue #2
Chapter 14: omg omg i love this :')
Great story
exomania #4
Chapter 14: sweet of this!
this was so sweet <3
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
ImWeird #7
awww now it ended perfectly:)))))
IHeartYoga #8
woohoo, Happy ending :)<br />
love it... love it... love it...
this story is really interesting!. :D I like it.. :D
IHeartYoga #10
oh man, onew so so so super sweet....