3 music drabbles [XiuKai, Baekyeol, Sesoo]

Useless drabbles woo!

WHAT I DID WAS: i gave all exo pairings numbers, asked people to give me a number and then chose tht pairing. Then I put my soundtrack/opening playlist on shuffle and wrote some w that pairing and song (completely stolen from tami-dada). NOTE that since it's all openings from some things I don't actually own anything. also PLEASE NOTE that if you're not into these things you might not get it, but if you ARE some of these things might count as spoilers. It's p obviously marked tho. but yeah.



Memory's crannies - XiuKai [Ib soundtrack - Memory piano ver]

(This won't make sense unless u know abt Ib huhu. The title is stolen from the name of the ending I chose! I FKN LOVE THAT GAME. But yeah. As I said this is one of the endings. Maybe don’t read unless you don’t care.)

It was too big. The proportions didn't add up, even if the large petals were made out of some unidentified material that really looked like real rose petals. The stem was thick and thorny, supporting the whole thing so it stood upright, twisting at the end. It looked a bit ridiculous.

Minseok sighed. He had been walking around the gallery for not nearly long enough for it to make sense for him to be this tired. It felt like he had been walking for hours. Most of the paintings were pretty basic, not nearly as interesting as his mother and father had made them seem when they dragged him here. A few of them made him feel uneasy, like a couple of headless statues that  he quickly had passed. Also the enormous painting that covered an entire wall was eerie, even if it was just a mess of abstract figures. This large rose had caught his attention though. It was ugly, but somehow he couldn't stop looking at it.

Suddenly Minseok felt a strange sensation of being watched, and he turned around to see a man a few meters back looking at him. They just stared at each other for a while until Minseok finally spoke.

"Do I know you?"

The other shook his blonde head, but his eyebrows were furrowed like he was concentrating hard.

"I must have mistaken you for someone else. You seemed very familiar for a second."

Minseok nodded quietly before turning his attention back to the sculpture. He could hear steps getting closer from behind as the man walked up to stand next to him.

"When I look at this sculpture.. I feel somehow sorrowful. I wonder why?..", he said, and for whatever reason when Minseok heard those words he realized he agreed with the stranger. A sudden empowering sadness gripped him so hard tears glazed over his large eyes, blurring his vision of the red rose.

The stranger looked down at Minseok and smiled a small, sorrowful smile.

"Ah.. I'm sorry if I said anything to trouble you..", he said before turning around and walking away, leaving Minseok with an unexplainable feeling of longing, like he just lost something precious he was going to miss deeply. He looked up at the rose one last time before he heard his mother call for him, and they left the gallery to never return.




Autumn colors fall - BaekYeol [Into the Unknown - piano ver]

(Won’t make sense unless you’ve seen Over the garden wall. There’s KIND OFF a spoiler going on? So if you care pls don’t blame me for not being able to resist my ty writing :*)

"So you got a girlfriend back home?"

Chanyeol never liked birds a whole lot, and Baekhyun did a great job making him liking them less.

"I mean you seem very eager to get home for a boy without motivation in life."

Chanyeol gritted his teeth and pressed his lips together. Baekhyun was asking for a fight and he knew it, but he wasn't going to give that tiny, nosy ball of feathers the satisfaction. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the bird, focusing on the smell of afternoon autumn forest.

"Hm. No girlfriend and no purpose. You sure you even want to bother going home-"

"I do like someone, okay?! He's sweet and lovely and perfect and he already likes someone else and he's probably with that person right now and I'm stuck here with you!"

Chanyeol expected a mocking chippering laugh from the enchanted bird, but nothing was heard except the rustling of a wind in the dry leaves. The whole forest was bathing in oranges and browns from the warm, distant sun. A beautiful day to walk in the woods, unless you were lost, worried and surrounded by idiots.  If he didn’t know better he’d say he had offended Baekhyun with his words, because he took an unusually long time answering. Maybe he flew away. Good.

“What’s his name?”

“What do you care?”

“You have any other suggestions how to kill time?”, Baekhyun sneered. Chanyeol sighed.

“His name’s Kyungsoo. He’s the cutest boy in my school and he sings like an angel.”

“That’s why you’re hurrying back home?”

“I… Accidentally gave him a mixtape of some rapping I’ve been working on and I need to get it back before he actually listens to it and finds out I’m a huge dork.”

“Believe me, he won’t need that tape to find that out.”

“You little-“

Suddenly footsteps could be heard approaching and Chanyeol stopped talking immediately and looked up. Jongin’s smiling face was peeking out from a bush nearby.

“I found the president! We can move on now, daddy!”

“I’m your brother, please don’t ever call me daddy.”

“Yes sir young man!”

“Well come on then”, Baekhyun said and flew up from his branch into the air. “Let’s go find your boyfriend so you don’t mess up everything in your miserable life.”

Chanyeol threw his hat at Baekhyun, but he, Jongin and the president just laughed.



Spelling slaughter – SeSoo [American Horror Story Freakshow Opening]

(WARNING! GORE! Also a slight spoiler I suppose. But honestly, who doesn’t fkn die in AHS.)

Sehun gasped. His body jerked once, twice before rolling over to the side. Kyungsoo blinked. He still held the heavy blade in his hand. It was long, and more than half of it was covered in thick blood. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“You’re still moving?”

He thought he had stabbed him enough times. Hell, it couldn’t be that hard to hit the heart could it? Ugh. He bent down, hovering over Sehun’s long body that was crawling desperately towards the door. The few couple of meters he had gotten were wet with blood. The strength he obviously possessed was impressive, but Kyungsoo couldn’t get to work if Sehun wasn’t still.

He stabbed the blade deep into Sehun’s pale back until it was soaked with red. He didn’t even scream anymore, he just let out a broken stream of gurgling gasps. Finally he stopped moving, and Kyungsoo grabbed the saw.

The first arm came off easier than he expected. He wasn’t very muscular, and sawing through bone seemed like a challenge but except for that it was pretty easy. Sehun’s pretty face lost color as his blood pooled on the wooden floor. His pink lips turned pale. He was still surprisingly beautiful.

Kyungsoo was just about to grab the loose arm and head outside when Sehun’s body jerked so violently it scared him. Sehun’s eyes stared wildly into the elder’s. They just stared at each other for a short while before the silence finally broke.

“How the hell are you still alive?!”, Kyungsoo said, shocked. Nothing and no one he had killed before had been this stubborn before. “Stop it! You’re making me feel bad!”

“Please..”, Sehun whispered, his lips sticking together slightly from drying blood. Kyungsoo’s brows furrowed again. He couldn’t hear Sehun properly.

“What’s that?”

“Please kill me.”

It came out with a stuttering breath, a quiet last wish.

“Please kill me.”

“You’re making me lose my concentration!”, Kyungsoo hissed. Rude.

Sehun’s mouth kept moving, the same three words over and over again but no sound came out. His eyed blinked rapidly but he didn’t cry anymore. Kyungsoo shook his head. It was Sehun’s own fault for clinging so hard to life. Oh well. At least he couldn’t really move anymore. He sunk to his knees again, humming silently as Sehun’s hysterical screams drowned the sounds of the saw working its way through his flesh.



next time i do these ill use normal music. i just had to write these things <3 no hard feelings abt sehun right hah aha ahah ah aha ha.

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Chapter 5: this is AMAZING
Chapter 6: Why u do this?! Omg my hear was swelling with sutao feels lately now I'm a crying mess. ;-;
But thank you for writing
Chapter 1: Haha naughty Minseok overpowering Luhan is always loved by me ;) Loved it, so cute ^^
MinRi8 #4
Chapter 2: Omg I really love your drabbles!! Especially if they are about xiuhaaaaan <33 Give me moreeeeee c: /coughscoughs/