Chapter 2

You Again...

After Kyungsoo finished unpacking, he did his morning routine. Wake up, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get the hell out of the dorm. On the way to class, he saw Byun Baekhyun getting his belongings from his locker. 

"Oh hey Kyungsoo! Are you fitting in nicely?" said the blond boy. 

"Oh yeah, but I bumped into a tanned boy named Kim Jongin. Ever heard or him?" Kyungsoo questioned. 

"Hmm, not that I know of, must be a transfer student."

"Ahhh, so I see. Well, I have to get to my first class. I have Korean Advanced Literature. You?" Kyungsoo asked.

"THAT'S LIKE SO AWESOME. I have that class too! Let's go together." Baekhyun said with a smile. 

The two then walked to their first class, and the day just seemed to pass by. Soon after, the pair went to lunch together and started talking. They discovered a lot of things about each other. They were both gay, enjoyed singing, and somehow Baekhyun got Kyungsoo to join his Ensemble class. After a while, Baekhyun left to go tend to other students being an advisor and all, while Kyungsoo sat and ate his lunch alone. As he got up to throw the remains of his lunch, he bumped into Jongin who just got up from his table. The younger gave Kyungsoo a disgusted look due to their run in yesterday.

"Uhh... Hi! I'm Kyungsoo," he said holding out his hand while grinning.

The younger just stared at him and slapped his remains onto the ground and splattering his pants and his shoes with the lunch on the tray.

"What the man? What did I do?" said the older.

"I hear you're gay. I overheard you and Baekhyun talking. That's revolting. It's nasty to the point where I can vomit." replied Jongin.

An eruption of snickers came from the table that Jongin sat at. Kyungsoo was busy wiping away the mess and fired back at the tanned man's comment. 

"What's wrong with being gay? I mean love is love right? It knows no boundaries." said Kyungsoo while walking away.

There's no point in arguing here. This boy is ignorant to the point of annoyance. 

"Unfortunately those rules don't apply here." said Jongin as he tripped Kyungsoo leading him to fall flat onto his face.

The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter and Kyungsoo turned red as a tomato. He was humiliated and felt like crying. His new school wasn't meant to be like this. He'd worked so hard to get into this school, but never imagined it would be like this. He ran out of the lunchroom and into his dorm where he changed into something new and waited until break was over to go to class. Throughout the day, Kyungsoo pulled through even though he noticed the whole class either glaring or snickering about the incident at lunch. Jongin and his friends sat in the back pelting him with papers and Kyungsoo opened one of them with giant clear captial letters. . 

This is depressing. Where is Baekhyun when I need him. 

As soon as class was over. Kyungsoo ran out knowing that his classmates would ridicule him and for what he did. He had work and didn't want to be late just because a few idiots. They wouldn't get to him. He got onto a bus, and got to the cafe and checked in with his boss, Joonmyeon.

"How's it going sport? I hope you had a smooth transition from Busan. Wow, you look so much smaller in person, than I inititally thought, Haha!" said Joonmyeon. 

"I-I'm doing fine. Uhm, yeah I moved pretty smoothly no problems whatsoever. Ah, is that so? Thanks for this job by the way, I have to pay off my living expensive one way or another! Hehe." Kyungsoo said sheepishly. 

"Well, work hard okay? Or else I can't guarentee that you'll keep this job," said Joonmyeon. 

"Yes sir! I will work hard!" 

 Kyungsoo liked his boss. He was fair and reasonable, and not Kim Jongin. 

Maybe this place isn't sooooo bad...

He worked at the cashier stand for a long time until near exhaustion. Unfortunately, some of his classmates came to the shop just as it was about to close and saw him. 

"We'll all have a caramel cappucino, ."

Customers come first. Who cares what they call you. 

"Sure thing sir, I'll be right with you." replied Kyungsoo. 

The group giggled and sat down and looked at Kyungsoo while whispering things. Kyungsoo ignored it and rolled his eyes. It was a long 5 minutes left, but he endured it and served the group their coffee. Soon after, they left with smug looks on their faces. 

WOW. Sometimes there are people who deserve to get bricks thrown on their faces. Like seriously. 

"I'm leaving now!" said Kyungsoo. 

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work!" shouted Joonmyeon from the kitchen. 

Kyungsoo hopped onto the bus and hummed ballads on the way back to school and back to his dorm. 

A/N: GAHHH WRITING THIS AT 1 AM BECAUSE LIKE HOMEWORK IS STUPID. OMG. Poor Kyungsoo. :c Like mayun whyyy. It's only going to get more dramatic from here on out folks! I hope you enjoyed! Oh, and I should be updating a lot next week, because it's winter break! woohoo! :D Sorry for the bad writing T^T



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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 8: Oh mah gahd Jongin's got the feels doesn't he >:) Thanks for the update again!
Chapter 8: Pls update soon!!! I hope jongin don't hurt kyungsoo too much I still don't know the reason why Jongin being like this:(
yousra19 #3
Chapter 8: Thx for the update ;). Its really good, can't wait for the next update!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #4
Chapter 7: Woah jongin dancing is absolutely hawt XD Thanks for updating again!
myungstal01 #5
Chapter 7: Updatee juseyooooo
Cutedongli #6
Chapter 7: Oh updateeee I just read this story and I love it
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 5: Wow... Um... Personally, I think that this cutting thing came in too quickly... But ok? I do like the plot line though. Keep it up!
Sabriel #8
Chapter 5: I love Baekhyun's attitude! It made me laugh cx
Rem_Time_ #9
Chapter 4: Update soon! :)