Chapter 7

You Again...

A/N: Hm, I think that from now on I will probably be sorting out their thoughts by colors. Jongin is blue, and Kyungsoo is regular black just to sort the confusion. Okay Carry on!~

"You're late." 

"I-I-I'm sorry... I fell asleep a-and uh-uhm, you know that's besides the point. Let's just get started." 

"Hm... You'd better not do it again, I don't take too kindly with ditzy queers who attempt to sabotage my reputation, especially in a showcase. I'm letting you slide, just because I need to finish this dance."


~The two boys dance for ages~

The two worked up a sweat, and it was going swimmingly. It was actually pretty alright, teaching Kyungsoo to be y and slick with his movements. They spent a total of two hours fixing choreography and dancing. The dancing room was now full with sweat and heat and the boys decided to let the air in a bit. Somehow they ended up outside sitting on the school steps. gazing at the stars. 

Wow, this kid learns pretty fast. If I'd met him at a concert and he was performing I'd think that he'd be a professional. 

Without knowing, Jongin caught himself staring at the boy who had his owl-shaped eyes glued to the ground. 

"Uhhh, Jongin is there something that you want?" questioned the naive smaller boy.  

"Nope. Just looking in digust carry on," he said while handing the other boy a towel for his sweat. 

The smaller boy smacked away the towel and glared at Jongin with piercing eyes, as if he was judging the other boy's soul and preparing him for damnation.... It was almost scary. 

"Okay, now we need to finish the dance. Let's go inside. The recital is in less than 3 weeks, and I'd like to be productive." said Kyungsoo as he stomped away into the building. 

How cute. WAIT. DID I JUST SAY. Hell no. I'm not doing this, after what happened? I dare try to associate myself with those things?

Jongin went back inside the building wiping his sweat from, well.. his whole body. He managed to enter the room without angering Kyungsoo any further. While inside, Jongin thought that the other boy could try some advanced moves that he tried while he was in ballet, it would be difficult, but it could he done. He believed in Kyungsoo's abilities to dance. 

"1 - 2 - 3 -4!" yelled Jongin. 

Kyungsoo fell to his and screamed in frustration. His face was red, his joints hurt, and his body was tired. It was about 10 PM and they were still practicing. 


"No, we will not. We can do this, come on. You're a really good dancer, believe it or not," mumbled Jongin while looking away. 

"I'm a good dancer?" 

"Yeah. Now let's try it again." 

Jongin grasped the boy's hand making him gasp and pulled him in front of his muscular body infront of the mirror in the room.

"Jongin, what the . What are you doi-," blushed Kyungsoo. 

"Just follow my lead." 

They were against each other and Jongin felt Kyungsoo's warm body. He slowly guided his hands to meet Kyungsoo's waist and his hands, to show him the steps slowly. Amazingly, Kyungsoo learned the steps in one go with Jongin guiding him. 

"Oh uhm, thanks...," said Kyungsoo. 

"No problem at all, now let's listen to that song you have?" 

"Wait, but it's like near 11:00 right now, can't we just do it later?" whined the owl-eyed boy. 

"Kyungsoo," growled Jongin. 

"OKAY, FINE. If I'm angry and PMS in the morning, it's going to be your fault." 

Honestly, this guy shows absolutely no appreciation, we did enough and now I have to sing for him, who does he think he is? AND WHY DID I BLUSH EARLIER. Sure, he's totally y. And hot. and cute... an- STOP. He's a jackass is what he is, wait did he just call me Kyungsoo? NEVERMIND. I should just sign or he'll growl at me again. 

Kyungsoo opened up his mouth and began singing:

She’s my baby saehayan geu son kkeute

Nogabeorin syokollatte you’re walking into my door, oh yeah!

She’s my baby nunbusin ni ipsure

Ppajyeobeorin naneun noye i’m running into your heart, oh yeah!

Jom deo neol naege boyeojwo


Dan han beondo neukkil su eopdeon dalkomhan hamoni

Don’t be too late!

Jongin immersed himself in the melodious voice, It was like a slice of heaven within one voice. His tone was so crisp and clean, and his notes.. were salvation itself. Jongin had no idea that this small petite boy had such a nice, smooth, powerful voice.

He's amazing. I never knew he had a voice like that. He could easily beat out the glee club all put together with his sole voice. I'm totally not letting him know that I think he has something going for him. Just play it off. 

"So how was it?"

"Ehh, it was alright, but it could use some work," said Jongin.

"WHAT. ARE. YOU- Nevermind, fine." said Kyungsoo in an irritated tone. 

It was around 11:30 by then, and the pair totally forgot that the rooms are automatically locked once the janitor sweeps around by 11. 

"Oh no, Jongin... did you tell the janitor that we were in here?"

"Uhhhh, you want the lie or the truth." 


Kyungsoo immediately ran towards the door and yanked it multiple times, while screaming for help. 

"No ones going to hear you. There's no use in trying. We're stuck in here."

Screw you. I'm going to get out of here. After what you've done to me, and you were sweet to me this one day how could you possibly be trusted? 

Kyungsoo's mind filled with all the possibiities that could happen in this very room.

There are 3 scenarios that could come out of this. Scenerio A involves breaking down the doors and paying/risking suspension all for the damage. Hell no. I didn't get into this school just to get kicked out for the sake of this asswipe. Scenerio B involves Jongin vigorously punching Kyungsoo beating the out of him, and resulting in cutting. Probably. I'll have to keep my guard up until morning for someone to open the door. Scenerio C... Staying in this room. Sleeping here with him. NOPE. WHO KNOWS. HE COULD ME. (Not that I'm complaining of course.... YES I AM.)

Despite how "close" the two were during their practice, he couldn't let down his guard. After all, if it was thought about it was Jongin's fault in the first place for sending him to the infirmary, which made him late in the first place. The two awkwardly sat far away from each other, they were separated across the room with Kyungsoo closest to the door just incase he needed to make a run for it. The time passed onwards with the two exchanging stares every so often. After about 1 AM, the two were still awake, but Kyungsoo was slowly falling asleep. To prevent it, he started humming, but it just made him even more sleepy. Jongin, with his sharp hearing, heard the tunes coming from Kyungsoo and his eyes drooping. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and collapsed, but he didn't land on the floor. He landed into Jongin who ran over seeing the boy collapse. 

You're so stupid, you know that? 

A/N: OKAY. WELPS. Sorry, I feel like this chapter was really bad. Don't get fooled with Jongin's so called "sweetness" moment here, he's going to do some pretty horrible things later on. HURRAY FILL THIS CHAPTER WITH FLUFF SO THE LANDING FROM THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SO MUCH SOFTER. Alright, that's all for today. Thanks for subscribing, by the way! 40+ subscribers? That's great guys. Thanks so much! <3 Oh and credits to for using their lyrics! The link:




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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 8: Oh mah gahd Jongin's got the feels doesn't he >:) Thanks for the update again!
Chapter 8: Pls update soon!!! I hope jongin don't hurt kyungsoo too much I still don't know the reason why Jongin being like this:(
yousra19 #3
Chapter 8: Thx for the update ;). Its really good, can't wait for the next update!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #4
Chapter 7: Woah jongin dancing is absolutely hawt XD Thanks for updating again!
myungstal01 #5
Chapter 7: Updatee juseyooooo
Cutedongli #6
Chapter 7: Oh updateeee I just read this story and I love it
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 5: Wow... Um... Personally, I think that this cutting thing came in too quickly... But ok? I do like the plot line though. Keep it up!
Sabriel #8
Chapter 5: I love Baekhyun's attitude! It made me laugh cx
Rem_Time_ #9
Chapter 4: Update soon! :)