A/N: Not A Chapter SORRY. D:

You Again...

So guys, it's been pretty long like 6 months? LOL. I'm sooooo sorrry! I honestly was thinking on just quitting this story...  like seriously, but life has been a roller coaster in the past few months, as well as finals in this upcoming week, but please don't give up on me yet! I'm not dead, and I'll probably update tommorow, so please expect a chapter!~ I won't give up and once again I'm really sorry. I've just been really busy lately, but I'll try to update tommorow. :) Thanks for reading this guys, and I hope I can please you in the following chapters to come~. 


Sunbae. <3 

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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 8: Oh mah gahd Jongin's got the feels doesn't he >:) Thanks for the update again!
Chapter 8: Pls update soon!!! I hope jongin don't hurt kyungsoo too much I still don't know the reason why Jongin being like this:(
yousra19 #3
Chapter 8: Thx for the update ;). Its really good, can't wait for the next update!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #4
Chapter 7: Woah jongin dancing is absolutely hawt XD Thanks for updating again!
myungstal01 #5
Chapter 7: Updatee juseyooooo
Cutedongli #6
Chapter 7: Oh updateeee I just read this story and I love it
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 5: Wow... Um... Personally, I think that this cutting thing came in too quickly... But ok? I do like the plot line though. Keep it up!
Sabriel #8
Chapter 5: I love Baekhyun's attitude! It made me laugh cx
Rem_Time_ #9
Chapter 4: Update soon! :)