Chapter 6

You Again...


As the teacher announced the concert with Jongin and Kyungsoo as the planners, poor little squishy knew he was screwed from the start. The whole class started whispering in response to the announcement as everyone in the class practically knew about the cliche bully and new boy relationship. The talking and whispers filled the room until there was a loud screeching protest from none other than Baekhyun himself.

"'Seonsaeng! This is impossible, you can't pair these two dysfunctional people together? Did you fall down the stairs or perhaps eat something bad? YOU'RE NOT ING SERIOUS ARE YOU?"

"BAEKHYUN. Watch your mouth, boy. You seem to have forgotten who's in charge here, and it's certainly not you. One snap of a finger and I can send you to the principal's office on your way to an expulsion!" yelled the professor. 

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me... -whispers- jackass.."  

There's got to be a way out of this... This... This can't possibly be right. He's going to stress me out to no end while hurting me in the process... Whatever, it's not like he's not done it before, you know how the deal with this. 

Kyungsoo thought about the earlier events with the bloody knife, and a clap from the teacher snapped him out of his thoughts. He thought of what he could possibly do with a liability like Jongin on his team. How would he possibly succeed in a successful show with a stupid delinquent. Suddenly the bell rang and the class period was over with the students leaving one after the other, and Kyungsoo immediately ran to Baekhyun who had been sent to the corner of the room for his previous outburst. 

"Is the teacher serious? Me with Jongin? We can't work together, it's almost just as bad as eating rotten squid." said Kyungsoo in the most revolting manner possible. 

As Kyungsoo barely finished his sentence, he was yanked by his future partner. Jongin looked at him in disgust then smirked as he saw an opportunity to pick on the younger boy. 

"Heh, what did you say you ? If anyone is as disgusting as that nasty- rotten squid you're talking about it's you. Besides, I bet your singing voice is trash as well as your choice in songs. My dancing is so good that it'll put you to shame, let's to hoping you leave this school over it."

"Why are you so fixed on having me leaving this school? Did I have such an effect on you already? Or are you just so insecure that you can't handle yourself?And you think you can handle someone like me?"

Jongin's smirk dissapeared from his face as he pinned Kyungsoo to a nearby wall. He grabbed his collar so hard that Jongin's hand turned pale, and pummeled the smaller boy. One to the stomach, one to the chest, and three to the face. After he was done with the boy, he dropped Kyungsoo to the ground and spit on him multiple times. The stronger man then turned to the blond boy in the corner and gave him quite a couple of bruises as well. 

"I can handle someone like you, are you sure it's not the other way around? I would watch your speech and tone when you're talking to me next time. You think that suddenly that you have this blond as a friend that you're the in this school? Know your place, I rule this school not you. You're worthless. Even lower than dirt. DON'T FORGET IT." 

"What a , Ah, Kyungie, let's get you to the infirmary. You need it more than I do. Don't worry. He's the worthless one."

Kyungsoo felt the tears down his eyes as the words replayed in his mind. They streamed down his pale face making it shine like a glistening river.

"You're worthless." "You're worthless." "You're worthless." Maybe I am worthless... Maybe this is what I deserve.

The two leaned on each other for support as they walked to the infirmary. They decided not to go to their next periods and skip it. Kyungsoo ended up covering up his sadness for the sake of his best friend and put on a happy face for a while, but Baekhyun could tell. Kyungsoo ended up crying for quite some time, until he couldn't cry anymore. Later, the two boys enjoyed each other's company as they laughed, hit each other, and smiled. For the first time, Kyungsoo didn't feel completely alone. During that time, Baekhyun ended up falling soundly asleep. Kyungsoo sat alone, and grinned at his sleeping friend. 

Who knew a hospital could take you through so many emotions at once? It's like friggen Pandora's box in here, but at least I know Baekhyun is practically my brother. You're such a loser, but thanks for having my back. You're going to be one of those lifelong friends I hear in the stories my parents used to tell me right? At least, I hope so. 

Suddenly, a pompous, commanding voice filled the room. Kyungsoo recognized it immediately. It's Jongin. 

"Uh, excuse me nurse, I'm looking for Do Kyungsoo. Ah, thank you very much."

-eyerolls- Who knew this guy could be a respectable person when it comes down to it. 

"Alright listen, we're going to do this separately. You don't interfere with my work and I won't interfere with yours. We'll meet up, but we won't stay in the same room together alright? I don't want you getting the wrong idea, I don't like you. I need to finish this project or my parental units would kill me, so just do what I say.  7:00pm. Dance studio as a recording room in the back. I'll see you there."

"B-b-but... I'm injured... Can't we do it later." 

"Well, that's a damn shame, You're going to be there or you'll expect to be in this infirmary next week." said Jongin as he walked out the door. 

Kyungsoo screamed in frustration, leading to all the nurses looking at him with the strangest looks ever. He looked at this stupid friend still snoring with his boxers out and drooling while hugging a pillow. 

How the hell did you sleep through that? Byun Baekhyun... you're really something else. 

Little did he know, Kyungsoo ended up dosing off too. He was dead tired after his confrontation with Jackass Galore. Later, he woke up and looked at the time above his nursing bed.  7:15 PM. The two things running through his head: 1) . . . JONGIN IS GOING TO KILL ME, NO THOROUGHLY STAB ME 20 TIMES AND SLIT MY THROAT, AND CHEW ME OUT. 2) He wants himself a sammich. Kyungsoo didn't eat all day. 

He stumbled down the hallway and stopped by the dance studio onto his right. He walked in as a muscular figure was gracefully dancing. His crisp moves, his broad shoulders, the crotch grabs, all together made Kyungsoo gulp as if he's looking at that sandwhich he wanted earlier. The figure turned around and wiped multiple sweat beads off his forehead.  

"You're late." 

A/N: ALRIGHT. HERE YOU GO. I'm supposed to be studying for a semester final tommorow, but I owe you guys something, and I'm also too lazy to study anyway soooooo, here. LOL. Thanks for reading and not giving up on me guys. <3



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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 8: Oh mah gahd Jongin's got the feels doesn't he >:) Thanks for the update again!
Chapter 8: Pls update soon!!! I hope jongin don't hurt kyungsoo too much I still don't know the reason why Jongin being like this:(
yousra19 #3
Chapter 8: Thx for the update ;). Its really good, can't wait for the next update!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #4
Chapter 7: Woah jongin dancing is absolutely hawt XD Thanks for updating again!
myungstal01 #5
Chapter 7: Updatee juseyooooo
Cutedongli #6
Chapter 7: Oh updateeee I just read this story and I love it
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 5: Wow... Um... Personally, I think that this cutting thing came in too quickly... But ok? I do like the plot line though. Keep it up!
Sabriel #8
Chapter 5: I love Baekhyun's attitude! It made me laugh cx
Rem_Time_ #9
Chapter 4: Update soon! :)