Chapter 1

You Again...

"Huh, Room 304. This is it Kyungsoo. Your new life starts here. Hwaiting!" cheered Kyungsoo as he raised up his fist. 

It was the year of 2014, and Kyungsoo had just transferred to Seoul Academy and the exhilaration of learning  was literally seeping throughout his entire body. Back in Busan, he didn't really have the educational opportunity that other kids had received. His mother passed away during labor, while his father was an alcoholic that left him when he was 7. He was alone, but managed to live off the streets for about 3 years until he was taken to a foster home. There, he studied hard and eventually he transferred into a dorm and started working part-time working at a cafe in order to pay off his living expenses. He began unpacking when he realized that he needed his schedule in order to get to his class tomorrow.Kyungsoo walked out of his room to find a petite man with blond hair wearing eyeliner. His hair was so much lighter and his eyes gleamed and looked normal unlike his own owl-shaped eyes. 

"Hello there! I'm Byun Baekhyun. I'm your advisor for the time being until you think you have the hang of how things work around here. It's very nice to meet you!" said the man while holding out his hand.

Kyungsoo accepted the rather soft hand and began darting around the room in an attempt to find his schedule.

"Uhh, anything you need...I'm sorry I don't think you told me your name!" said Baekhyun with a grin. 

"Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. S-s-sorry! I'm trying to find my schedule... I know I left it here somewhere..." said the boy. 

"Ah, well you can go to the main office down the corner and to your left and you should be able to find the Main Office. Ask them to print out a copy for you." 

"Oh really? Thanks! I guess I'll be catching you around then!" exclaimed Kyungsoo as he darted out of the room to get to the main office. 

"Geez, that boy is going to need a lot of help. He even forgot to close his door..." said the advisor as he giggled. "Well, I suppose that's what I'm here for." sighed Baekhyun as he closed the new student's door. 

Kyungsoo made it to the Main Office, just as his advisor had instructed. He was going crazy with the unfamilar surroundings. Busan was never like this. 

I guess there's a first for everything, I just hope it wont be as frustrating as what I've seen in my highschool dramas. 

After the long amount of waiting, he finally got his schedule. He walked back looking at his classes while he walked not looking at where he was going. 

"Ow. Watch it twerp. Some of us are actually trying to get to a destination without bumping into people." said an unfamilar voice. 

Kyungsoo raised his head higher and saw a tanned-man much taller than he was. He was lean, fit, and had chiseled features. His hair shined from the product that had been used. Most of all, Kyungsoo couldn't help looking at the muscles on the man's side and gulped. 

He looks hot. Like one of the men on Men's Health. The epitome of masculinity. Am I blushing? GODDAMMIT, I'm blushing. 

Kyungsoo lowered his head and saw the stranger's name tag. 


"Creep. Get out of my way." said the man while shoving the smaller out of his path. 

This is totally like a drama. sigggh. 

Kyungsoo made his way back to his room to see that Baekhyun was still infront of his door.


Kyungsoo yelled, "I'm sorry! I will work harder!" 

"Alright, good job. I have to go now, but remember to sleep early, brush your teeth, and study hard. Okay?" 

Kyungsoo nodded and walked into his dorm and shut the door. He went to eat his dinner, he was starving after all the runs that he made. After that, he spent quite a lot of time watching Pororo, his favorite show. Eventually, he got into his bed and thought about the events that day. 

Hmmm... This day was... interesting? I should probably be sleeping now. I have work and the first day of school is tomorrow. Although, that strange man in the hallway was pretty y if I do say so myself. 

He ended up think about Jongin more than he would have liked. Kyungsoo fell asleep with his thoughts only on the boy named Jongin. Until he woke up the next day and realized one thing. 

He didn't unpack. 


A/N: OMG. WHAT DID I JUST WRITE. -dies in embarassment- I feel like this chapter was horrible. T^T. UGHHHGAHHH I'm a bad writer. lol. I hope you enjoyed anyway. ;D



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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 8: Oh mah gahd Jongin's got the feels doesn't he >:) Thanks for the update again!
Chapter 8: Pls update soon!!! I hope jongin don't hurt kyungsoo too much I still don't know the reason why Jongin being like this:(
yousra19 #3
Chapter 8: Thx for the update ;). Its really good, can't wait for the next update!!!
fangrlxbecky19 #4
Chapter 7: Woah jongin dancing is absolutely hawt XD Thanks for updating again!
myungstal01 #5
Chapter 7: Updatee juseyooooo
Cutedongli #6
Chapter 7: Oh updateeee I just read this story and I love it
fangrlxbecky19 #7
Chapter 5: Wow... Um... Personally, I think that this cutting thing came in too quickly... But ok? I do like the plot line though. Keep it up!
Sabriel #8
Chapter 5: I love Baekhyun's attitude! It made me laugh cx
Rem_Time_ #9
Chapter 4: Update soon! :)