confessing ....

~ Beastly ~

It's been 3 weeks. Junsu and I have been together everyday just hanging out. I can't even hide the fact i love him. I made a comment when we were cooking.......Lets just say my cheek hurts.

~ 2 hours ago ~

' i want chicken!?' 'ok jae we'll make chicken' 'We can grill it and make rice too.' 'Chicken n white rice???' 'uh no ...well i have spanish friends and they taught me how to make rice how they do.' 'oh ok, i've never had spanish food.....but i can try it' 'ok'

'hey su?' 'yea?' 'how would you feel if i liked you more than a friend?' junsu fliched a bit but quickly acted like it didnt startle him. He kept cooking without facing me. 'um, what do you mean?' ' well, i like i love you' 'hahahaha jae stop joking' junsu was blushing lyk mad he was a tomatoe.

I stopped talking and just let him finish cooking. 'This is sooooo good!' 'thanks jae its a smiple dish really' 'but it's so good, glad i can have a guy that can cook' Junsu choked on his rice and i couldnt help but laugh. 's-stop joking jae it's not funny' I stopped laughing and got close to him 'Who said i was joking' i kissed him a peck at first than i kissed him again and it got deep.

SU p.o.v

wtf, why did jae have to say that

Jeez why did i fall for him, i can't do this i dont even know him.

Jae p.o.v

I dont have much time to find "love" Junsu hasn't fallen for me ....right?

no one p.o.v

The two were in love with each other but neither felt brave enough to admit it. Jae only has 2 months left.


Jae and Junsu start their lazy day by eating breakfast, than just sit around all day. Junsu was flusterd alot during the day, Jae noticed. Jae was enjoying the blushing junsu. They cooked together again, Jae did everything to make junsu blush lyk mad. Jae grabbed Junsu by the waist and leaned into him and kissed him head. Junsu felt amazing because he was being held.

Junsu p.o.v

Gah! jae always makes me get flusterd and hot. I need to know where we stand. 'Jae?....' 'yea su?' 'what are we?...what is this?' 'what do you mean?' 'like....are we dating are we just friends?' 'Su i told you the last night i loved you right?' 'I....I..cant do this, i know nothing about you i cant just give you my feelings without knowing more about you or anything.' 'Su, You know obviously, That my appearance isn't everyones expectations. I am hidieous according to people so i never go out. well i havent been here that much longer than you.'

'ok, but appearance doesnt matter to me. Where are you going with this?' ' well this might sound crazy but i was cursed. I used to be my schools flower boy, I could get any guy or girl i wanted. Since i was so careless about hurting and judging others karma came back and well i played a prank on someone who made me look like this. I really hope that you can forgive me after i tell you this...i really didnt mean to lie and i know that you know this name i am about to tell you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.' jae was on his knees crying and begging, junsu was beyond confused so he held a sobbing jae and said it's ok.

'I am Kim Jaejoong, the flower boy at the school you went to before you had to come here.' ' What.....the....i thought.....' 'please don't be angry, please forgive me....' ' lied to me.....i began to trust you but i am soooo glad that you told me the truth before i actually let you in my heart.....' junsu got up and stared at jae before running into his room.

Jae sat up the whole night crying, While Junsu did the same thing in his room.


Hello! ....well hope you like the story so far will be coming to an end in about idk maybe 2-4 more chapters......we'll see. Thank you for the comments and for Subcribing!! ...Comment are loved!!....... k bye (:

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smileysgoboing #1
It's a good movie/concept, but make sure you're not plagiarising!
Ri-kun #2
Im surprised im the first one to comment. I loved this movie and it sounds like an awesome story so far. PLEASE update soon! I wanna read more! ^__^