define conceited and confident

L O V E takes time...

Narrators POV: Dulce and Kat were watching SHINee videos on Youtube.

“Hey Dulce, Do you want to go to a SHINee concert?” I randomly asked

“Well duh, what kind of question is that? I want to see my future husband!” Dulce shouted with excitement

“Mmm how is he your future husband when you couldn’t even talk to him the other day?”

“HEY! Do not bring up the past!”

“Um the past was yesterday…”

“Well I can’t be like you. I can’t talk to the guys I like.”

“And why not?”

“Because I just can’t I’m way too shy.”

“Sometimes I wish I were shy, I don’t know how to compose myself in front of the guys I like.”

“We should totally go to Seoul!”

“HA you are funny.”

“No I’m serious. I’ve always wanted to go.”

“So you can stalk SHINee and Lee Minho?”

“… NO! To try real Korean food and stuff! Gosh! You make it seem like I’m obsessed.”

“Coming from a girl who wants to have Asian husbands since like sophomore year…”

“HEY! at least I’m not the one putting the Korean celebs last name as mine.”

“Dude, you did it once too.”

“Oh yeah… NOT the point!”

“Anyway should we really go?”

“DUH!!! What kind of question is that?”

“Then get your laptop and let’s book a flight. I’m going to bring my cousin Aesha along so she can keep you company…”

“YES ANOTHER SHAWOL! How awesome is that?”

I gave her a dirty look and continued looking up flights for us.


Narrators POV: Joon and Thunder were going through his yearbook.

“Awe that note that she wrote was cute.” Thunder commented.

“What note?” Joon asked with a confused expression.

“You’ve never seen it?”

“No, seniors skipped on the last day, so I didn’t see her.”

“Well then I wonder how she wrote in here.”

I started to read the note and it was about the first day we met.

“You were mean to her! You ditched her on the first day of school.” Thunder blurted

“It wasn’t intentionally.”

“So then how do you ditch someone on accident?”

I just ignored him and continued going through the yearbook.

“So you decide if you are inviting her to come visit you?” Thunder mentioned

“No. I don’t think it’s best if she comes.”

“Fine. You’re going to feel so dumb when someone asks her out.”

“Ha! She’ll drop them in a heartbeat just for me.”

“A conceited man you are?” Thunder noted

“I’m NOT conceited I’m just CONFIDENT. There’s a difference.”

“Okay, could you define them for me?” Thunder remarked

“GO get a dictionary!”

“My point exactly.”

I got annoyed so I threw a pillow at him and went to sit with the guys.

Narrators POV: Dulce, Kat, and Dulce finally arrived in South Korea. They sat in the hotel because they didn’t know where to go or do.

“So what should we do?” Aesha questioned.

“Let’s go out to eat or something.” Kat replied

“Yeah maybe we will get to see all these Korean celebrities!” Dulce predicted

My POV: I decided to call Key because I didn’t know anyone else here except Joon but I didn’t feel like talking to him.

Ring Ring Ring

Key: Hi Kat

Kat: Hey Key guess what?

Key: You’re in Seoul?

Kat: How did you know?

Key: why else would you call me?

Kat: Uh to say Hello?

Key: So where’s your hotel so I could get you?

Kat: Um I brought my two friends is that okay?

Key: Yes as long as they aren’t crazy shawols.

I got quiet for a few seconds and just looked at the phone.

Kat: no they’re normal like me.

Key: okay, get ready I’m coming to get you

“Hey get ready, we’re going out.” I instructed

“Where are we going?” Aesha demanded

“I really don’t care as long as we leave this hotel.” Whined Dulce

“I know you two will really love it.” I reassured them


Narrator POV: Kat was expecting Key to get them but it was SHINee’s driver instead. They went to SMent dance studio.

“YAY! We’re going to learn how to dance?” Aesha’s voice squeaked from excitement.

“NO WAY! KEY and MINHO!” Dulce screamed

“Hey calm down, I told Key that you two weren’t crazy shawols, now try to compose yourself.”

“Sorry, we’ll calm down” Aesha trying to reassure me.

“Thanks. Now let’s go in.”

They walked into the dance studio and SHINee was dancing to their song “HELLO” Dulce and Aesha tried their best not to scream and go crazy. Kat wanted to laugh because she could see it in their face that they were trying so hard to be calm.

“Umm I would like you to meet my friend Kat.” Said Key

They all greeted me and I just smiled and waved.

“AHEM!” Dulce and Aesha nudge me on the arm.

“Oh and this is Dulce and Aesha.” Kat stated

“Um uh HI!” they both said in unison

“I have somewhere to go so I’ll be right back okay?” Kat declared

“Where are you going?” Dulce asked worriedly

“I forgot to get some cash I’ll be back.”

She quickly said bye to everyone then stormed off.

My POV: I didn’t want to tell them I went to see MBLAQ. I figured SHINee was too much of an excitement. I walked into their record label but I got stopped by security. I didn’t know what to do until I realized I had a picture of Joon and me together.

“How do I know you didn’t edit this picture?” asked the guard

“I don’t even know how to use the software. It’s a real picture.” I replied

“You’re probably a crazy fan. I think you should leave.”

“Ugh my Korean I don’t know how to say much.” I said to myself. “PLEASE LET ME IN! LEE JOON AND I USED TO BE FRIENDS”

“You’re funny. You have to leave.” The guard grabbed my arm and I kicked him.

“She’s okay I know her.”

I didn’t know who said that I looked up and gave him a confused look. He grabbed my hands and lead me.

“Um you don’t know me?” I said bluntly.

“I heard about you.” his English was cute because of his accent. “My name is Thunder.”

“Oh that’s why you looked so familiar.”

“I’m happy Joon invited you.”

“He didn’t invite me? I came on my own.”


We both walked into the studio and when one person stopped dancing everyone stopped.

“Kat?” Joon questioned with a super shocked look


I just stood there with a smile and it got awkward.

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Chapter 7: i think this so nice and interest ! thank you for write !
sunnyvpz #2
i love ur story ^0^ i hope you can make a sequel !!! ^-^
lol omg cutee !! lol Aesha's pov was really me. you know your nong too well :) hurry and make a sequal I'll be waiting :D Yeah !! AESHA & DONGHO ARE GREAT <33
hahah yesss joon and kids! ;] i had to end it! it was getting to long ;p
IT ENDED!! why? lol. xD<br />
I LOVE THIS FIC.. and YOU.. ESPECIALLY JOON. lol! (:<br />
Hehe <33<br />
love the ending.. "KIDS!!" heck yeah! THE MOMENT JOON HAS BEEN WAITING FOR! lol! :DD
omg !! LOL this is my favorite chapter !! I was laughing !! Lmao ^_^ i wanna read bout dongho & key but this was seriously funny ! :D
LMAO!! gahh, this is so funny. haha, HECK YESH HE'S SLEEPING ON THE COUCH! lmao.. FUNNY. FUNNY! ahah! oh gahh, I thought I was going to die of laughters. GUESS NOT! =P lol; xD